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review 2018-05-03 16:48
Paranormal Series Based ~ Ghost Rescuers Lacey & Sam
Soul Walk - Melissa Bowersock

Helping Trapped Souls never gets old for this paranormal team.


Another great story based on the likable paranormal team, Sam Firecloud and Lacey Fitzpatrick. The characters are following a long arc and in this book have come together, determined to make things work out for them personally as well as professionally.


I enjoyed this creative duo and that they are open to new things, willing to sacrifice in order to help others. The construction worker medium and the ex-cop researcher both work toward the same goal---to help trapped souls. No matter how things evolve, they keep their ground and listen to their hearts.


These characters are very identifiable. Even on their bad day, you can't help but admire them. The story is a quick read, great for those moments in the day when you want to chillax. Melissa Bowersock writes well, the pace flows smoothly and the scenes put the reader right there on a comfy sofa or in the middle of the action.


This is definitely a great series for those readers who like paranormal ghost stories without gore, quick easy, enjoyable storytelling.

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review 2017-09-10 16:02
Review: The Disappearing Client (Spirelli Paranormal Investigations #1) by Kate Baray (2015)
Spirelli Paranormal Investigations: Episode 1 - Kate Baray

I always read more than a book at a time. Lately I find that I am not satisfied alternating between two long (longish?) books, so I’ll try reading shorter works along side longer works instead. This week I picked The Disappearing Client, the first episode of Spirelli Paranormal Investigations, an urban paranormal series, by Kate Baray first published in 2015.


The story opens with Jack Spirelli, a junk shop owner, and he just soft launched his investigating agency. He is human but connected to the magic-using community and the Inter-Pack Policing Cooperative that give him gigs. He floated the idea of hiring an assistant investigator and along came Marin, a human slash dragon applying for the job. After she was hired, off they go for their first job together. Their supposed body guarding job was changed to search and rescue when their client was no where to be found. What happened to her and could they find her in time.


Paranormal investigators of course reminds me of the Harry Dresden series. The use of “episode” format fits because this is short and like police procedurals in TV the main story is self-contained. The character stories, I hope, might continue on with the series as I am interested in revisiting the characters again.



Quick rating: I loved it.


Source: promdigeek.blog/2017/09/10/review-the-disappearing-client-spirelli-paranormal-investigations-1-by-kate-baray-2015
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review 2016-05-10 11:39
Paranormal Investigations - Liebe
Paranormal Investigations 5: Liebe - Bianca Srubar,Ally Blue

Sam und Bo haben es endlich geschafft – sie werden von ihren Freunden akzeptiert und leben offen ihre Liebe füreinander auf. Einzig Bos Exfrau Janine legt den beiden Männern regelmäßig Steine in den Weg, ganz besonders wenn es um die Bos Kinder Dean und Adrian geht. Die Ereignisse spitzen sich dramatisch zu, als in Janines Haus seltsame Dinge geschehen und Adrian erste Anzeichen einer psychokinetischen Begabung zeigt. Während Janine nichts davon wissen will, wächst Bos Sorge um seine Söhne, denn in seinem unkontrollierten Zorn ist Adrian theoretisch in der Lage, Portale zu öffnen und den schrecklichen Kreaturen den Weg zu ebnen, denen sich das Team von BCPI immer wieder stellen musste. Sam, der Adrians Begabung teilt, beginnt diesen zu unterrichten, doch Janine setzt alles daran, die Kinder endgültig von Sam und Bo zu trennen …


Eigene Meinung:
Der Roman „Liebe“ markiert das Ende der 5-bändigen „Paranormal Investigations“-Reihe von Ally Blue, wenn man von den beiden Spin-Offs absieht, die sich um Dean und Adrian drehen. Die Romane erschienen komplett im Cursed-Verlag und beenden den Zyklus um Sam und Bo.


Inhaltlich schließt „Liebe“ grob an die Ereignisse der vorherigen Bände an, liefert jedoch keinerlei Erklärungen oder Antworten auf offene Fragen. Stattdessen entwickelt Ally Blue eine eigenständige Geschichte, verknüpft sie jedoch einmal mehr mit der altbekannten Portal-Thematik, die ebenso verworren und diffus bleibt, wie in den letzten Romanen. Es ist sehr schade, dass auch der Finalband der „Paranormal Investigations“- Reihe keine offenen Punkte zum Abschluss bringt und stattdessen einen lauwarmen Aufguss der üblichen Handlungselemente nebst Höhepunkten bietet. Einziger Pluspunkt: Sam und Bo reden endlich offen miteinander (wer Band 4 gelesen hat, weiß, wie enervierend es ist, wenn die Figuren ihr Wissen für sich behalten) und es kommt erstaunlich wenig Sex vor. Während die letzten beiden Bände vor Erotik nur so strotzten, fallen Sam und Bo in „Liebe“ nur wenige Male übereinander her. Das kommt der Handlung zugute, denn Ally Blue konzentriert sich mehr auf Adrian und dessen Probleme, ebenso die Sorgerechtsstreitigkeiten zwischen Janine und Bo. Dennoch kommt die Geschichte nicht wirklich in Fahrt – die Handlung tröpfelt vor sich hin, Spannung fehlt zumeist und das Ende wirkt dermaßen überstürzt (und kitschig), dass man das Buch leider nur frustriert beiseitelegen kann. Wer hofft, dass die Autorin endlich an Band 2 anknüpft und mehr zu den Portalen verrät, wird automatisch enttäuscht – Ally Blue scheint sich keine Gedanken über das Thema gemacht zu haben.


Charakterlich bekommt der Leser die üblichen Stereotypen präsentiert – Sam ist ein ziemliches Weichei, was vor allem daran liegt, dass er oftmals zugunsten Bos auf seine eigene Meinung zu verzichten scheint und sich mit Vorliebe hinter die Schusslinie zurückzieht; mit seinem Partner Bo wird man nur langsam warm, da er trotz aller Vorzüge recht arrogant und egoistisch daherkommt. Am schlimmsten ist jedoch Janine, die das weibliche Hassbild in einem Gay Romance Roman ist – gemein, überheblich, boshaft. Sie scheint kaum positive Eigenschaften zu haben, erst am Ende taut sie ein wenig auf, was jedoch aufgesetzt und nicht realistisch wirkt. Adrian ist im Gegenzug dazu eigentlich ganz sympathisch, wäre er nicht so perfekt! Er scheint binnen weniger Wochen das zu meistern, was Sam erst nach Monaten, wenn nicht Jahren hinbekommen hat, ist superintelligent und wirkt sehr erwachsen. Das geht dem Leser mit der Zeit doch auf den Nerv, da er gar nicht wie ein normales Kind wirkt (von seinen Ausbrüchen einmal angesehen).


Das größte Manko ist jedoch die deutsche Übersetzung – ich weiß nicht, ob am letzten Band eine andere Übersetzerin saß, doch die Geschichte liest sich noch hölzerner und stockender, als zuvor. Man hat viele Probleme mit Ally Blues Stil, einige Sätze wirken, als seien sie 1:1 vom englischen ins deutsche übernommen worden, ohne sich über Sprachrhythmus und sprachliche Eigenheiten Gedanken zu machen. Es liest sich einfach unrund, was man besonders bei langen Sätzen merkt – die holpern extrem und machen teilweise überhaupt keinen Sinn.


Leider kann auch der letzte Band von „Paranormal Investigations“ nicht überzeugen, was zum einen an der langweiligen, vorhersehbaren Geschichte, zum anderen an der wirklich holprigen, unprofessionellen Übersetzung liegt. Weder kann man sich in die Charaktere hineinversetzen, noch bekommt man endlich Antworten zur Portalfrage geliefert – ein schwaches Finale, das nur in einer Sache punkten kann: Ally Blue verzichtet auf übermäßige Sexszenen. Schade, um die interessante Idee und den ursprünglichen Paranormal-Ansatz (von dem man ab Band 3 nur noch wenig mitbekommt). Wie gut, dass es vorbei ist …

Source: www.like-a-dream.de
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review 2015-08-09 09:00
Audio Review: Dragon Justice by Laura Anne Gilman


Dragon Justice


Paranormal Scene Investigations, #4


Laura Anne Gilman


Genre: Urban Fantasy
Publisher: Audible Studios
Narrator: Romy Nordlinger
Date of Publication: September 24, 2013
Abridged or Unabridged: Unabridged
Length of Production: 10 hrs and 29 mins

Available at the following retailers:
Amazon     Audible
In my time with PUPI, formally known as Private, Unaffiliated Paranormal Investigations, I've seen a lot. Learned a lot. And not all of it's been good. But what we do—make people accountable for crimes committed with magic—is important work.

Still. Even I need to take a break every now and again. Or so I've just been told (ordered).

So hey, vacation. Maybe I'll finally figure out what's going on with the "special bond" between me and the boss man, Benjamin Venec. Venec seems to like that idea—he's invited me down to join him on a jaunt to Philly. But no sooner do I arrive in the City of Brotherly Love than we're called in to look at a dead body.

And that's when life gets really complicated….

It wasn't very long into this story before I was majorly disappointed. Apparently quite a chunk of time has passed, several months worth.  There have been significant changes in PUPI, including the addition of more staff.  Also, the big warning that Bonnie had gotten in the last book was resolved in the latest Retriever series. I'm haven't read that series, and had no idea that they would cross so strongly. This means if I really want to know what happened from all her big scary warning visions, I will have to read the other series. *pfft* Not feeling the love.

Bonnie has a case involving a missing girl.  The Lord and Lady of the Fey come asking for assistance. They want the human child found, as they do not wish for more antagonism between the fatae and null communities. Since this will need to be handled discreetly, it is decided that Bonnie will handle this quietly on her own. At the same time that Bonnie is getting her case, Ben is taking some time away from PUPI and doing some sideline work down in Philadelphia.

When Bonnie seems to have wrapped up her case early, and is given some forced leave, Ben invites her down to spend some time outside of the workplace with him.  They are both ready to explore this thing between them called "The Merge".  But of course, nothing is ever simple; especially when it involves the Cosa Nostradamus.

Okay, so I admit, I was seriously torqued off that there was this huge thing that happened off screen and if I was wanted to get the whole story I would have to read the other series. But truthfully, it really didn't have much bearing on this story. So I can understand why it is mentioned in passing only. I'm not sure if this was the last book in the series, but it ended on a very final note.  And since it's been a couple of years with no other sequel, I am calling this series over and done. I did like the world and the characters, but am like 90% certain that I won't be reading the related series, The Retrievers; especially since the main characters made cameos in this book and had a completed feel to them as well.

This was an enjoyable listen and Romy Nordlinger did a great job with the story, but so much of the story itself had a different tone from the first 3.  I gave this 3 stars, mainly due to the missing chunk of time, and ending the series in what felt like an very awkward manner.

Source: www.musingsandramblings.net/2015/08/audio-review-dragon-justice-laura-anne-gilman.html
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review 2015-07-16 00:00
Dragon Justice (Paranormal Scene Investigations #4)
Dragon Justice (Paranormal Scene Investigations #4) - Laura Anne Gilman,Romy Nordlinger It wasn't very long into this story before I was majorly disappointed. Apparently quite a chunk of time has passed, several months worth. There have been significant changes in PUPI, including the addition of more staff. Also, the big warning that Bonnie had gotten in the last book was resolved in the latest Retriever series. I'm haven't read that series, and had no idea that they would cross so strongly. This means if I really want to know what happened from all her big scary warning visions, I will have to read the other series. *pfft* Not feeling the love.

Bonnie has a case involving a missing girl. The Lord and Lady of the Fey come asking for assistance. They want the human child found, as they do not wish for more antagonism between the fatae and null communities. Since this will need to be handled discreetly, it is decided that Bonnie will handle this quietly on her own. At the same time that Bonnie is getting her case, Ben is taking some time away from PUPI and doing some sideline work down in Philadelphia.

When Bonnie seems to have wrapped up her case early, and is given some forced leave, Ben invites her down to spend some time outside of the workplace with him. They are both ready to explore this thing between them called "The Merge". But of course, nothing is ever simple; especially when it involves the Cosa Nostradamus.

Okay, so I admit, I was seriously torqued off that there was this huge thing that happened off screen and if I was wanted to get the whole story I would have to read the other series. But truthfully, it really didn't have much bearing on this story. So I can understand why it is mentioned in passing only. I'm not sure if this was the last book in the series, but it ended on a very final note. And since it's been a couple of years with no other sequel, I am calling this series over and done. I did like the world and the characters, but am like 90% certain that I won't be reading the related series, The Retrievers; especially since the main characters made cameos in this book and had a completed feel to them as well.

This was an enjoyable listen and Romy Nordlinger did a great job with the story, but so much of the story itself had a different tone from the first 3. I gave this 3 stars, mainly due to the missing chunk of time, and ending the series in what felt like an very awkward manner.
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