Awww. Seriously. This volume brings back all the things I love about this comic series. We have Kamala interacting with her family more and we get the explanation of Arabic words and meanings. The volume ends on a good note which I won't complain about. And heck it even had me like Tony Stark (yeah still mad about Civil War).
It's been eight months since the last volume. I'll eventually go find the issues that had Kamala off with the Avengers but not right now. I'm trying to finish all my library borrows since they are all due this week. Kamala is part of the Avengers but feels overwhelmed by superheroing in Jersey City and elsewhere as well as keeping up with school and family events.
This volume has Kamala coming to a realization about Bruno and they both finally (thank goodness) let each other go as love interests I think. Bruno rightfully decides to not wait for Kamala to not be too busy for him. Though Kamala responds jealously to Bruno moving on. Thank on the volume gets better when we move to Aamir deciding he is to marry an African American Muslim named Tyesha. Tyesha won me over with the Dune references. I love that Wilson also includes details on how some Pakistani Muslim would have certain prejudices against darker skin Muslims. I had no idea.
When the two families meet hilarity ensues but all parties agree to let the two marry. Due to this and Avengers missions Kamala is feeling run down and then after a mission multiple Kamala's start to appear.
Honestly this volume is about Kamala trusting herself and also asking for help. I would have thought she got that out of her system before, but now since she is part of a team she is trying to prove herself all over again.
We get appearances from the Avengers and I cracked up at Tony Stark and Carol Danvers showing their mutual disdain for each other. What comes through though is that Tony cares for and loves Kamala though so I went awww a few times.