This looked like a funky way to celebrate Pesach for secular Jews: fun, and funky, the illustrations all too pop culture for me not to be charmed. This was also inexpensive and I've started collecting Haggadahs, which is kinda perfect since the graphic novel Haggadah just came out earlier this year, too, I believe. I also own the Elie Wiesel version, and my mom has an old version and said I'd inherit all of hers so it was a shame I bought it. I disagree; I enjoy having my own copy. (Also if she lives forever, I would, for the record rather have her than the haggadahs, her jewelry or anything else she owns so I'm still praying she lives forever.)
That being said, and going back to this, I wasn't as impressed by what they left off their online ads/images. It felt just a bit to joke-y for me, and I'd have rather seen a balance between humor and seriousness. Even without the religious aspect, this is a serious holiday: it's about liberation from slavery. And no, I'm not so stuck-in-the-mud that I don't think that you can't joke about it. Hey, Jews joke about it, too; the writer of this was Jewish as were the writers of For This We Left Egypt? another humorous Haggadah. But this is one of big yearly events; it's not a High Holy Day, but it's taken quite seriously. To be truly Peseach kosher, bakeries have to sweet out all the leavened things, and have a serious clean out. I've seen Jews posting about Pesach cleaning. Our family is very, very reform, to the point of 'eh, throw all the bread in the basement', but they are serious about cooking and not eating the bread. Although my mom doesn't police me anymore and told me I could do what I wanted, I did, in fact, comply this year. It's a big, big thing. We don't celebrate, say, the ten plagues like we celebrate the first dude who tried to wipe us all out - Hammentaschen. He has his own cookie, mostly to celebrate him being, y'know, wiped out for trying to genocide the Jews. But we don't mope. We remember our bitterness about being slaves in metaphorical foodie ways, we talk a lot about being slaves, but we also celebrate our continuing liberation. And we pine for Jerusalem. Next year in Jerusalem we've all been saying for all too long.
So I guess what I'm trying to say is humor and Pesach has to balance the humor and the seriousness underlying this holiday. Especially, I think, for something so secular. Thanking G-d for saving us is huge. We have a very, very long repetitive song pretty much saying if G-d had done this thing, it would have been enough until we cover every single thing he did for us. (And Dayinu is one of my favorite religious songs. Here's why: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8p1pabOX3fc It's quite catchy.)
This didn't do it for me. It was a quick read, and entertaining but I think tried to hard to be funny, to fit in, to be everything and fell a bit flat for me.