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text 2015-09-08 07:46
37% — Yeah, I'm done.
Navy Orders - Geri Krotow

I'm not calling this a DNF right now for whatever reason. I can't explain it. I think I want to see what happens with other parts of the story, and I like the hero, but I just can't deal with this shit now. I'm yelling at the book and making wild hand gestures and it's just stressing me the hell out.


The ex dickbag showed up and she let him stay, too. He has now declared that they aren't leaving until things are better between Ro and her sister. Because she's pregnant and deserves to enjoy this time in her life or whatever the fuck. AND SHE LETS HIM SAY THIS SHIT AND AGREES TO SIT DOWN WITH THEM AGSGDHWNDJCNCSKSNCIEWMNSCOWICNEGANI!!!!!!!!! WHAT IS THAT?! And this one is even worse because the sister is a straight up asshole all around. I mean, even more than you have to be to do this kind of thing to your own sister.


Who knows if I'll ever be able to deal with this. Because I frigging hate this so much. Every time. WHY DO ROMANCE AUTHORS THINK WE WANT TO READ THIS CRAP?? Why is this a continuous trope? Why do heroines ALWAYS forgive? 




That's a real question, because I have to know who actually likes reading a heroine getting shit on and then forgiving and forgetting because that's super cool or whatever the hell.

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text 2015-09-07 22:34
Pg. 52 – Nope. NO.
Navy Orders - Geri Krotow

The sister has shown up unannounced, it has not even been a full page and I'm ready to set everything on fire. Remember this is the sister who married the heroine's, Ro's, finance while she was at war. Hobag sister has already bitched at Ro for cutting her out of her life. Said she needs to get over it, because she's pregnant with ex-dickbag's baby (his name is Dick, but it's just so apt in many ways). Bitched about where Ro lives being 'so far from civilization'. And demanded Ro let her in . . . AND SHE DID.


Nope. NOPE. If Ro just accepts this and helps this idiot out I swear to God it's DNF time. I don't have the patience for this even though I've had this book on my TBR forever and the author will be at the reader luncheon next month.

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text 2015-09-01 08:26
4% — Oh boy.
Navy Orders - Geri Krotow

Only a few pages into this book and it's not going well already. Our heroine was just perfectly okay with her fiancé having married someone else while she was deployed and breaking up with her after. Yes, it's probably true that in the end this is the best thing as they didn't really belong together, but that doesn't negate the betrayal and unmitigated assholery it takes to do something like that. Yet she was even apologizing for not being enough!!


She did, at least, get pissed off when she found out the woman her fiancé married was her sister


But good lord, am I going to have to sit through another bullshit forgiveness storyline here? Probably, because she'll come to terms with it like all the others especially since she wasn't initially pissed off at the fiancé. Siiiiigh. I hate that.


*hopes she'll be pleasantly surprised anyway*

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review 2015-04-18 21:01
La fabbrica delle meraviglie - SHARON CAMERON



Avete presente quando ci si allena per correre una maratona?
Si comincia camminando, piano, per riscaldare i muscoli. Poi, a poco a poco, si aumenta il ritmo per arrivare, infine, a correre veloce.
Ecco, è la stessa sensazione che ho avuto io mentre leggevo questo libro.
L'inizio è stato scoraggiante, piuttosto lento. Un ritmo "rilassato" per molte pagine...forse quasi per metà libro. Poi le cose iniziano a farsi serie e allora sì, si corre!

La scrittura... ecco, io ho iniziato a leggere questo libro con l'idea che fosse uno young adult (cosa vera, per altro) ma la scrittura è decisamente più seria di quello che mi sarei aspettata. Non che sia di difficile lettura, nient'affatto, ma non è esattamente il modo di scrivere familiare che si trova solitamente nei libri per adolescenti.
La scrittura rispecchia forse di più il periodo in cui la storia prende vita piuttosto che il pubblico per la quale è stata scritta.

I personaggi sono molto ben caratterizzati.
La nostra protagonista, Katharine, inizialmente snob e distaccata, si trova ben presto a dover cambiare atteggiamento per sopravvivere ai misteri della famiglia Tulman.
L'antipatica e venale zia Alice, la cui unica preoccupazione è quella di togliere al fratello "Tully" ogni singolo centesimo per poter assicurare al figlio (Robert il grasso) ogni agio quando sarà adulto.
Lo zio Tully è un personaggio unico, difficilmente si trovano personaggi autistici... soprattutto in una storia per ragazzi. Impossibile non volergli bene!
Lane, la Signora Jefferies e Ben Aldrige sono tre personaggi che vi sorprenderanno molto nello svolgimento della storia, in positivo ma anche in negativo ;)
Il piccolo Davy con il coniglietto Bertram, saranno una costante in tutto il libro e avranno un ruolo importante.
E, per finire, l'esilarante Mary Brown, la cameriera personale di Katharine xD

Per quanto riguarda la trama posso dire che, superato l'impatto iniziale, dalla metà del libro ogni cosa comincia a prendere forma e a trovare il proprio posto nel puzzle.
I misteri non vengono svelati tutti e alcune questioni rimangono sospese in attesa del secondo volume, ma rimarrete piacevolmente colpiti dal finale nient'affatto prevedibile!! ;)

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text 2014-10-14 23:42
50% — Our "hero" and his complete lack of self-awareness.
Planning for Love - Christi Barth

So the heroine, Ivy, went on a blind date her mother set up the night before and she is telling her co-workers/friends and Ben, the hero, about it. While listening to the slimy kind of get-laid-quick date the Blind Date had set up Ben is thinking what a slime ball he is and how he doesn't deserve Ivy and points it out to them. And I'm thinking well at least that dude fed her dinner and some romance even if it was manufactured. Ben didn't even get through one drink with her at his hotel bar.


And while Ivy is talking about Blind Date Dude she says how his routine was "obvious" and his lines were smarmy and cheesy and again I'm like how is that different than all the super smooth lines Ben was laying down when you jumped into bed with him after 10 minutes? To me he sounded vey obvious, smarmy, and cheesy. Like he runs game in every city he finds himself and has found the lines that work every time. 


Come on, guys, get me on your side.

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