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quote 2016-07-08 21:50
you are still wearing those incredibly stupid boat shoes and of all the things you have bought , you still haven't replaced them !
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quote 2016-07-03 22:40
Ronan eyed Noah . I'm seeing an apparition right now . Noah made a rude gesture, a hilariously unthreatening act coming from him , like a growl from a kitten.
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quote 2016-07-03 22:37
What's that ?
Jane ! Gansey said joyfully
Adam said , it's a wizard in a box.
It will do your homework , Noah added .
And it's been dating your girlfriend , Ronan finished
Blue scowled. Are you all drunk ?
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quote 2016-05-21 10:22
In that moment , Blue was a little in love with all of them . Their magic . Their quest. Their awfulness and strangeness . Her raven boys .
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quote 2016-01-26 05:48
“In that moment, Blue was a little in love with all of them. Their magic. Their quest. Their awfulness and strangeness. Her Raven Boys.”
The Dream Thieves - Maggie Stiefvater,Will Patton

Me too.


#raven boys #book quotes

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