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Discussion: KYD: Green Game Round Play
posts: 15 views: 2497 last post: 7 years ago
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My guess for victim (submitted for team MbD / TA / Lillelara):

Task: Read a book where the author´s first or last name begins with one of the letters in "Meg".
Crime scene guess for team MbD / Lillelara / TA:

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets matches at least 2 of the tasks for the "Planet Camazotz" crime scene card: "set in a different dimension of this world" and "published between 1918 and 2007". If you award an "assist" to Hermione Granger for, inter alia, stealing the recipe for and concocting the polyjuice potion, and for providing the final crucial clue about the entrance of the Secret Chamber (even if Harry and Ron had to wrench it out of her petrified hand), arguably this book might even fit at least 2 1/2 of the tasks for this card.
Round 3:

Cards played:

Debbie: pass
Tea, Rain, Book: pass
Nighttime Reading Center: Agatha Christie (suspect) - No. 5 points awarded.

Team TML:
Themis: Planet Camazotz (CS) - Yes. 20 points awarded.
Murder by Death: Pass
Lillelara: Meg Murry (victim) - No. 5 points awarded.
RL intruded, and I missed the deadline, so I'm getting in early for Saturday. :)

I'm playing the cause of death card: Antique Hunting Rifle, using my last read, The Camelot Caper.
My Round 4 Guess:

I am playing the Suspect card: Walter Mosely, using my lastest read, The Celebration by Wanda E. Brunstetter.

- Read a Book Written by an author whose First or Last name begins with W or M.

My guess for the victim (submitted for team MbD / TA / Lillelara):

Task: All three of them.
Suspect Card Guess - Team MbD / Lillelara / TA

Obviously, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban ticks off all three tasks associated with this particular suspect card ... :)
Round 4:

Debbie: pass
Tea, Rain, Book: pass
Nighttime Reading Center: Walter Mosley (suspect) - No. 5 points awarded.

Team TML:
Themis: JK Rowling (suspect) - No. 5 points awarded.
Murder by Death: antique hunting rifle (COD) - Yes. 20 points awarded.
Lillelara: Severus Snape (victim) - No. 5 points awarded.
Sorry I have been MIA, real life is kinda crazy right now. But here is my guess for round five:

I read "Danger in High Heels (High Heels #7)" by Gemma Halliday.
Since I have my previous read of Spells and Scones waiting in the wings to be used for a different card, I'm going to use it for (may the literature gods forgive me) the Suspect: Jane Austen card (alliterative title).
My guess for suspect (submitted for team MbD / TA / Lillelara):

I´m using Appointment with Death by Agatha Christie as a wild card for Harper Lee as suspect. I think she hasn´t been mentioned once in all the bulletins, so maybe she will be the killer in our game.
Team MbD / Lillelara / TA suspect guess:

Stephen King.

Book read: Unnatural Death by Dorothy L. Sayers -- a book by an author whose [last] name begins with "S".
Round 5 Results:

Debbie: pass
Tea, Rain, Book: Harper Lee (suspect) - Yes. 20 points awarded!
Nighttime Reading Center: pass

Team TML:

Themis: Stephen King (suspect) - No. 5 points awarded.
Murder by Death: Jane Auste (suspect) - No. 5 points awarded.
Lillelara: Harper Lee (suspect) - Yes. 20 points awarded.
GREEN GAME IS FROZEN! There will be no more bodies!
I'm going to play my victim card (HA!) for Easy Rawlins, using my recent read A Brush With Shadows. The author's name (Ann Lee Huber) begins with an "A" (in 'Easy').
Need help?