Short, easy to follow, fairly explanatory, be it basic math or matrix calculations, most of the information is given rather straightforwardly, yet the authors require of the readers more than basic "1+2=3" knowledge and practice in math. However once you're worthy or at least better prepared, those fundamentals of coding and other aspects presented in the book simply unveil almost all of the secrets. How far into the maths you must be to properly understand all the descriptions? If you're in a college working on a math degree or IT degree, the first year of the studies with math introduction would easily give you the upper hand. Otherwise you might need to jump for other books in search of explanations. Whatever the level of your math skills, I'd still highly suggest taking this book. Without preparation you're going to learn more, but life is made the way you learn a bit every single day, it's how it is... Is it worth your money and time? If you're into the topic, I certainly believe so. After all, it's fairly concise yet informative enough to earn a place on your bookshelf.