You can buy The Harem on Amazon.com, Barnesandnobles.com, SteamyRomanceBooks.com, Smashwords.com . . . but NOW . . . you can buy The Harem directly on a bookshelf!
Vroman’s Bookstore of Pasadena, California, is the first brick and mortar bookstore to offer The Harem directly to its customers. You can buy a paperback copy off the shelf. They’ve also added The Harem paperback and ebook editions on their website as well.
We are very grateful to Vroman’s for adding The Harem to their romance collection! Though Thomas Sweeney is a local, California author, Vroman’s immediately placed The Harem on an end of the isle shelf with world-renowned authors such as E. L. James, Sylvia Day, Maya Banks, Anne Rice, Sylvain Reynard and L. Marie Adeline.
Thanks so much Vroman’s for this wonderful opportunity! We were very excited when we found The Harem on the shelf, and even better, that one of the copies was sold before the end of the day, today, February, 18, 2015.
Vroman’s has been established in Pasadena California since 1895. Be sure to keep books alive, and more importantly, keep local bookstores alive!
Support local bookstores and purchase directly from Vroman's if you don't live in Pasadena, CA: http://www.vromansbookstore.com/book/9780986227202
Thank you for this wonderful opportunity!
Kindest Regards,
Thomas (author)