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review 2020-04-20 20:19
Review: Touching Ice (Cyborg Seduction #4) by Laurann Dohner
Touching Ice - Laurann Dohner
Touching Ice
Cyborg Seduction #4
Laurann Dohner
Erotic Science Fiction Romance
August 10, 2016




What can go wrong overseeing a bunch of android sex bots on an automated whorehouse in deep space? Great job, if Megan doesn’t die of boredom. Then she catches sight of the sexiest male she’s ever seen. On her grainy security monitor, she watches all his sexual exploits with the bots, and fantasizes. But that’s all she can do because he’s a cyborg. Then fate steps in.


There’s a crash and Megan must escape or die. The cyborgs are rescuing the sex bots—taking them onboard their ship. She knows cyborgs hate humans. They’ll kill her if she asks for help so she devises an insane plan—pretend to be the most realistic sex bot ever made.


His name is Ice, and Megan is now his personal sex bot. He will satisfy every sexual fantasy she’s ever had—and as many more as she can dream up. She just has to figure out how to keep her big, sexy cyborg from discovering that she is all woman.






Touching Ice is book four in the Cyborg Seduction series by Laurann Dohner.


Ice is a loner and he enjoys sex. The rare color of his hair has made him one of the most desirable males for breeding and he’s produced 27 children whom he isn’t allowed to see or be a part of their lives. He’s had enough of the council and his people. 


Megan works at an automated whorehouse in deep space making sure the sex bots stay in top condition. She’s the only human on the Folion station. Her only vice is watching one tall, gray, and sexy Cyborg enjoy the stations bots.


Megan is a little stupid and it’s funny that she thinks she can fool the Cyborgs; especially the one she’s got a thing for in pretending to be a sex bot. Ice was protective of her from day one and their love story is cute. We are introduced to a new threat to the Cyborgs and also a set up for book five. 


Touching Ice was a nice read and I enjoyed.


Rated: 3 Stars


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I was born and raised in Northern Indiana. I’m an outdoor sun loving reader living near San Fransisco. I’m a mother, wife, dog owner, animal, and book lover. I’m the owner, reviewer, and mind behind Angel’s Guilty Pleasures. My favorite animals are horses & dogs. As for reading I love all things paranormal & urban fantasy. My favorite shifters are dragons!
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Source: angelsguiltypleasures.com/2020/04/review-touching-ice-cyborg-seduction-4-by-laurann-dohner
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review 2019-07-21 08:24
Quick Series Review: Circle of Evil
Chasing Evil - Kylie Brant
Touching Evil (Circle of Evil #2) - Kylie Brant
Facing Evil (Circle of Evil #3) - Kylie Brant

Circle of Evil

by Kylie Brant
Book 1: Chasing Evil | Rating:  3.5 Stars
Book 2: Touching Evil | Rating: 3.5 Stars
Book 3: Facing Evil | Rating: 3.5 Stars

Average Series Rating:  3.5 Stars

Circle of Evil was a pretty riveting crime thriller that follows the same two main characters throughout the whole trilogy.  The second and third books also throw in two other possible romantic pairings, but they aren't elaborated on much.

While I loved the banter and partnership between Cam and Sophia, the two of them DID take a little warming up to.  In the end, you're just glad that all the angst and all the avoidance and the non-communication going on between them were dealt with in the first book.  It took me a second, but I slowly realized that each chapter of the first book was set up to show a flash back of Sophia and Cam's initial relationship before the main investigation in the book starts.  At first I was a little thrown, and wasn't sure that I liked it, but I think by the end of the book, I found that those scenes were handled pretty well, and even added to my understanding of what was going on between Cam and Sophia.

It sort of gave their love story more depth than if they'd just met in that first book and fell in love immediately.  Meanwhile, some trigger warnings for this book, and the rest going forward, as there is a lot of mention of rape and violence, then pedophilia and necrophilia in the next books, even if not detailed.

I think I could have done without being in our serial killers' or rapist's head so much, to be honest.

The second and third books focused on the serial murderers and the investigation, which Kylie Brant has always excelled at writing.

Side characters were all wonderfully incorporated as part of the investigative team rather than just being background props to showcase our main couple.  This is what I like about Kylie Brant's romantic suspense crime thrillers.  The action also never seems to quit, and you're hooked wondering how everything will play out.

The one thing I DID feel I didn't care for was how over-powered the killer is in the last book.  Facing Evil just felt like a never-ending chase, and it was frustrating to watch as Cam and his team always seemed to be one step behind the killer the entire way through, and how their investigation just kept falling apart with each move forward.

Otherwise, I quite enjoyed this trilogy, even if it doesn't really live up to my love for Brant's Mindhunters series.




There’s nothing strange about bodies buried in cemeteries—unless they don’t belong there. And when six murdered women are discovered in other people’s graves, the hunt for a sadistic serial killer begins before he can claim a seventh victim.

Agent Cam Prescott of Iowa’s Division of Criminal Investigation is leading the search alongside forensic psychologist Sophia Channing, who knows the minds of psychopaths inside and out. And after a brief but passionate affair, she knows Cam almost as well. What she doesn’t know is that her high-profile involvement in the case has caught the twisted predator’s eye—and sparked his fury.

When Sophia suddenly vanishes, Cam and his team shift into overdrive to keep horrific history from repeating itself. But for Sophia, being trapped in the same isolated lair where so much innocent blood has been spilled may get her inside her vicious captor’s head—and may offer her the only chance she has to escape an agonizing and lethal fate.


Booklikes-opoly 2019

Roll #9:
Square: Beach Week 10 | Read a book that appears on any Beach Reads list, or a book whose author's first or last name begins with any letter in

How it fits: Author's last name beings with a 'B.'
Pages:  324
Cash:  $3






Forensic psychologist Sophia Channing nearly lost her life to a serial killer. Fortunately, her own quick thinking—and Division of Criminal Investigation agent Cam Prescott’s efforts—rescued her from a horrifying fate. Together, Sophia and Cam jailed the sadistic predator and closed the case on his reign of terror.

But when teenagers make a gruesome discovery in the Iowa woods, Sophia and Cam realize they’ve only scratched the surface of an evil that runs even deeper and deadlier than one madman’s twisted desires. And they don’t come more twisted than the killer known as the Zombie Lover: Vance’s mystery accomplice, who’s still at large and stacking up bodies. With the law snapping at his heels and private demons screaming in his head, the Zombie Lover is hell-bent on carrying out a desperate, double-edged mission. He’s determined to terminate Sophia, then target medical examiner Lucy Benally, who he’s vowed to make his own…dead or alive.


Booklikes-opoly 2019

Roll #10:
Square: Mountain Cabin 16 | Read a book that is considered mystery / suspense genre, or which has a title that contains all of the letters in the word C-A-B-I-N.

How it fits:  Book is romantic suspense / suspense genre.
Pages:  288
Cash:  $3






A serial attacker is locked up, and his murderous accomplice has been gunned down. But the true mastermind behind their lethal reign of terror still hasn’t been taken in or taken down, so the harrowing case of the Cornbelt Killers isn’t closed—and one murderous woman is determined to keep it that way. The only thing more important to her than evading capture is hunting down her hit list of enemies, topped by Iowa’s Division of Criminal Investigation agent Cam Prescott and forensic psychologist Sophia Channing.

Faced with an opponent both quick-witted and cold-blooded, Cam and Sophia must scramble to keep up with this horrifying new threat. Little do they realize that in this game of cat and mouse, they’re lambs being led to the slaughter.


Booklikes-opoly 2019

Roll #11:
Square: The Lake House 19 | Read a book with a cover that is more than 50 percent blue, or by an author whose first or last name starts with any letter in the word L-A-K-E.

How it fits:  Author's first name starts with 'K.' / Also, cover is more than 50% blue.
Pages:  314
Cash:  $3



Source: anicheungbookabyss.blogspot.com/2019/07/quick-series-review-circle-of-evil.html
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review 2019-03-23 13:34
Touching Me, Touching You (Soulmates of St. Vincent) by Taylor Holloway
Touching Me, Touching You (Soulmates of St. Vincent #2) - Taylor Holloway



They were the right fit at the wrong time. What's a girl to do when pursing her Mr. Right, could have catastrophic results for more than her heart? Touching Me, Touching You is Holloway at her sauciest. She goes from sweetly alluring to heartstoppingly sexy and the result is irresistibly fascinating.

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text 2018-03-09 10:01
Friday Reads - March 9, 2018
Forgotten Voices of the Great War - Max Arthur,Imperial War Museum
The Irish Americans: A History - Jay P. Dolan
Touching the Clouds - Bonnie Leon

I survived #thebeastfromtheeast (aka Storm Emma) last week. Now we are getting #thepestfromthewest, which will be bringing lots of rain to our area but warmer temperatures. Seriously, I just want one nice weather weekend to enjoy.


We got a Boy Scout Pinewood Car Derby on Saturday and on Sunday I am taking the kids to see A Wrinkle in Time. In between the chores, errands, and activities I hope to get through the year 1915 in Forgotten Voices from the Great War, some of The Irish Americans (it is so academically dry though...), and start Touching the Clouds. I also have a bunch of reviews to write and updating various reading trackers.


Happy Reading!

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review 2017-09-05 07:55
If My Moon Was Your Sun by Andreas Steinhofel & Nele Palmtag (Artwork)

At about 37%, I was smiling, this so far has given me really good warm and fuzzy feelings. I am in love with the artwork. It's heartwarming and makes me happy. I do not know if I would call this a picture book. Sure, there are a lot of pictures, but just as much text or more. I feel like this book is good for any age, but when thinking about children, probably 7+ if the child is an avid reader and knows the love of a grandparent. They could surely relate to this story. I can relate, even as an adult. I feel like I would do something like Max did for a loved one if I knew I could get away with it and knew for sure there would be no dangers involved for anybody.

Whenever the grandfather does The Great Forgetting, I feel my stomach drop and I want to cry. It is so, so heartbreaking and Andreas Steinhofel writes this wonderfully. I am impressed with their writing style. It is beautiful and touching.

I smiled so much during the dancing bits. There are parts in this story that are cute and make me giggle, but then parts that make my heart hurt. There is a point in the book where Max mentions a fear he has and it caused me to feel overwhelmingly emotional. I love that this book invokes such emotions. To think, I just randomly found this for review on Netgally.

My final thoughts: I loved this. I would buy the final version. It's beautiful and I want the audiobook/music to complete my experience with this.


Disclaimer: I received this from Netgally in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for the chance to read this!

Just a note: This comes with an audiobook/music, but we do not get those when reviewing the book on Netgally. I do feel like it makes us miss out on some of the emotion the author wants us to feel, as the audiobook/music goes with the text.

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