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text 2021-06-13 08:24



A Young Woman, a Camera, an Uncompromising Ethic

June 13-17

Download your copy now at




Young, talented, ambitious, Freyja Brynjarrson’s a photographer struggling to crash the art establishment, the challenges presented by her family, and keep true to her uncompromising ethic.

Fate places her on the front line of a political demonstration where soldiers open fire on civilians. She photographs death for the first time and the intensity makes everything she’s done previously in art and life seem inconsequential.

The current government is concerned these highly charged images could sway the voters against them. With a closely contested election only three days away, they’re doing whatever they can to attempt to suppress their publication. But someone far more unscrupulous than government spin-doctors also wants these images destroyed.

Gunnar Brynjarrson, Freyja’s eldest brother is the head of an illegal narcotics empire. He’s concerned about the opposition party’s platform to decriminalize drugs. His sister’s photographs could influence the outcome of a close election and put his business in jeopardy.

As events unfold, Freyja slowly becomes aware of the far-reaching impact the billions of narco dollars have on the government, the economy, friends, family and even herself. Something insidious has infected society and like a superbug, it’s resilient, opportunistic and appears as a mutation in the most unexpected places.

Freyja refuses to compromise and is intolerant and unforgiving of those who succumb to this evil or are complicit in their acceptance of it. If she stays at home, she’s afraid she’ll be infected and never attain success on her own terms. She takes an assignment with an international agency photographing the chaos and casualties of Mexico’s drug war. Freyja soon discovers she’s shot only one frame of ‘the big picture’.

The Big Picture focuses on dramatic action, zooms in on political intrigue, and takes a candid snapshot of modern romance. The plot also reveals how narco dollars, overtly and covertly, influence every level of our lives; the wars we fight, the governments we elect, the impact on healthcare, and most importantly and tragically, our personal relationships.


"The plot of The Big Picture, with its twists and reversals of fortune, ...is imaginative and fast moving...extremely compelling. ....characters are diverse, well developed, and real... ...imagery is powerful and fresh. The book is an excellent read and pausing to experience some of the imagery makes it even better."


"The Big Picture is ...a thought-provoking novel that is smartly written with genuine emotional, no holds barred dialogue, and events that will punch you in the heart. - This book was a gem to read and an interesting one at that."

"...a journey of self discovery... a coming-of-age, social thriller... focused on key ethical questions... a creative solution to expose the links of social problems."
Tom Pope - for Bookpleasures

"I like the plot and the plotters...Arni's sense of humor and the dynamics in the Brynjarsson family...Gunnar the druglord, BB the addict, Arni the hedonist, Giordana who rationalizes and Freyja who wants to fight. I like the love story, too. Freyja and Marty with their differences and similarities make a good couple.
... (there are) moral issues in The Big Picture. The drugs, corruption, the way people with beliefs and principles slowly drop them in the treadmill of politics and re-elections. What drug money does to each of the Brynjarssons. Freyja's ethics against Gunnar's power."
- C. Widmann, Goodreads Review


Imaginative and fast moving...extremely compelling...will punch you in the heart.
5 STARS - Readers' Favorite Book Reviews


This is a fascinating novel...adventure, excitement, drug cartels, family issues, romance...themes that are important and questions we sometimes need to ask ourselves.

Judge's commentary - 2nd Annual Writer's Digest Self-Published eBook Awards







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text 2020-09-24 03:13
Pastor Che Ahn - Equipping the Saints Promo

Pastor Ché Ahn - Equipping the Saints (Promo)


In 1984 Ché Ahn was called by God to Los Angeles to see a Great Harvest. He believes that we are in a day and age where every medium is necessary for the Church to carry out this passionate pursuit of the Gospel, and to see God’s people equipped. After much prayer and being led by the Holy Spirit, Ché has chosen 12 powerfully anointed leaders in their sphere of influence to join him on his new TV show, Equipping the Saints with Ché Ahn—premiering Tuesday, July 28 on GOD TV! Tune in weekly to hear stories of signs and wonders, receive biblically sound teachings and powerful insights on a variety of topics, ranging from the prophetic, business, family, education, government and more.

Subscribe for the latest videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKBSe9eCBOKAlf5tp2RcUDg

Stay Connected:

Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/cheahn/

Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/PastorCheAhn/

Twitter | https://twitter.com/che_ahn

Ché Ahn Website | https://cheahn.org/

#harvest rock church

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text 2020-07-09 14:20
How to find Sarkari Exam. Check some facts

Getting a government job is the dream of all candidates who are preparing for government jobs in India. There are a lot of benefits associated with government jobs that lead to a lot of competition due to a lot of applications for all jobs in India. A lot of candidates prepare for government jobs and Sarkari Exams each year in order to fulfill their dreams and get a job in any reputed government organization. 

There are many exams conducting authority in India that release thousands of job vacancies each year but candidates found it very hard to track all jobs and apply before the last date. So we have created newgovjobs.in the web portal which provides the latest and updated information about all Sarkari exams in India.

Types of Exams in India
There are generally two types of Sarkari exams in India.
1-Sarkari Exams conducted by the central government
2- Sarkari Exams conducted by State government

There are a lot of exams conducted each year by the Union Public Service Commission. It is India's one of the biggest employers that provide a lot of job opportunities throughout the year. Some important Sarkari Exams conducted by UPSC are CDS exam that provides an opportunity to become an officer directly in Indian armed forces, NDA exam is also similar to CDS exam just qualification difference. For the NDA exam any 12th pass candidates can apply but for the UPSC CDS exam only graduates candidates can apply, Indian Administrative Services exam, etc.

SSC Exam
SSC is also another biggest employer in terms of the number of candidates hire each year. SSC provides more than 1 lac job opportunities to candidates each year. It is the preferred government organization by Indian job seekers which offer a reputed job along with the lucrative salary package and other benefits. 



Photo by Free To Use Sounds on Unsplash


Popular SSC exams are the  SSC cgl exam which is the very popular exam in India for the candidates who have done their graduation., SSC chsl exam is also similar to the SSC cgl exam an also very popular. To apply for the SSC CHSL exam you must have passed the 12th class exam, SSC jht exam provides an opportunity to become a translator in Central government organizations, SSC Stenographer, and most popular SSC cpo exam which provides an opportunity to become Sub Inspector in Delhi Police or CAPF, etc.

Bank Exam
Bank exam is also provided thousands of job opportunities each year. SBI and IBPS conducted many exams throughout the year and released thousands of vacancies. Some important Bank exams are IBPS clerk exam conducted by IBPS which conducts exams for many Indian government Banks jointly, SBI clerk exam conducted by State Bank of India which is also India's largest Bank employer, IBPS RRB exam Conducted by IBPS which provides an opportunity to join regional and rural Banks in India, IBPS SO exam provides an opportunity to become Specialist Officers in Banks like officers in IT department or officers in Bank database department, etc., SBI PO exam provides the opportunity to become a probationary officer in India's largest public sector bank, IBPS PO exam is similar to SBI PO exam and offers an opportunity to become probationary officers in other government Banks in India, etc

Teaching jobs
Teaching jobs are the biggest job market in India where each state conducts its own exams for Primary and upper primary level teaching vacancy. The central government also conducted a CTET exam for the central level teaching job vacancies. In terms of the number of vacancies Teaching jobs provides maximum job vacancy to Indian job seekers. There are many TET exams conducted each year that provides a teaching vacancy like BTET, TNTET, etc. If you are preparing for Professor or Lecturer position than you may apply for NTA UGC NET or if you have completed your study in the science stream then you can apply for the CSIR UGC NET exam according to the subjects.

If someone doesn't want to do higher study and just start their career than the ITI course is also an option in India. ITI courses provide training in more than 130 trades like Fitter, Electrician, etc and provide the opportunity to apply in any government organization that hires ITI trained candidates. ITI trained candidates can start their own business also. Candidates can also complete the ccc certificate course and start their training institute or any low-level business.


Finally, Thanks for reading. I hope you like this article.

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text 2020-06-23 15:18
Just in case Twitter ever deletes it.

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text 2020-06-14 09:25
UGC NET JRF Admit Card, Eligibility Criteria

It was like finding a needle in a haystack but I did it, I found the one considerably good thing (amongst a huge pile of bad things), COVID-19 epidemic left for the students aspiring to crack the UGC NET exam this year.


The National Testing Agency has extended the date for submission of the online application form for the UGC NET JRF exam from 16.05.2020 to 31.05.2020 and has also postponed the examination (dates are yet to be declared) in lieu of the COVID-19 crisis.


By the end of this blog, you’ll have in-depth information about the following topics. You can click on the topic and directly go to that topic of the blog:


UGC NET JRF Eligibility Criteria 


Even when the date for the submission of the online application form and the examination being postponed, there’s still an eligibility criterion that you need to follow (we can’t get it all, now can we?) to be able to fill the application form.


So let’s talk about the UGC NET JRF eligibility criteria.


It is important to note that if you fail to abide by the UGC NET JRF eligibility criteria you can be disqualified later from the examination. 


These are the few things I’ll cover under the UGC NET JRF eligibility criteria-  

  • Education Qualification  
  • Age limit 
  • Number of attempts
Source: www.anujjindal.in/ugc-net-jrf-admit-card-eligibility-result
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