Bridget and her friends have come home rich again but they do not want anyone to know so they go about their lives as before. Bridget resumes her career as a sex therapist and a couple come to her that do not seem what they say they are. Bridget and the gang also seem to be under surveillance by the Deceivers.
I like this series. There is a synopsis of the story so far as this book begins (in case you don't read the series in order.) The characters seem like old friends now. Of course, I am on Bridget's side but the sex is hotter on Valeria's side. A few new agents are brought In by Valeria to help her execute her plans. Her new agents, however, seem to have an eye to the main goal which is to be noticed by Valeria and the Octagon. Valeria also seems to have lost some control over Sargon. I keep wondering when they will have it out and who will win. Sargon may seem submissive to her but I have my doubts. As for Bridget there is always an angel watching out for her. It was good to have some of them back on this journey.
The story is well done. The world building gets better each book. The ending is open ended. I can see several storylines that could be followed up with another book or two. I want to see what happens between the Angels and Deceivers. I want to know what happens with all the gold Travis and Lydia are hiding at their ranch. I want to know if Sargon stands up to Valeria. There are other questions I want answers to also.
Hopefully another Bridget book is in the works with my answers.