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text 2018-10-23 18:14
Feather Flags cheap teardrop flags wholesale on ckflag.com

The full collection of promotional feather flags is exactly what your company needs to be heard to accelerate a successful promotion. Are you respectful of unfamiliar customers or potential new customers? If so, the ckflag 5 and 12 Foot Feather Flags are for you. Buy the complete collection of feather flags that contain more than 200 different patterns. Certainly there is a model that perfectly fits your vocation or problem.


You still can not see exactly what you are looking for, create your own custom 5-foot personalized feathered flag or your custom personalized 12-foot feathered flag so your stigma is disgusting by thousands of passers-by who can pass , Cleaning Our 12-foot spring flags are more commonly used on the street or in open areas where this large emblem can be made correctly. Our 5-foot feather flags are more effectively matched by their passage or by an intramural need. The 5 foot feather flags are best used with the 12 foot feather flags.


Ckflags.com 20th Anniversary Celebration with Feather Flags Up To 50% Off!


Feather flags are one of the most effective and economical forms of retail advertising in the market. The feathered flags are embroidered to give you the opportunity to go on strike to get out of your promotion. Explore the vast collection of 12-inch ckflag feather flags and 5-foot feather flags to find the perfect design for your craft. See the chart below to see all the differences between the 12-foot spring flags and the 5-foot spring flags. We also have the ability to produce and customize the feathered flag you can imagine. Use our 15 year professional and performance chart to create a custom level specific to your transaction or event. Feather flag Instructions for playing after 5 feet (click to move) Feather flag Instructions for playing after 12 feet (applause) Feather flag Safety instructions.


How to order your feather flags. The flags of feathers have never been so easy. Please follow these steps: What is a feathered flag? The flags of the springs are advertising for vehicles printed in polyester, a typography for the cleaning of two colors, the ckflag; The stem is fiberglass and metal. You can choose between five different bases for indoor and outdoor use. The feathered flags are not full of nice people, they just get their name from their building, which looks like pony. Flags are becoming more and more epidemic and companies are constantly using them to promote events, products and benefits.


The purpose of the flags of the feathers Like any form of advertising, there are the pros and cons of every elegance. Feather flags try many advantages because they are affordable and effectively lure the application to a result or location. It's a big stigma, and even consolidated and integral brands use it regularly and recognize the positive impact that they can have on the advertising industry. The flags are usually designed for the sake of packaging communication against hunger, similar traditional forms of advertising. Effective Banner Marketing When it comes to promotional events, jugglers and mortar makers can make a good deal of good business if they use energy strategically. When distributing the banner, it is important to argue that this is often not enough; The attention can be immediately occupied when many flags are out there and in the wind.

A bug may work, but to be truly competent, it moves with many visible sources of error. Color Choices Choosing the right ethnic group to represent your stigma in order to attract your target audience will help strengthen marketing. Brighter colors cover a wider audience, but you do not want to be too radiant; This can negatively affect the professionalism of your brand. The trust of Place Drop is by far the most important and crucial part of an outdated election strategy. Not all retailers come first. However, you will not have the confidence in the flags that you have left unless you transfer a remote company.

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review 2015-08-06 16:51
Leise und still...
Teardrop: Band 1 - Lauren Kate







Wunderschönes Cover, Fantasy... da MUSS das Leserherz ja höher schlagen! Und endlich lesen konnte ich dieses Buch wiedermal dank Skoobe.









Titel: Teardrop
Autor: Lauren Kate
Verlag: cbt
Genre: Fantasy/
Format: e-book
Seitenzahl: 528
Reihe: 1/3

»Vergieße nie eine einzige Träne!« Dieses Versprechen musste Eureka ihrer Mutter geben und siebzehn Jahre lang hat sie sich daran gehalten. Selbst als ihre Mutter bei einem Autounfall starb. Doch dann trifft sie Ander, einen attraktiven und äußerst mysteriösen Jungen. Er bringt sie so durcheinander, dass sie eine Träne vergießt – und Ander fängt sie mit seiner Fingerspitze auf. Auch er scheint zu wissen, dass Eureka nicht weinen darf.

Doch was ist ihr großes Geheimnis? Warum wissen alle anderen davon, nur sie nicht? Und warum verhält sich ihr bester Freund, Brooks, plötzlich so aggressiv ihr gegenüber? Waren sie nicht kurz davor, ein Paar zu werden? Wem kann Eureka noch vertrauen?



Klappentext und Genre haben mich ja eine magische und temporeiche Geschichte erwarten lassen. Doch leider passierte das ganze Buch lang wenig, die Geschichte dümpelte so vor sich hin und der Fokus lag eher auf den Charakteren. Das war gar nicht mal so schlecht, eben nur ungewohnt und unerwartet.

Beeindrucken konnte mich dieses Buch aber doch, durch Schreibstil und Atmosphäre - obwohl ja so wenig passiert ist, hat es mich dennoch gepackt und ich konnte und wollte das Buch kaum aus den Händen legen. Dazu hat auch diese mystisch- traurige Grundstimmung gesorgt. Selbst wenn gerade nichts schlimmes geschah, hätte ich die ganze Zeit weinen können.


»Es ist so geheimnisvoll, das Land der Tränen.« 
(Antoine de Saint- Exupéry)

Bei den Charakteren bin ich noch zwiegespalten - wie so oft bin ich im "falschen" Team und bin total verliebt in Brooks, während mich Ander ja eigentlich nur nervt, mit seinem übervorsorglichen Getue. Hallo, was fällt ihm ein?! Eureka liebt Brooks! Jawohl, das bestimme ich jetzt so!!!

A propos Eureka - ich kann natürlich nachvollziehen, dass sie vollkommen aus der Bahn geworfen, traurig und hilflos ist, nachdem sie ihre Mutter verloren hat. Aber dennoch verhält sie sich oftmals unmöglich und Brooks´ Ausbruch ihr gegenüber war mehr als gerechtfertigt - seine Aussagen hätte ich so unterschrieben!



Wer Action und viel Magie erwartet, ist bei dem Buch falsch. Leise, still und extrem bedrückend! Wer also mal ein Buch lesen möchte, das "anders" ist und eine interessante Thematik hat, sollte zu "Teardrop" greifen ;)

Das Cover ist der Wahnsinn: wunderschön, still, bedrückend und traurig ♥♥♥




 Dornenherz Dark Smile - Lächle, Mona Lisa Geisterkind (Das) Geheimnis der schwarzen Seerosen Versuchung der Ewigkeit Nosferatu - Vom Vollmond geweckt
^^ mit einem Klick auf die Cover gelangt ihr zu den zugehörigen Rezensionen

Seid ihr eher der "Action- Typ" oder doch lieber ruhig und gemächlich?

Ich bin eigentlich beides. Manchmal ein richtiger Wirbelwind und kaum zu bremsen und dann wieder träge und sogar etwas faul. Aber wenn ich etwas anpacke, dann mache ich es richtig, ordentlich und in einem Schwung!

Source: marys-buecherwelten.blogspot.de/2015/08/teardrop.html
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review 2015-06-20 00:00
Teardrop (Teardrop Trilogy)
Teardrop (Teardrop Trilogy) - Lauren Kate Not very memorable. I do remember wanting to read the sequel, however.
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review 2015-01-18 17:03
Review: Teardrop
Teardrop: (Teardrop Trilogy Book 1) by Kate, Lauren (2013) Hardcover - Lauren Kate
Read from November 29, 2014 to January 10, 2015


After really looking forward to this new series after how much I loved the Fallen series by the same author, I was very disappointed with Teardrop.

I found the main character to be one of the most obnoxious, self involved, whiny the -world-owes-me pain in the asses I have come across in a long time. Everyone was against this poor broken girl who is still wallowing in the death of her mother to the point of being obsessive about it. To be fair to her though, I can completely see where she's coming from given her circumstances. And to be honest, at that age, most likely, I would have behaved the exact same way. Just because I can understand it, does not mean I have to like her. I hated her. 

i didn't find Ander romantic in the slightest. He lies constantly, his behaviour is stalkerish (I'm fairly certain he even admits this himself at some points) he gives her false information and yet Eureka is still fascinated by him and its all okay because of Reasons. 

One thing I did absolutely love about this book was the mythology. I thought the way the Atlantis myth was wound in was fascinating. However, it took so long to get anywhere, and then everything happened in a rush at the end and was left at a big cliff hanger.

While I adored the mythology, I doubt I will bother with the rest of this series. I still love the author, and most likely will read her next series, this one was just not for me.
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review SPOILER ALERT! 2014-11-23 01:07
Teardrop by Lauren Kate
Teardrop (Teardrop, #1) - Lauren Kate

Never, ever cry...

Seventeen-year-old Eureka won't let anyone close enough to feel her pain. After her mother was killed in a freak accident, the things she used to love hold no meaning. She wants to escape, but one thing holds her back: Ander, the boy who is everywhere she goes, whose turquoise eyes are like the ocean. 


And then Eureka uncovers an ancient tale of romance and heartbreak, about a girl who cried an entire continent into the sea. Suddenly her mother's death and Ander's appearance seem connected, and her life takes on a dark undercurrents that don't make sense. 


Can everything you love be washed away?


Eureka, she had lost her mother in a freak accident... Lets call it a "Rogue Wave"... Her father re-married and had children with a control freak of a woman and she was forced to go therapists after her attempted suicide - taking a ton of pills. She just wasn't herself anymore, doesn't run anymore, doesn't laugh anymore and people feel like they are treading on eggshells around her. She was very close with her mother, her mother knew everything about her and she thought she knew everything about her mother..... But it turns out she hardly knows her at all....


On her way back to school from the therapist, a chevy ute rams into the back of her car at a stop sign. This is where she meet Ander. She's outraged by the fact that he just rammed into her car but then she looks at him and is kind of hypnotized by his turquoise coloured eyes, and ends up taking up his offer of driving her back to school. She finds Ander creepy, cute and mysterious and just overall has no idea what to think of him. Whether or not to trust him. After all when someone, who is pretty much a stranger, tells you that you're in danger and that if you're not careful you're gunna die... What would you think of that? So she goes to the ops, there's no record of him whatsoever. So now she thinks she has a stalker... But a stalker that she can't stop thinking about... And finds attractive... 


So then she and her father along with her mother's brother and sister are at the lawyer's office waiting to hear about her will. Which Eureka had no idea that her mother had. Not much is left to the brother and sister.... Nothing interesting really anyway. Eureka is given; a book (that is in an ancient dead language), a locket necklace (which is sealed shut) and a case with a rock in it.. Called the "Thunderstone". So she is puzzled by these heirlooms and seeks out information wherever she can. She and her friend end up seeing this fortune teller/physic ... Who managed to translate some of the book.... "The book of love". Eureka thought that this book was a simple fairytale... But it tells of an ancient prophecy. Her mother also left her a letter.


Ander tells her to try and get the Thunerstone wet. Which is impossible. It kind of repels water completely. And in a emergency situation, Eureka finds out that it actually creates an air bubble around her when she is submerged in water.   


Ander is a seedbearer. Eureka is a descendant of Atlantis... Well they both are descendants of Atlantis... Just of different lines. It is the Seedbearer's job to kill off the "Selene's Tearline" (Eureka). Because! If Eureka cries.. She will flood the Earth(?) and raise Atlantis.. Which is a bad thing... Because the people of Atlantis are evil and cruel... And would enslave the whole world and create chaos. Which then brings me to Eureka's best mate Brooks. He was "possessed" by the spirit of the Atlantis king, Atlas. Now Atlas WANTS Eureka to cry so that he can rule the Earth or something like that. And it's the Seedbearer's job to stop that..


So she ends up crying and started the "apocalypse" according to the Seedbearers, but of course Ander is not mad because he is madly in love with her.. Which her probably ought to be since he has followed her since the day she was born and knows everything about her. 


The next book I think she will end up facing Brooks and she will try to make the situation she's in good.... 


I apologise for this slack review! I'm kind of not with it today, I wasn't really "with" the book either. The way it was written kind of made it confusing to read (probably like this review! :P ) The author put WAY too much information where it was not needed and kind of went off track quite often. It's an alright read. I just don't think it was for me. So I think I might stick to the sci-fi fantasy books from now on! :D 

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