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text 2015-09-18 15:04
Brainwashing in the 21st century?!

Growing up in the 21st century in Australia I sometimes forget how fortunate I am. This century is a great time to be alive, almost zero injustices, the government looks after us and values our freedom of speech and opinion right?

Apparently not everywhere. Even now people are being mistreated on what others call 'annoyances' and 'crimes' against the government. not sure what i mean? here I'll show you something mind blowing that I've come across.

RedTHaws (partial) review:

'So it came to pass. . . 


that in the 1950s, China began their Re-education by Labor Program, in which they sent their professors and teachers and scientists and politicos and intellectuals and religious and dissidents and revolutionaries and many others who did not fit their definition of proper citizens to prison camps where they were punished, humiliated, beaten, and mistreated until such time that they became "new men" and "new women" and were deemed worthy of re-entry into society.  


In addition to the human atrocity, the people in power also took the opportunity to purge national treasures in the form of art and literature, architecture, and religious icons.  Most Chinese people consider it to be a tragedy.


If it crossed my mind at all, here in my sheltered state of living with guarantees of freedom and life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, I would have thought that Chinese work camps were a thing of the past.


imagine my amazement when I went to google the history and found that these places still exist.  It's estimated that hundreds of thousands of people may have lived in these places until they were either killed or died.  As late as 2012, people were still being sent away to re-education camps for crimes against the state.  


This is the current news story that caught my attention: One woman was sent to such a place because she dared to protest about the too-lenient sentences given to the men who had abducted her eleven-year-old daughter, and used her as a prostitute in the child-sex-slave trade for three months before she could be located and rescued.  The mother's protests were inconvenient to the police force, and when she became too strident to be ignored anymore, they sent her away.  Because they can.


Amid expressions of outrage from bloggers, humanitarian organizations and the media from all over the world, for this example and countless others, China finally agreed to shut down the camps.  Here's the result:


"'You just change the sign at the entrance of the camp and instead of being called labor camp it is called drug rehabilitation center,' the expert said." Here's the link: http://www.dw.com/en/no-end-to-chinas-notorious-re-education-camps/a-17362570 



So, yes, it's an important book.  It points out the historical abuses, and reminds us that abuse is still occurring.'

rest of review here

I urge you to read the rest of this enlightening review, it has quotes, more information, etc. I just wanted people to realise stuff like this still happens. everyone needs to know. if nobody knows, nobody will care, and if nobody cares it will never be stopped. Now wouldn't that be a horrendous crime against humanity.


Definitions of humanity : "our differences matter but our common humanity matters more"
synonyms: compassionkindnessconsideration, understanding, sympathy, tolerance,  gentleness, mercycharity, generosity.

Source: redthaws.booklikes.com/post/1255463/this-is-an-important-book-but-it-s-also-a-little-annoying
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