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review 2018-05-13 09:27
Rezension | Clockwork Prince von Cassandra Clare
Chroniken der Schattenjäger 02. Clockwork Prince: Chroniken der Unterwelt - Cassandra Clare


Charlotte Branwell muss sich als Leiterin des Londoner Instituts der Schattenjäger unter Beweis stellen, denn ihre Fähigkeiten werden von Benedict Lightwood, der sich gerne selbst als Leiter des Instituts sehen würde, angezweifelt. Um die Leitung nicht zu verlieren muss Charlotte und ihre Freunde innerhalb zwei Wochen den Aufenthaltsort des geheimnisumwobenen Magisters aufdecken.

Meine Meinung

Nach „Clockwork Angel“ ist „Clockwork Prince“ der zweite Band aus Cassandra Clares Spin-Off Trilogie „Chroniken der Schattenjäger“. Die Ereignisse knüpfen direkt an die Geschichte des ersten Bandes an, so dass man diesen auf jeden Fall gelesen haben sollte. Vorkenntnisse aus den „Chroniken der Unterwelt“ sind jedoch nicht notwendig.

Das Cover setzt das wundervolle Steampunk Design fort, lediglich einige Details wie Farbe, Silhouette und Ausschnitt eines Londoner Bauwerks haben sich geändert. Dieses Mal sehen wir durch das Bullauge die Towerbridge und eine männliche Silhouette die wahrscheinlich Will oder Jem darstellen soll. Das Ganze passt perfekt zur Geschichte und ist ein schöner Blickfang im Buchregal.

Ich liebe Cassandra Clares bildhaften Schreibstil und habe vor allem Gefallen am Setting des viktorianischen Londons gefallen gefunden. Leider kam diese wundervolle Atmosphäre nicht ganz zu gut zum tragen wie im Vorgängerband „Clockwork Angel“. Der Plot ist wieder einmal mit überraschenden Wendungen gespickt und konnte mich trotz ein paar langatmiger Abschnitte, in denen die Handlung nicht voranzukommen scheint, bei Laune halten. Vor allem zum Ende hin läutet Cassandra Clare einen atemberaubenden Showdown ein der so einige Fragen aufwirft und die Neugierde auf den Abschlussband „Clockwork Princess“ anheizt.

Als Komplettpaket hat mich „Clockwork Prince“ auf jeden Fall begeistern können, man erfährt etwas über die Hintergründe von Wills Vergangenheit, lernt Jem näher kennen und trifft auf alte Bekannte wie z. B. Magnus Bane. Leider hat Cassandra Clare zu der typischen Dreiecksgeschichte gegriffen, die man mittlerweile in fast jedem Jugend-Fantasyroman vorfindet. Diese empfand ich als abgedroschen und in meinen Augen hat sie dem Plot mehr geschadet als voran gebracht. Ich hätte mir wirklich gewünscht, dass sich die Beziehung zwischen Tessa, Will und Jem etwas anders entwickelt und evt. auch etwas mehr über die Klockwerk-Kreaturen verraten wird. Aufgrund dieser kleinen Kritikpunkte vergebe ich 4 von 5 Grinsekatzen.


Ein packender und solider Mittelteil der „Chroniken der Schattenjäger“ dem etwas weniger Liebesdrama gut zu Gesicht gestanden hätte.

Source: www.bellaswonderworld.de/rezensionen/rezension-clockwork-prince-von-cassandra-clare
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review SPOILER ALERT! 2016-09-24 00:00
Clockwork Prince
Clockwork Prince - Cassandra Clare I can't quite put my finger on why I didn't like this book as well as Clockwork Angel. It didn't seem as though Tessa had any character growth, but Will had so much character growth as to seem out of character. I had trouble buying that Will had went from being an egotistical, irritating jerk to a loving, caring guy. It was implied that he was always that caring person, hiding it to stop people from loving him, but I didn't see that in the first book, and it was a little bit too obvious in the second.

I was also frustrated Jessamyn's stupidity. I had liked her and seen her as a smart, but mentally ill person who just desperately wanted to get away from the magic. Apparently I was wrong about her being smart.

I really like Jem, so it was nice to see some more development from him. I have always liked Jem more than Will, and, quite frankly I wonder why Tessa even wants Will when she has Jem. I liked the development of Sophie and Gideon as well.

Bridget's songs were fun, though I can understand why the characters got so annoyed with them. I mostly liked them because I recognized some of them.

I liked the book, but it wasn't as good as the first one.
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review 2016-09-22 00:00
Clockwork Prince
Clockwork Prince - Cassandra Clare So I was kind of harsh with my review of "Clockwork Angel", especially on Will's Character and I have to say he has completely redeemed himself in this book!
I'm not eloquent and my reviews are usually to the point, so here it goes.
I liked this book a lot! more than the first for sure!
I have become very attached to the characters and It had me interested from the first page to the last!
I would definitely recommend this book!
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review 2016-06-07 23:59
Clockwork Prince (Graphic Novel) - HyeKyung Baek,Cassandra Clare

This is immensely better of an adaptation of the novel than Clockwork Angel manga, albeit I had to ignore how it portrayed Magnus and Henry -.-. I felt all the feels, cried about it just as I had reading the book, so I’d say it translates pretty well! With maybe a few more chapters, this could be further detailed (I would’ve appreciated chibi Will doing the duck dance). 

I still wouldn’t recommend reading the manga alone without having read the books. The novels definitely have a lot more descriptions and scenes that were cut that add so much to the story that we miss out in the manga, but it's still a great way to delve back into the world.

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text 2016-04-01 10:06
March Wrap-Up
Clockwork Prince - Cassandra Clare
Clockwork Princess - Cassandra Clare
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz - L. Frank Baum
Contamination (Feast of Weeds) (Volume 2) - Jamie Thornton
Glass Sword (Red Queen) - Victoria Aveyard
Rippler - Cidney Swanson
Ignite Me - Tahereh Mafi

This month was not a bad reading month, considering all I had to do I'm pretty pleased with myself. I managed to complete 7 novels. I participated in March Take Control of Your TBR Pile. I was so much fun and that's great cause I managed to read some books I've had on my shelf for a long time.


What I read:

- Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare 4/5

- Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare 5/5

- the Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum 4/5

- Contamination by Jamie Thornton 4/5

- Glass Sword by Victoria Aveyard 3/5

- Rippler by Cidney Swanson 2/5

- Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi 5/5


All my reviews are on this blog and/or my Goodreads page if you want to read my thoughts on these books :)


What I watched:

Ok, I'm still watching Degrassi. I finished season 7 and watched seasons 8,9 and 10. I don't like it as much as the first seasons cause I really liked the original characters and they all left the show at this point. Still, it's a lot of fun to watch this show and to relax after a long day. I'm also still watching Shadowhunters, I think there are one or two episodes left in the season, I'm not sure. I'm still hesitant about this show, it is not bad but I feel like they are trying to much to put some humor in it. It's also weird to see the plot so different from the books, I mean it's an adaptation, I'm not saying it should be the same but some things are just too weird. Season 3 of Faking It also started and I watched the first two episodes. This show is really cool, funny and stupid. I like it!


What have you read in March? What was your favorite read of the month?


Thanks for reading,





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