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review 2018-07-08 13:52
Midnight Hour: A Shadow Falls Novel - C. C. Hunter

For more reviews, check out my blog: Craft-Cycle

I received this book through The Reading Room/Bookstr in exchange for an honest review. 

I requested this book because I liked the cover and the idea of a witch who is dyslexic. I was blown away when I finally read it.

This is the first book I have read in either of the Shadow Falls book series, but after reading it, I am thinking of going back and reading the other books.

I'm not a huge fans of romantic books or love triangles and while those elements are incorporated into this novel, there is tons of other stuff going on, which make it a great read. The book flows through various struggles from the everyday (test-taking, studying, romance, friendship, fights with parents) to the extreme (kidnapping, crazy warlock conspiracies, being wrongfully accused, undercover work, evil family members). This book basically has it all. It combines romance with the paranormal and criminal investigations. And it is so entertaining.

The thing that really interested me about this book initially was that Miranda is dyslexic. At the beginning of the novel, Miranda views it as "a curse" and struggles with it. But by the end, she realizes it is "a gift". I think Hunter did a pretty fair job of showing how dyslexia can make some things harder, but it also helps people see things in a different way than non-dyslexic people. The narration doesn't go into too much detail about what it is like to have dyslexia, but it expresses an overall attitude about accepting it. 

My only critique is that this is a huge book. It's a little over 400 pages long. It only took me about two weeks to read because I was so engrossed in it, but my thumb is killing me after holding is open for so long during binge-reads. There are a few slow moments that didn't seem necessary and could have made the book more concise if they'd been cut. It kind of drags on at times. But overall, I found it fascinating and really enjoyed the writing and the characters. This seems like one of those series you can just lose yourself in. 

Thanks a lot, C.C. Hunter. Now I have to go back and read the other eight books (and short stories). You have found yourself a new fan.

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review 2016-06-01 16:25
Falls the Shadow - Sharon Kay Penman

"Here Be Dragons" is probably my favorite Penman novel, with "Sunne in Splendour" it's only rival. "Falls the Shadow" and "The Reckoning" are the two other parts of Penman's "Welsh Princes" Trilogy and I avoided them for years based on the titles and knowledge of its contents alone. "Here Be Dragons" is a rarity among Penman's fiction--essentially a love story, one with a happy, if somewhat bittersweet ending. She makes you fall in love with medieval Wales in that book and knowing history--and seeing those titles, I was reluctant to read the tragic events that caused it to be swallowed by England.

Well, I'm glad I finally caught up with this one, even if it doesn't quite have the place in my heart of my top two favorites--thus four stars instead of five. t have just one more Penman book to read--the sequel to this one continuing the story of one of the characters, Llewelyn ap Gruffudd. So I think I can safely say that for all his flaws, Simon de Montfort, the central character of this book is Penman's most heroic, inspiring figure. Penman calls him in her afterward "Shakespearean" and she paints his virtues and his flaws vividly. Which at the end actually made it harder for me as I drew towards the end. It's not because of flaws in the writing or pacing--rather than the reverse. I know English history all too well, but if I hadn't--well, Penman does all to well in depicting the reasons Montfort was in for a fall. I also think she did better in her later Angevin series about Henry II and Eleanor of Acquitaine in showing a tension between antagonists so your sympathies were pulled in both directions. There's not much appealing here about Montfort's enemies, although from time to time she does make you feel a little sympathy for the hapless, utterly inept Henry III.

I'm both looking forward to and almost dreading reading "The Reckoning." After that one I won't have more Penman to read--only reread. And I doubt there's going to be a happy ending for any character--any historical figure--I care about. Certainly not for Wales. I do know one thing though after having read about a dozen Penman books--it'll be a great ride.

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review 2016-05-04 02:14
Great Story and Characters
Mated to the Werewolves (Shifters of Shadow Falls Book 5) - Crystal L. Shaw

While scouting out a pack that needs to be put down, Jude Black senses something he’s wanted to find forever, his mate. What he didn’t expect to find was her mated and very pregnant with another wolve’s pup. Lena knows it’s only a matter of time before she’s killed. The only thing she cares about is the baby she’s due to have and her niece and nephew. When an unknown wolf sneaks into her hut to take her, she fears she might be leaving one prison for another.

This is the first one I’ve read from this author, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. I really liked this story. I really felt for both characters. Lena had been through a horrible life and Jude turned out to be her salvation. I look forward to reading the other books in this series.

**I received a copy of this story in exchange for an honest review

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review 2016-03-31 01:13
Offered to the Werewolves (Shifters of Shadow Falls Book 1) - Crystal L. Shaw

Very good paranormal romance. There are a few errors in text but an editor could clean that up.

The story itself is about 2 friends who are chosen as mates during an annual event in their town. The world is made up of protected cities/towns and is protected by either vampires, werewolves or witches. At first the girls are scared because they don't know what to expect but eventually the love and care from the men turns them around.

I can't wait to read the next book in the series.

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review 2015-11-26 09:20
Shadow Falls Camp -Teil 1
Geboren um Mitternacht (Shadow Falls Camp #1) - Tanja Hamer,C.C. Hunter
 " Das ist nicht lustig ! " hört sie ihren Vater brüllen.
 Titel:  Shadow Falls Camp - Geboren um Mitternacht
Autor: C.C. Hunter
Buchart : Fantasy
Verlag:S.Fischer Verlag
Bestellcode:  978-3-426-51710-9
Erhältlich ab : -
Kosten : €9,99
Alter: ab - Jahren
Genre:Fantasy , Jugendbuch
Vorgängerbände: -
Folgebände: Verfolgt im Mondlicht
Erwacht im Morgengrauen
Erwählt in tiefster Nacht
Entführt in der Dämmerung
Verfilmt: -
Das Cover ist nichts Weltbewegendes . Der Klappentext war interessant sonst hätte ich mir das Buch auch nicht geholt. 
 Im Shadow Falls Sommercamp lernen Werwölfe, Vampire, Hexen, Feen und Gestaltwandler mit ihren übernatürlichen Kräften umzugehen.
In Kylies Leben geht alles schief: Ihre Eltern lassen sich scheiden, ihr Freund hat Schluss gemacht, und ihre Mutter schickt sie auch noch in ein Sommercamp. Doch Shadow Falls ist anders: Hierher kommt nur, wer übernatürliche Kräfte hat – Feen, Hexen, Vampire, Gestaltwandler und Werwölfe. Auch Kylie soll besondere Fähigkeiten haben – wenn sie nur wüsste, welche …
Doch plötzlich wird das Camp bedroht. Nur, wenn sie alle ihre besonderen Kräfte gemeinsam einsetzen, werden sie die übermächtigen Feinde besiegen können.
Kylie ist anders als die anderen,  ihre Eltern machen sich sorgen, sie wacht nachts schreiend auf und sieht immer einen Soldaten. Sie geht auch zur Psychologin aber die versteht sie ja eh nicht.  Kylie findet als blöd , zweifelt an sich selbst  und das schlimme ihre Eltern trennen sich gerade, ihr geliebter Vater verlässt sie, da ihre Mutter ein Gefühlskaltes Miststück ist.
Dann überspannt sie den Bogen und ihre Mutter schickt sie auf ein Sommer Camp und auf der fahrt dahin merkt sie das ihre Mitfahrer alle anders sind. Bei einer Vorstellungsgruppe erfährt Kylie das es Vampir,  Feen und Co wirklich gibt und das der Soldaten  den sie sieht ein Geist ist. Kylie denkt das ist ein  Traum,  ein  schlimmer dazu,aber da musste nun durch. Und nach und nach merkt Sie das es doch gar nicht so schlimm ist und die Jungs ganz süß da sind.
Das Buch ist ein gelungenes Jugendbuch,  es ist alles dabei was man braucht, dennoch war es für mich oft schon so das man sehr erahnen konnte was auf den nächste Seiten passiert und wurde daher sehr uninteressant. Die Orte sind toll beschrieben, auch wie die Wesen so sind das hatte mich überzeugt aber der Rest nicht. Aber ich denke ich ab einfach schon zu viel solche Geschichten gelesen, für Leute die gerade erst  solche Gene anfangen zu lesen, könnte es total überzeugen .:)
 Shadow Falls Camp - Entführt in der DämmerungShadow Falls Camp - Erwählt in tiefster NachtShadow Falls Camp - Geboren um MitternachtShadow Falls Camp - Verfolgt im MondlichtShadow Falls Camp – Erwacht im Morgengrauen
 Schon als Kind liebte C.C. Hunter Glühwürmchen, lief am liebsten Barfuß und rettete mögliche Märchenprinzen in Form von Fröschen vor ihren Brüdern. Auch wenn sie heute meist Schuhe trägt, ist sie immer noch von Glühwürmchen fasziniert. Sie rettet inzwischen nicht mehr nur Frösche, sondern auch andere Tiere, und hat einen Märchenprinzen gefunden. Mit ihm, drei Katzen und einem Hund lebt sie in Texas – und wenn sie nicht gerade liest, schreibt oder Zeit mit ihrer Familie verbringt, fotografiert sie gerne.


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