Man-eating dinosaurs and handsome soldiers and 7' (2+ meters) aliens and sex and shooting and secret headquarters and spies and sex and poison and alien beehive and explosions and sex and Earth in mortal danger and rumble in the jungle and sex.... and... and....
PS Don't look too close at the plot or it will start ripping at the seams. Otherwise nice action flick:)
Nothing here about forced breeding or even remotely (human) mpreg. No non/dub con either.
Breeding stations are planets where a common enemy of two races breeds monsters/dinosaurs to unleash on unsuspecting planets and destroy local population. MC hunts the super crazy GMO dinosaurs and engages - on a regular basis - in mind boggling sex with tall, handsome, uber possessive and extremely well equipped Onri-like (Claimings, Tails, and Other Alien Artifacts) alien mate. What's not to love? :D
The book is campy and fun and it has a giant alien with a very capable tail.
4.5 stars. A little bit of mush-and-feels talk in the middle was a half star off for me.
This book is C-wA_A-a-Z-YY!
Feels like Times Square, honestly :D
The sheer amount of cultural references is mind-boggling.
Praetor Judy made it into this book :)
And I kept comparing Kol'daar to Cass (no actual mention of Supernatural, darn it!) - a bad-ass when he wants to be, but cute and adorable and kind and sometimes clueless.
Yes, Ozzy made it, too! And the Dove!
And, damn, talking about Mr. Crowley on that album!
Anyway, the story was heading for full 11 stars when things started going south around the last 20%, or after the Final Battle to be precise. Maybe during it's final half-hour, too. That's when the author quit crazy and spontaneous, turned on a drone and started explaining and over-explaining and then ex-plai-ning-to-death and then some just to drive the final nail in.
After the report filing at the gingerbread castle I skimmed through the rest of the pages. The story got sappy and it dragged out for more than it had to.
In the end I was left feeling a bit unbalanced. The badassery turned to sap, the unpredictable and unexplained turned into dissecting everything under a microscope. I really didn't care about the Song or Music Magic or how Nunzio's disability worked.
ALSO - The Burrito Incident. Someone specifically targeted Nunzio. Why? Never explained.
So, I am cutting 6.5 stars off for all the un- and over-explained instances and giving this book 4.5 stars.
Recommended :D