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url 2015-07-04 16:48
Washington Post: Ohio appeals court ruling is a victory for punctuation, sanity

Shout-out to Broken Tune, who was the one to discover this and share it (outside BL).


And of course, yey for all grammar nerds!






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url 2014-05-05 23:57
Ewok Hearts and Minds

This charming bit of either nerdish wonkery or wonky nerdery focuses on the failure of the Empire to either create or implement a field strategy that deals with counterinsurgency, I.e. It was bad for them to ignore, devalue or otherwise marginalize the Ewoks. Jawas are considered as a more successful relationship between the Empire and local forces, as the Empire bothers to cover its tracks, so to speak, when bombing civilian targets on Tatooine. Whether pinning imperial military action on the Tusken Raiders will further destabilize the area is not considered. 


I don't speak military very well, meaning much of this went right over my head, but this post had me grinning like a fool. Nerrrrrrrrds! 

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url 2014-01-03 18:16
Where should Richard III lie?

I, like many nerds, followed with interest when they found the last Plantagenet king in a car park in Leicester a year and a half ago. While I thought finding the subject of one of Shakespeare's great political hatchet jobs was neat, the Ricardians were the star of the news reports for me. What a bunch of charming weirdos! Who even obsesses over the reputation of a 14th C king? Now there's a long legal row about where RIII is to be interred, starring another group of Ricardians who are even weirder. The quotes from the exasperated British scientists and academics are priceless. 

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url 2013-09-27 16:08
25 Jokes Only Book Nerds Will Understand

These are great! Thanks, Kirsten

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