Oh, my! What was young me thinking? I bought this book when I was probably a late teenager. Who knows why! Honestly, this book is not great. I flipped to a random page and it is talking about training your children. Children are not pets. It also says a child's behavior is the direct result of how the parents raised them. Not always true!
* Learned behavior - Blame the mother.
* Retrain your man
*Don't nag at your kids, train them
* Men need 30 minutes to "fire gaze" after a long, hard day at work. Leave the man alone.
*Mother-in-Law: An anagram of Woman Hitler
*Young people are more likely to lie, cheat & steal.
It actually says if a man tells an offensive joke, don't get offensive, because if you do, it is you who chose to be offended. Then it gives examples of so-called jokes a man might tell. I won't tell you the answer, but to give you an idea. What's the difference between a tart and a bitch? What's the difference between a woman with PMS and a terrorist? Why do men give their penis a name? What can you say to a man who's just had sex? The answers... are sexist and of course, they are offensive. Why can't someone be offended by them?
Jokes and humor do ease pain, as the book points out, but there is a line you can cross.
Judging from the title, it's obvious the book treats men like they are not smart, and the book really does! Some guys might be clueless, some girls might like shoes, but not every single one.