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review 2019-12-20 14:01
REVIEW BY MERISSA - Outcast Girl vs Pretty Boy (Forever Love #4) by Jordan Ford
Outcast Girl vs Pretty Boy (Forever Love #4) - Jordan Ford

@mpearlauthor, #Contemporary, #Romance, #Young_Adult, 4 out of 5 (very good)


Outcast Girl vs. Pretty Boy is a continuation of Bianca and Cam's story. This is the fourth book in the series and I definitely recommend reading them together or the story just won't make sense.

Cam and Bianca are perfect for each other, yet they keep secrets. Not just tiny, insignificant secrets, but big, HUGE, ones that have a direct impact on their relationship. We also get snippets of Stacey and Hayden in here too.

Just like the others in this series, I was engrossed in the story and never noticed how close I was to finishing it until there were no more pages to read. One thing I had to google was 'Milo'. I was intrigued before but now I know what it is, I'm oh so tempted! Now to find somewhere here in Germany that stocks it!

I loved how this story worked out, with both Cam and Bianca dealing with their issues. I look forward to seeing how their relationship progresses as the story continues. I thoroughly enjoy hearing how Tane and Harper are getting on, so I'm hopeful we will get the same here.

Absolutely need to be read in order and definitely worth it! As recommended by me

Source: archaeolibrarian.wixsite.com/website/post/outcast-girl-vs-pretty-boy-forever-love-4-by-jordan-ford
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review 2019-11-28 11:41
REVIEW BY MERISSA - Shy Girl vs Popular Boy (Forever Love #3) by Jordan Ford
Shy Girl vs Popular Boy (Forever Love #3) - Jordan Ford

@mpearlauthor, #Contemporary, #Romance, #Young_Adult, 4 out of 5 (very good)

Shy Girl vs Popular Boy is the third book in the Forever Love series, and now the focus moves to Bianca, Cam, and Stacey.

Cam likes Bianca but has a horde of girls who wants his attention. He doesn't think anything of it as he is not interested in them, but Bianca sees it. With her low self-esteem she wonders how he could ever really like her. These two swing backward and forward throughout the book, but it does give them a HFN finish.

Stacey plays a huge part in this book, and although her storyline does impact Bianca and Cam, I felt it almost overshadowed them at times. Don't get me wrong, what she goes through is horrendous, and Bianca and Cam SHOULD be there for her, just like everyone else. It just felt like this story almost matched Bianca's life - pushed to the background for Stacey.

Saying that, I still really enjoyed this story, and can't wait for the next installment in this series that is turning into a family saga rather than 'just' a contemporary romance. This family is intertwined, now and forever, and I sincerely want to continue to find out about all of them!

I have no hesitation in recommending this book, but due to the intertwining, I would recommend you start at book one, otherwise you will miss out!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Source: archaeolibrarian.wixsite.com/website/single-post/2019/11/27/Shy-Girl-vs-Popular-Boy-Forever-Love-3-by-Jordan-Ford
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review 2019-10-21 09:29
REVIEW BY MERISSA - Broken Girl vs Fix-It Boy (Forever Love #2) by Jordan Ford
Broken Girl vs Fix-It Boy (Forever Love #2) - Jordan Ford

@mpearlauthor, #Contemporary#Romance#Young_Adult, 4 out of 5 (very good)


Broken Girl vs Fix-It Boy is the second book in the Forever Love series, and is a continuation from their first book.

Written mainly from Harper and Tane's point of view, but also with some from Bianca, this book details the struggles Harper is facing, with how her grief is affecting her ways the others don't really see as they are too busy trying to sort out their own feelings. Tane and Harper's road is definitely a bumpy one but I am hoping they will work things out together. As for Bianca, I really can't wait for her story. I'm still not a big fan of Stacy, but I can see she is trying. She just needs to realise (which I think she has at the end of this book) that Bianca is a different person. I also can't wait for Stacy to open her eyes, but that's another story.

This is a touching, emotional book that is excellently written as expected, with no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading. An excellent addition to the series that will definitely leave you wanting more. Highly recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Source: archaeolibrarian.wixsite.com/website/single-post/2019/10/17/Broken-Girl-vs-Fix-It-Boy-Forever-Love-2-by-Jordan-Ford
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review 2019-09-20 11:15
REVIEW BY MERISSA - City Girl vs Country Boy (Forever Love #1) by Jordan Ford
City Girl vs Country Boy (Forever Love #1) - Jordan Ford

@mpearlauthor, #Contemporary, #Romance, #Young_Adult, 4 out of 5 (very good)

City Girl vs Country Boy is the first book in the Forever Love series, and we start with tragedy. Harper speaks to her mum only half an hour or so before they have a head on collision that changes the lives of so many.

Written mainly from Harper and Tane's point of view, but also with some from Stacey, this book was a delight to read, whilst also being very emotional. Harper is trying so hard to hold it together for everyone else, and yet is in desperate need herself. Tane can see the struggles she is having, and tries to help out in whatever way he can.

As for Stacey and Bianca, I can't wait for their book(s). I have no idea if they will be intertwined or separate, but either way... Stacey is dealing with her loss in the only way she knows how, the same as Bianca. Unfortunately, this is in two very different ways, and so their love for each other gets lost in the mix. I really hope they sort it out, and I want to Stacey to be happy. I just can't see it happening without some painful self-realisations. As for Bianca, she deserves someone who puts her first, and hopefully we've got a hint over just whom that might be.

Excellently written as expected, with no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading. This was a gripping book that will definitely leave you wanting more. Highly recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Source: archaeolibrarian.wixsite.com/website/single-post/2019/09/20/City-Girl-vs-Country-Boy-Forever-Love-1-by-Jordan-Ford
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review 2019-08-31 12:27
That Forever Girl (Getting Lucky #2) - Meghan Quinn

This is book #2, in the Getting Lucky series.  This book can be read as a standalone novel.  For reader understanding, and to avoid spoilers, I recommend reading this series in order.


Rogan is close to his family.  He is not happy when they torture him about a lost love who is back in town.  He has a business to run, and there is no time to waste on the past.  Then their paths cross.......


Harper has no problem remembering how good it was.  Nor does she forget how painful it ended.  Yet the burning begins when their eyes meet.  She wants to fight it, but he is everywhere she is and deep down, she really just wants to hold on.


This started out kind of slow where I almost put the book down.  Now, I do not want to mislead - it was not slow in action - but in the relative character connection.  I held on since this author is a favorite, and I was not disappointed.  Every page became a burst of feels and then I could not wait to get to the end to make sure they got their HEA.  I will not spoil - but I feel you will love it if you love romance.  I give this a 4/5 Kitty's Paws UP!



***This early copy was given in exchange for an honest review.

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