After more than three years of reading my books any old how, creating a TBR list again has brought on a nice purposeful feeling. And how much nicer if I complete the whole thing ;)
For May 2019, I hope to complete:
- The 7 Hardest Things God Asks a Woman to Do - K Reimer/L Whittle
- 7 Toxic Ideas Polluting Your Mind - Anthony T Selvaggio
- Always On: Language in an Online and Mobile World - Naomi S Baron
- The History of the Ancient World - Susan Wise Bauer
- The Words of Martin Luther King, Jr (ed. Coretta Scott King)
- The Magician's Nephew - C S Lewis
- The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe - C S Lewis
- Glass Houses - Louise Penny
- The Circular Staircase - Mary Roberts Rinehart
- Snowdrift and Other Stories - Georgette Heyer
Seven of these are from my paid TBR, and would be a score if I can finish them. The Louise Penny I'm very late in reading; when it first came out I wasn't in a good reading mindset and before I knew it another book had come out, and still another is due later this year in August. At least I have time to catch up without rushing.
The Georgette Heyer collection of stories was a serendipitous library find just now. I don't own it (I think that's the only one) but I've been waiting for a sale before I buy it. It came to mind as I was finalizing my TBR list. I checked my library, thinking no way they would have it but the little doubter was not rewarded, a happy turn of affairs. I know what I'll be doing tonight ;)
What are you most looking forward to reading this month?