Reply to post #127
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I'm not saying Buffy is the ONLY fantasy out there, but there are fantasy elements. *bangs head on wall* Magic. It's an element of fantasy. So are vampires, which is why I pretty much think of horror as a sub-genre of fantasy. (Horror. It usually uses fantasy, just with a very specific purpose - to create an atmosphere where the audience/reader is scared.)
Sighs. What I said was that she picked out two characters/franchises that use elements of fantasy and other elements of narrative - embrace those who are different - and therefore I *liked* the general ideas she was presenting as I kept consuming narratives with the same general idea.
It can't be her crappy writing that's the problem, can it? Or the squicky 'yay rape' stance that one character in particular presents. Nope, not at all. (Jaq's characters apparently think rape/having sex with someone who's so drunk they have no agency is okay so long as there are *orgasms*. Fuck. Just fuck.)
Oh, and just so we're clear, she's referencing me when she said Buffy. She scoffed, and looked down on me and my reading, for reading Buffy and Wolverine. When I brought up the similarities to her narratives, she... continued to scoff at me. She looks down on readers who don't read what *she* considers fantasy. Pretty much you're reading high/epic fantasies, or she thinks you're a stupid fuck. Which may have yet more to do with not gaining the readership she so clearly craves.
By the way, her 'goblins' are just green skinned hippies. Who rape people. They have as much to do with goblins as Stephanie Meyer's sparkly people have to do with vampires. (Maybe a little more, with the rape, but it's not like... holding people down. It's watching them get drunk/poisoning them with a bite, and then leaving them gloriously happy that they couldn't say no and then *orgasmed*!)
Yeah, I'm gonna go read some more Buffy and Wolverine graphic novels, and maybe some dinoporn. After I finish Angelfall and the HP group read. Then I'm gonna tackle Dumas in French next year. Clearly I'm an illiterate twelve-year-old.