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Discussion: General book club discussion thread
posts: 15 views: 1693 last post: 6 years ago
created by: Murder by Death
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Ok, I did a little test tonight, because the scheduled books didn't roll off the list automatically (they might when the read is over, but we need to the space now). I was afraid to delete them from the list for fear that it would mess with the scheduled read, so I wanted to test it out first. Apologies if anyone received any notifications about a third read starting tomorrow.

I discovered that you can delete books from the list that are on the schedule, BUT I also discovered something else: the 50 book limit is ONLY a restriction of the list's display: when I deleted the two scheduled reads from the list, two more immediately showed up to take their place.

So all the books everyone has added are apparently there; the page just can't show more than 50 at a time. I'll report that to see if there's anything that can be done about it, but nobody should expect any immediate fixes. Just remember if you added a book, it's there and it'll show up as more books get deleted from the list. Not ideal, but we'll work with it.
*prod* *prod*.... what book are we reading after the microbe book?
Reply to post #33 (show post):

I hadn't been planning on announcing that until the first week of March (which, duh, is only a few days away), but I can do the tally and announcement now, along with the reminder for our March read.

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It's been quite close this time, hasn't it?
Reply to post #35 (show post):

Yeah - with BookLikes maintenance taking longer than anyone expected, I was avoiding posting anything about the group reads until things sorted themselves out. It's been good this week, but then I was worried with the start of our March read being so close that if I started posting about May's book I'd confuse people.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if things just sort of calmed down for a bit? I could use a *little* bit of monotony right about now - just long enough to get back on track! :P
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Wouldn't it just!!
No rush - just thought I would put a little reminder out there, since things were so crazy with the BL update.
Reply to post #39 (show post):

I think you can add a book if you want, but that list is what has been suggested for May.
Reply to post #39 (show post):

Yes, elentarri is correct on both fronts: the list in place is the list for May, and you could add a book to it if you wanted. :)
Ok - so it seems we have a slight sourcing problem with the book voted to be September's read:

I'm going to do a dashboard post about this too, but I need feedback from everyone about what they'd prefer to do about this:

1. Whole new vote?
2. Replace September read with the second place voted book? (Buzz: The Nature and Necessity of Bees)
3. Just persevere with the book and those that can't source it sit out?
4. Suggestions??

Participation has been a bit thready as of late; summertime and busy lives, no doubt, but any ideas would be welcome.
I'd be tempted to say replace the book with the second place one, but I have a sourcing problem with that too (currently sitting at hold #14 of 4 copies), so it may not matter to me.
Looks like a revote is in order?
No sourcing problem here, so I'm going to take a step back and let those affected by the issue make a determination. Any and all solutions are fine with me (and I may end up getting both the current books nos. 1 and 2 anyway, regardless whether we pick this as a group read).
Ok, I think, given the feed back I've gotten so far, that I'll clear the list, I'll re-add the second book and then reopen the contributing / voting for one more week/10 days.
All right - I've reset the list and re-added the Bee book, as well as the first 3 books on my own shelf that were science reads to get things started.

I'll say everyone has until the 30th of July to add and vote on a new book.
Need help?