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text 2022-01-21 20:10
Poradnik: Co zrobić ZANIM zgubisz czytnik?

Nikomu nie życzę, ale może się przytrafić, że gdzieś nasz czytnik zostawimy czy zgubimy. Co zrobić, aby zminimalizować taką stratę? Można na przykład liczyć na uczciwego znalazcę, który chciałby zwrócić naszą zgubę. Ale szczęściu (znalazcy) musimy dopomóc. Jak? Spróbuję na to pytanie odpowiedzieć.


PocketBook Touch Lux 5 z moim logo startowym


Kindle – notatka w menu

Czytniki Kindle posiadają specjalną zakładkę w menu, gdzie można wprowadzić informacje o właścicielu urządzenia. Może to być krótka notka tekstowa np. z numerem telefonu, adresem poczty elektronicznej czy innymi danymi kontaktowymi. Aby ją utworzyć, należy wejść do „All Setings” (z menu opuszczanego z górnej części ekranu). Tam kolejno otwieramy „Your Account” i „Personal Info”. Pojawi się okienko, w którym możemy wpisać nasze dane kontaktowe. Zostaną zapisane i każdy, kto będzie chciał się dowiedzieć, do kogo należy zguba, tam je (nomen omen) znajdzie.


Aby dotrzeć do notatki o właścicielu trzeba otworzyć menu w górnej części ekranu (ekran po lewej), wejść w ustawienia „All Setings” (ekran środkowy), następnie wybrać „Personal Info” (ekran po prawej)


Jeśli czytnik zostanie zagubiony, można też spróbować wysyłki bezprzewodowej pliku z naszymi danymi. Należy wtedy sobie przygotować plik e-booka i wysłać go korzystając z usługi Send-to-Kindle. Jeśli znalazca połączy czytnik do wi-fi, automagicznie pobierze się nasza przesyłka. Może wtedy ktoś odczyta wiadomość i będzie wiedział, z kim się kontaktować.


Notatkę wpisujemy w otwartym okienku (ekran po lewej) przy pomocy klawiatury ekranowej i zapisujemy korzystając z przycisku „Save” (ekran po prawej)


PocketBook – własne logo startowe

W czytnikach PocketBook nie ma osobnej pozycji w ustawieniach, gdzie moglibyśmy umieścić nasze dane kontaktowe. Ale pomyślałem o innym sposobie. Otóż możemy je na przykład wgrać zamiast firmowego logo wyświetlanego przy starcie czytnika. W takim przypadku już przy uruchomieniu urządzenia będzie się wyświetlać informacja o właścicielu, na przykład adres poczty elektronicznej.


Jak przygotować takie logo? Nie jest to trudne dla osób trochę obeznanych z programami graficznymi. Trzeba postępować podobnie jak w przypadku własnego wygaszacza ekranu. Należy zacząć od stworzenia pliku graficznego. Powinien on być w formacie BMP o rozmiarach 1024x758 pikseli. Przynajmniej tak jest w przypadku mojego testowego czytnika, czyli PocketBook Touch Lux 5. Wielkość pliku właściwą dla innych modeli można znaleźć w poniższej tabelce.


Model czytnika PocketBook

Rozmiary wygaszacza/logo [piksele]

Aqua, Basic, Basic 2, Basic 3, Basic Touch, Basic Touch 2, Touch, Mini

800 × 600

Touch Lux, Touch Lux 2, Touch Lux 3, Sense, Ultra, Basic Lux, Aqua 2, Basic Lux 2, Touch Lux 4, Touch Lux 5, Empik GoBook, Basic Lux 3

1024 × 758

Inkpad, Inkpad 2

1600 × 1200

Touch HD, Touch HD 2, Touch HD 3, Color

1448 × 1072

InkPad 3, InkPad 3 Pro, InkPad X, InkPad Color

1872 × 1404


Tak przygotowany plik należy skopiować z komputera (przez kabel USB) np. do katalogu „Photo” w pamięci czytnika. Po jego odłączeniu, trzeba uruchomić aplikację „Galeria” i wybrać nasz obraz do wyświetlenia. Dotknięcie ekranu na wyświetlonej grafice wywoła podręczne menu. W nim (prawy górny róg ekranu) kluczowa jest opcja „Logo startowe”. To zaznaczamy. Po restarcie czytnika będziemy się mogli cieszyć własną grafiką gdy będzie się uruchamiał. Jeśli ktoś włączy taki znaleźny czytnik, nie musi być specjalistą od czytników, żeby zobaczyć informację wyświetlaną przy każdym uruchamianiu. Podobnie można przygotować także wygaszacz ekranu. Ale taki plik definiujemy jako „Logo wyłączenia”.


W aplikacji Galeria wybieramy wgrany plik (ekran po lewej) i z górnego menu wybieramy ustawienie go jako logo startowe (ekran po prawej)


Jeśli czytnik już został zagubiony, można (podobnie jak w przypadku Kindle) wysłać do niego plik z naszymi danymi, korzystając z usługi Send to PocketBook. Po podłączeniu do internetu, przesyłka zostanie pobrana i może ktoś wtedy odczyta nasz „list”.


Pozostałe czytniki – rada też się znajdzie

Trochę gorzej przedstawia się sytuacja z innymi markami czytników. Ale i tu może być kilka rozwiązań:

- w czytnikach marki Bookeen, inkBook, Tolino i Kobo można zawczasu ustawić własną grafikę jako wygaszacz ekranu. A na niej też da się przecież zamieścić informację o właścicielu. Trochę to niebezpieczne, jeśli nie chcemy, aby na przykład wszyscy w przedziale wagonu kolejowego znali nasz e-mail. Może tego typu informacje lepiej wpisać niezbyt dużą czcionką...;

- na czytnik marki inkBook można (po stracie) wysłać plik e-booka z naszymi danymi (podobnie jak w Kindle i PocketBookach);

- w czytnikach marki Tolino można (po stracie) wgrać e-booka przez nasze kont w chmurze „Tolino Cloud”. Podłączony do wi-fi czytnik, pobierze taki plik z informacją i pojawi się on w biblioteczce gotowy do odczytania.


Kobo Libra 2 z własnym wygaszaczem ekranu (adres bloga dodany w lewym dolnym rogu)



Zgubienie czytnika nie musi oznaczać jego utraty na zawsze. Co prawda mądry Polak po szkodzie, ale skoro już wiecie, jak można ograniczyć ewentualne szkody, może warto skorzystać z niniejszego poradnika.


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text 2022-01-17 14:19
High-quality Architect logo Designer, Maker, Creator - VerveLogic

VerveLogic offers a high-quality, customized architectural logo Designer to meet all your branding needs. Create your unique architect logo design now!


More info - Architect logo Designer

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text 2021-07-09 00:17
How To Maximize On Your Shop Traffic With Wholesale Custom Cupcake Boxes

There are many good reasons to buy wholesale Custom Cupcake Boxes. They include the following: they save you money because they are much cheaper than the average packaging material and are ideal for all your cupcakes, cookie, biscuit, and similar food items that you want to display on your counter or in your fridge. Many people like the convenience of buying them already boxed up so they can just keep them and use them over again. You also get to enjoy a wide variety of cupcake and other food items.


Food companies such as cupcake packaging company do a lot of business yearly with many different businesses; therefore, it is important to buy in bulk quantities to keep your prices low and your customers happy. Most companies that offer cupcake custom boxes packaging material wholesale also offer graphic designers to help you design your products. This makes it easy for you to have one-stop shopping when you buy from a wholesaler because everything is in one location for easy shopping.


You might wonder what you would do with all the leftover cupcakes, biscuits, and other food items after you prepare them for your customers. One option is to simply add them to your next cupcake recipe that you make so you do not have to waste any more of your good packaging material. Another option is to give them away as promotional items at conventions, business meetings, or even to employees themselves. Wholesale boxes packaging materials are also ideal for adding decorations to break up large amounts of paper. It is also easy to add fun or festive colors to food items for a fun, attractive look. These boxes are also ideal for adding cut outs and designs to your cupcakes for a memorable treat for your customers.


There are many options available for your custom cupcake boxes, so you can be sure to find just the right boxes and packaging material to fit your unique cupcake designs and ideas. The internet has many options for wholesale cupcake boxes so you will be sure to find exactly what you are looking for. If you are not able to find exactly what you are looking for, then it is always wise to order a few different boxes so you can compare the price and the quality of the packaging material between several wholesalers. Online wholesalers will often provide a better price on bulk items because they buy in large quantities, allowing them to offer a lower cost per box. This makes it easy for you to get a good price on packaging materials when you purchase wholesale.


Most online wholesalers will offer a wide variety of boxes packaging material so you can choose the best options for your products. Many companies will offer custom labeling options so you can add your own graphics or company logo. This makes it easy for your customers to know what type of cupcake they are purchasing because it clearly displays what they will be getting with the food items. You can also order standard colored boxes, or you can choose to have specialty colors added on to your products. There are many different types of cupcake boxes, depending on what you are selling, so you will want to be sure to choose the best options that are available for your product line.


Unique cupcake designs and creative decorating ideas will make your cupcakes stand out from competitors. Cupcake packaging boxes are an important part of a store's marketing strategy, so be sure that you purchase the boxes that best suit your business needs. Food retailers can benefit from buying wholesale custom cupcake boxes because this is a cost effective way to market your product line. When you purchase these boxes in large quantities, you can enjoy a big discount on each box you purchase. Food retailers that offer specialty cupcake designs and are adding their own personal touch to the cupcakes can maximize their profit margin and build a strong customer base by providing a fun and creative outlet for their product.

Source: clipnbox.com/product/cupcake-boxes
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text 2021-07-09 00:11
Custom Donut Boxes for Retail Donuts

Wholesale Custom Donut Boxes can be just what you need to increase your sales. Wholesale Custom Donut Boxes is a fantastic option for businesses looking for economical packaging while still providing high-quality packaging. These boxes are available in a variety of different colors and many different themes. Whether you are a bakery, donut shop, candy store, or even a medical supply store, you can benefit from buying wholesale custom donut boxes. In fact, there is one box for every imaginable occasion! From Easter bags, Christmas stocking stuffers, birthday gifts, graduation party gifts, bridal shower gifts, corporate gifts, seasonal gifts, and more - there are many options to choose from.


When used correctly, donuts will add to the aesthetic appeal of any given product, thus increasing its value. Customized boxes with customized donut messages will not only make your product more appealing but will also draw in new customers that you would not normally have. Not only do these customized boxes help sell products, but they also add to the convenience of the ordering process. Custom Donut Boxes are not just for donuts anymore.


If you plan to use wholesale custom donut boxes for donuts, it is important that you carefully consider your packaging options. First, you should think about the shape of the boxes as well as the message that you would like printed on them. Custom donut boxes come in an endless number of shapes and sizes, so it is important that you find a shape that is most appropriate for the product that you are trying to sell. You should also keep in mind that some retailers may require that you order the boxes directly from their suppliers, which could take significantly longer than if you were to buy them from another retailer.


One of the best ways to ensure that your packaging is top-notch is to have your supplier provide a customized quote. Most suppliers can help you determine how much your wholesale custom donut boxes cost. Some suppliers can even assist you in the design of the packaging itself. Once you have a price in mind, you can then begin to look at different options for your packaging solution. If you already have a logo or tagline for your product, you may want to look into adding other elements to the packaging, such as ribbons or other embellishments.


Wholesale donut boxes can be made to your exact specifications, or you can work with a supplier to create a product that is uniquely your own. It is possible to design donut boxes using software and graphic design programs. If you have never used these types of tools before, it is highly recommended that you work with a professional that can assist you in designing the perfect packaging for your product. You want to make sure that your packaging is eye-catching and appealing to customers. This way, you will be able to increase the number of potential customers that visit your business. Customers are more likely to purchase from companies that they will feel comfortable dealing with.


Wholesale donut boxes are one of the best ways to display your donuts in an attractive manner. You can add attractive price tags and attractive labeling to your packaging. You can offer different variety of donuts in the packaging so that you can increase the number of people that see your product. If you want to offer customers more variety when buying your donuts, it is important that you work with a supplier that can customize the packaging for you. There are many suppliers available that can assist you in creating the perfect wholesale custom donut boxes for your donuts.

Source: clipnbox.com/product/donut-boxes
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text 2021-07-09 00:07
Wholesale Custom Popcorn Boxes

Wholesale Custom Popcorn Boxes is an affordable way to market your business in an economical manner. When you use Wholesale Custom Popcorn Boxes, you will not only be able to offer a wide variety of popcorn packaging boxes, but you will also be able to offer bulk pricing. Wholesale Custom Popcorn Boxes is the perfect solution for marketing your company. Many wholesale companies have a standard set of popcorn packaging boxes and wafers to meet any wholesale or commercial requirements you may have.


With wholesale custom popcorn boxes, you can meet the demands of both the consumer as well as the demands of the wholesale distributor who is looking to expand their business. Wholesale packaging boxes come in various shapes and sizes. Wholesale packaging boxes come in various colors as well. These days, there are different types of popcorn boxes to cater to different needs. If you want more specific features in your packaging, you can request custom packaging and you can get it.


There are various features available in the custom popcorn boxes to help you promote your business more effectively. You can add a photo of your company's logo, product images, marketing text, and even your company's contact information. Some packaging companies even offer free engraving on padded packaging if you order a large quantity. You can choose from a wide variety of materials as well to suit all your packaging needs.


Wholesale packaging allows you to save both money and time when it comes to getting the products out to your customers. By using custom printed popcorn boxes, you will save money on the cost of producing and shipping your product as well as time. Popcorn popping device costs around $40, while buying a box of popcorn may cost you about $10. However, the good news is that the price will vary according to the quality of the box and other add-ons that you have chosen. For example, premium popcorns often come with a leather case, which makes them look even more attractive.


Wholesale custom printed popcorn boxes are ideal for attracting new customers, as well as old customers. Using popcorn packaging boxes is a great way to make sure that you maximize the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. When you have a large event coming up, such as a basketball game or a trade show, you can guarantee that your customers are going to be thrilled with your new packaging. Custom packaging allows you to give away the product to your customers as well, which creates loyalty with your customers. When your customers keep your product, you gain loyal repeat customers. And, when they return for more, you can increase your sales.


So, whether you want to promote your company in a big way, or you just want to increase the appeal of the product, buying wholesale boxes packaging is a great idea. Wholesale boxes are available online, at your local store, and through various other outlets. You can get everything you need for your business by purchasing wholesale boxes, but it helps to have a plan in mind first. By doing so, you can ensure that your popcorn business becomes profitable.

Source: clipnbox.com/product/popcorn-boxes
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