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review 2020-06-08 15:06
Continuum (Chronicles of the Harekaiian Book 3) - Shanna Lauffey

by Shanna Lauffey


This episode really kicks the series into gear. Marcus gets a lot of character development and both he and Kallie broaden their travels to places that the author has obviously been to and knows well.


There's a lot of excitement and firepower in this one. I don't want to give spoilers but we get to travel through multiple states and move right into the enemy's den. There's more demonstration of the potential of short term time travel and ways it can be used to get away with all sorts of things.


An amazing adventure in a series that just keeps getting better with every installment!

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url 2020-06-08 08:24
How to Replace a Canon TS3122 Ink Cartridge?

Canon Printers are the absolute generally advanced and easy to use Printing Machines. These are touchy gadgets that may neglect to act without Canon TS3122 Ink Cartridge. As it were, both the Color and Black Cartridge must work consummately. For this reason, it consequently alarms you for supplanting it when the Ink Level exhausts. Thusly, you should promptly supplant it with another arrangement of indicated Cartridges. Likewise, guarantee to secure it from a dependable and legitimate source.

Precautionary measures With Canon TS3122 Ink Cartridge

  • It is basic to supplant the Cartridge following expelling an unfilled one. You can’t leave the Printer without it for a time of more than 10 minutes.
  • Additionally, quickly introduce the Cartridge in the wake of expelling it’s bundling. On the off chance that you neglect to do as such, it’s Ink will dry out. This may harm the Printer.
  • Make a point to Install all the Canon Ink Cartridges so as to guarantee your Printer’s legitimate working.
  • Guarantee that you never introduce a pre-owned cartridge as it might prompt stopped up spouts. Thusly, it will neglect to caution you about supplanting its Ink.
  • Never contact the Cartridges’ Electrical Contacts or Printhead Nozzle.
  • During the substitution procedure, be cautious about Ink Stains and Spoilage.

Replace a Canon TS3122 Ink Cartridge

  1. In the first place, turn on your Printer so as to supplant the Canon TS3122 Ink Cartridge.
  2. Find the Printer’s Paper Output Tray and its Extension. Withdraw them.
  3. Open the Printer Cover. With this, its Printhead Holder will begin moving. Subsequently, hang tight for it to rest in its Replacement Position. Here, guarantee that you don’t interfere with the development. Likewise, never constrain it.
  4. Other than that, likewise, guarantee not to leave it open for over 10 minutes. On the off chance that it occurs, the Cartridge Holder will move to the extreme left. Thus, a blunder will happen. All things considered, essentially close the cover and revive it.
  5. Presently, tenderly push down the Canon TS3122 Ink Cartridge. Press it until you hear the snap sound twice.
  6. From there on, cautiously segregate the Ink Cartridge. At that point, appropriately dispose of it as per nearby laws and guidelines.
  7. Along these lines, draw out another Canon TS3122 Ink Cartridge. Cautiously expel it from its bundling.
  8. Dispose of its defensive tapes appropriately. Be cautious with it to keep away from Ink Stains or Spillage. Never shake the Cartridge.
  9. Here, it is imperative to quickly dispose of the evacuated defensive tapes with most extreme consideration. Likewise, guarantee that you never reattach the tape in the wake of expelling it.
  10. Your Printer requires both the Color and Black Cartridge. Consequently, you should Install them two appropriately. Make a point to Install the Color Cartridge in the Left Slot. So also, the Black one must be introduced in the Right Slot.
  11. Presently, embed the Cartridge into the Cartridge Holder at an inclination position. Additionally, guarantee that it doesn’t hit the Holder’s Electrical Contacts. You should push the Canon TS3122 Ink Cartridge in and up. Make a point to do it solidly yet cautiously. You will hear a ticking sound when it fits into its right position.
  12. From that point forward, appropriately close the Paper Output Cover.

Set up The Printer After The Installation

  • When you have appropriately supplanted the Canon TS3122 Ink Cartridge, set up the Printer for its legitimate working.
  • The Printer will naturally begin cleaning its Printhead. This will require some investment. In any case, ensure that you don’t perform different tasks during this procedure.
  • Alongside that, you should adjust the Printhead on the off chance that it isn’t adjusted.
  • While playing out these strategies, your Printer will make clamor which is typical.
Source: setup-canon.com/ijsetup
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review 2020-06-04 12:45
The Other Einstein
The Other Einstein: A Novel - Marie Benedict

by Marie Benedict


This is Historical Fiction, but based on a real person who was the first wife of Albert Einstein and one of the few women of her time to have an education in Physics. Her name was Mileva Marić.


The story is told in first person and for me seemed very realistic, showing Mileva's background, interaction with parents and thoughts about achieving her educational ambitions, as well as her cultural influences in dealing with expectations for women, the interest of Albert Einstein, and her treatment at the Polytecnic in Switzerland where she studied as well as her belief that a foot deformity made her 'unmarriageable'.


I found the author's voice very engaging and soon got caught up in her tale, even looking up a few mentions of Mileva's life on Wikipedia. The story is mostly fiction based on bare bones scaffolding of known facts, yet it felt very plausible all the way through. Albert's personality came across as witty and charming in the beginning and I half fell in love with him myself, but later in the story he becomes an unsympathetic character which might be less than fair to him. Still, looking up what facts are known, why didn't he ever meet his daughter? Why did the relationship go awry in a time when divorce held almost as much stigma as unwed motherhood?


Anyone who has been in a relationship that went wrong will recognise the pattern of how these things often happen. Whether Albert used his wife's ideas and took full credit is something history and science will probably never be able to answer, but in the time and place where it is set, it is easy to imagine that any contribution from an intelligent female would likely be subsumed by a husband with the proper qualifications.


Mileva's life is not a happy one and history doesn't give us a happy ending for her, but I very much enjoyed reading this story. Factual or not, the writing was very engaging and 'm glad to know of the existence of this woman whom I had never heard of before. Whatever contributions she might or might not have contributed to Einstein's theories, she stands out as a strong woman in history who dared to step into the male preserve of higher education, helping to forge the way for many women in generations to come. I will definitely be interested in anything else this author writes.

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review 2020-06-03 12:35
The Last Werewolf
The Last Werewolf - Glen Duncan

by Glen Duncan


This started out with a different tone than I usually see in werewolf novels. More of a crime drama or conspiracy story tone as it's established that with the murder of a werewolf in Berlin, the protagonist is the last of his kind and an organisation that hunts down and kills werewolves will now be focused on him.


This was a very literary read. Despite a few descriptions of violence, the use of language made it a joy to read and the first person pov of the werewolf throughout felt very intimate and personal. I found myself wanting him to survive. It had a few very sexual references. Apparently being a werewolf sends the libido into animal rut. But both the sex and violence stopped short of becoming gratuitous, even if it nudged that parameter on occasion.


There was a lot of suspense well done and a few twists to keep things interesting. The last few chapters had me breathless!


The writing was so good that I went to see what else the author had written and found that this is actually a trilogy! I'll look forward to reading the next books. This was one of those stories that when it ended, I just had to sit a few moments, staring into space while processing the feels. It really had a strong emotional impact on me.

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review 2020-05-31 10:31
The Book of Revelations
The Book of Revelations - Shanna Lauffey

by Shanna Lauffey


This is the final episode of a ten volume series. I should say serial because it's continuous and the books are best read in order.


I seldom read a series all the way through, but this one kept my interest and left me feeling very satisfied. Probably the most climactic drama was in episode nine and the series could have stopped there, but having read this one now I have to say, yeah it was needed.


There are some new elements in Kallie's life as well as connections to old ones. Her character development is nicely evolved in this one and all the loose ends of the series are tied up neatly. I was happy to see Marcus back in the picture and I finally understand Connor, who has been a bit of an enigma in recent episodes.


I do wonder about back story on some of the peripheral characters, but that just shows how invested I got into this world. If the author ever writes more stories about these characters like Anne Rice did with some of her vampires, I'll definitely want to read them!

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