As I wrote in my post yesterday, 2014 was a really fantastic reading year for me. I'm hoping that 2015 will be as well! I don't think that I'll be able to read too many books just for fun, but I'll be reading a lot for school, so that's good at least. My overall goal for the year is to read 150 books. That's 43 more than I read in 2014, but I think the goal should be pretty attainable, since I have to read 60 just for one of the classes that I'm taking this semester.
I also would like to make more time to read at least one book for me each month. I don't know how realistic that is. Last semester, by the time I was done with all the reading I had to do for school, the last thing I wanted to do was read some more. It's definitely possible that that will continue, in which case I won't be doing much reading for myself until August. But I'd like to make more time to read books that I actually want to read.
I also want to make sure that I keep up with my activity on here. If I don't, it's not a big deal - between grad school and my personal life I'm pretty busy and legitimately don't have too much time these days to be on - but I miss the community on here a lot when I'm gone, so I really would like to make more time for booklikes when I'm able to. Hopefully, while I'm in school, I'll be able to write at least one post a week. It's not as frequent as I'd like, but that's probably as much as my schedule will realistically allow.
Finally, I need to start introducing the baby to books. For those who don't know, my husband and I are expecting our first baby on June 2 - so baby still is quite a long way off from making his/her appearance, but I'd like to get started with reading to him/her. My mom and my mother-in-law have both spoken to me about how important it is to begin reading to babies even before they're born. I feel kind of awkward just reading to my bump, haha, but I want to do what's best for the baby. And of course, once he/she is born, I'll be reading to him/her all the time. So, if those of you who are parents have any advice about what kinds of books are good for babies before they're born, please send it my way! Or if you have advice about how to feel less weird about reading to my baby bump that would be very welcome, too, haha. I want the baby to love reading just like I do (of course, if he/she doesn't that's fine but it's an interest that I'd love for us to share).
I hope all of you have a wonderful 2015, both as far as books go and with the rest of your lives! Happy New Year!