Book two in the new spin off series that follows Sea Haven and Sisters of the Heart follows Steele, the VP of the motorcycle club Torpedo Ink. When Breezy walks into his clubhouse and leaves a letter letting him know that the Swords are out for vengeance and that he has a son they are holding for ransom, he is both furious and opportunistic. He wants Breezy back. Three years ago, he said some really nasty stuff to push her away, and it worked, he did it to protect her, but now that she is back in his life he isn't going to let her walk away again. He does have a very hard road ahead of him to prove to her that what he had said three years ago, he didn't mean; and oh yeah, the fact that when she walked into the clubhouse to give him the letter, he had to climb from under three naked women and he was naked too, well needless to say, he had a lot of explaining to do. Their story was intense, rough, and both had issues that needed to be addressed. He is very much like Reaper was with Anya (he didn't want to budge on anything and Breezy was supposed to accept him as is with no concessions). That was the only thing I didn't like about the story; with her abusive background, I think he should have been a bit more flexible. I hope some of the other guys in the MC turn out to be a bit more flexible and not as hard core as they all seem to be. I need a bit a variety with the character development. If they end up being the same MO - rough, hard-core, no bending men and soft, flexible, women, this series will get old fast... And I love all things Sea Haven, so I am keeping my hopes up. All and all, I did enjoy their story, and I loved going back to Sea Haven.