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text 2014-12-18 12:08
Share Your Literary Guides - Search & Tag Reading Lists


Finding a right reading lists couldn't be easier with the list search and tags. Warning: this can profoundly affect your Planning to read shelf. But who cares, the best bookshelf is the full bookshelf! 


The list of Reading lists on BookLikes is growing and to help you find a perfect literary guide we've added possibility to tag a list and search a list with the book category, tag, the list name and the book title. 


When you're creating a reading list, you can add a book genre or genres and tag it to help other book readers find it. If you've already created some reading lists don't worry - you can add categories and tags any time. Just edit your lists and add appropriate categories. Make sure that the category and tags correspond to the reading list character and books attached. 



Tags and categories will be visible on the main Reading Lists page and when you enter a given list. Tags and categories are clickable.



The categories and tags will help you find a reading list within a genres you enjoy. You can search through the lists with the book category, tag name or the list name. 



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review 2014-12-01 22:13
The Female Man / Joanna Russ (reblog)
The Female Man - Joanna Russ

Living in an altered past that never saw the end of the Great Depression, Jeannine, a librarian, is waiting to be married. Joanna lives in a different version of reality: she's a 1970s feminist trying to succeed in a man's world. Janet is from Whileaway, a utopian earth where only women exist. And Jael is a warrior with steel teeth and catlike retractable claws, from an earth with separate - and warring - female and male societies. When these four women meet, the results are startling, outrageous and subversive.


Feminism has evolved and changed over the decades and this book was written during the Second Wave of Feminism (often referred to as Women’s Lib) during the 1960s-1970s. I know that it is difficult for young women born in the 1980s and later to believe some of these things, but there was a time when your career options as a woman were very limited—you could be a nurse, teacher, secretary, or a housewife. When I was in high school in the 70s and making high academic marks, I was strongly discouraged from taking typing classes (something akin to some of the keyboarding classes offered today, but with archaic typewriters rather than computer keyboards) because I was being encouraged to think of myself as a potential manager, rather than a secretary. In those days, bosses dictated their letters and secretaries typed them—no self-respecting man knew how to type. Even if you worked in one of these roles outside the home, it was expected that when you became pregnant, you would quit your job—often, your employer would helpfully fire you to make room for a replacement who was not pregnant. After all, women just worked for “pin money,” to supplement the household income for the fripperies that all women desire (which of course justified paying them very little, as they weren’t “supporting a household” the way that men were supposedly doing). Hard to believe in these days when there are more young women in universities than young men, isn’t it? Now, women are free to become doctors and lawyers, professions which to all intents and purposes barred female students until recently, or to take any other university courses that they desire.

Birth control drugs were not an established thing—the pill was just coming on to the market during these decades and was not always easily available. Doctors were men, generally speaking, and reserved the right to tell you whether you were worthy of birth control. And this was an improvement from earlier years when people could be arrested for giving out information on various birth control methods.

If you were female and unmarried by your mid-20s, you were pitied. Poor thing, you’d never be a whole person and never have children. Being a wife and mother was the be-all and end-all. I don’t think it even crossed most people’s minds that you might be a lesbian, because there were so few women who were out of the closet. Sure, a few folks might say “nasty” things like that behind your back, but most people just considered you pitiable.

So, the Feminist Movement of this time period was very much a reaction against enforced domesticity. Women had acquired the right to vote, but really didn’t have many options in other facets of their lives. The patriarchy was still firmly in place, and feminists had to roar in order to be acknowledged or heard at all, let alone change the status quo. They burned bras (as symbols of their sexualization for the benefit of men), and they demanded equal pay, equal educational opportunities, and equal access to the job market. Some of the more dedicated feminists declared themselves political lesbians, to protest society’s ingrained sexism and “compulsory heterosexuality.” They were removing themselves from the patriarchal structure in the only way they could find and in a way that (during those years) was guaranteed to shock.

We’ve come a long way, baby! And if you don’t understand this background, you also won’t understand The Female Man. Russ shows just how much male privilege dominated, how inferior women were assumed to be. We still have a way to go [see for example, the Jian Ghomeshi scandal at CBC or the lack of a sexual harassment procedure on Parliament Hill—places where men still seem to hold the balance of power]. Male entitlement still exists, but it's circle is shrinking. As Russ says as the end of the book, won’t it be a happy day when readers of this book don’t understand what she’s on about?


This is book 153 in my science fiction/fantasy reading project.

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text 2014-08-02 11:15
Finally some reading time & there lays my dilemma
The House of the Four Winds - Mercedes Lackey,James Mallory
Shiver - Maggie Stiefvater
Rock Addiction (Rock Kiss) (Volume 1) - Nalini Singh
Lead - Kylie Scott

For the first time in over a month I got a free day. Well, technically I got three. But yesterday I spent hanging round my bed (not really reading) and hanging out with friends (not reading) and tomorrow I got 3 social things- brunch, baby shower and dinner- so not going to read. Which means today is D-Day to get some reading done.

Oh and days with no time for reading don't really count as free days do they?


I will try to finish the books I've started- but honestly... try is the right word. Since I am guessing that I will probably read the two romance rock hottie novels first.

But then again, there are so many books on my TBR- many that I pre-ordered and thanks to my work never got around to read. Then there are ARCs I got, which I should read. Then again only the one I am currently reading is for August- which means I got plenty of time to read the others. 

But I usually read one book at the time, cause that's what works for me. Not 2 or possibly 4.


So; should I finish the two books I started, or read the other two books I feel like reading, or maybe just read something different? hmmm. I think I am kind indecisive today. 

But oh well! At least I got some time to read...and time to decide. 

What you reading this weekend?


Happy Weekend!

And more importantly happy reading!

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text 2014-06-28 18:57


Next book project ... Southern Gothic genre.

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text 2013-11-14 03:10
Upcoming Reading List - 11/13/2013
All That's Missing - Sarah Sullivan
The City of Death - Sarwat Chadda
WILD CARDS - Simone Elkeles
Unburying Hope - Mary Wallace
The Ruining - Anna Collomore
Emotionally Charged - Selina Fenech
Something About You (Just Me & You) - Lelaina Landis

I'm late updating my upcoming reading list for this week as well, but a few of these carry over from my last update. I'm going to try to get through these before jumping to some of my other reads, and update a new list for this coming Monday.


Quite a few print ARCs in this bunch, and a few of these I won from BookLikes Giveaways.


Review queue coming up shortly.

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