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review 2016-06-07 23:25
What Hurts the Most (7th Street Crew Book 1) by Willow Rose
What Hurts the Most: An engrossing, heart-stopping thriller (7th Street Crew Book 1) - Willow Rose

What Hurts the Most (7th Street Crew Book 1) by Willow Rose in a mystery with lots of twists & turns. I gave it five stars.

“After five years of working there, you simply stop being baffled. However, I am actually baffled at this moment. But not because of the view. Because of what is being said. ‘So, you’re firing me, is that it?’ I asked, while my blood is boiling in my veins. What the hell is this? ‘Letting you go, yes.’


“I look at my dad. It is scary how much we look alike. I see it every time I look in the mirror. Every day, I am reminded of where I have come from, even though I try so hard to forget.”


“I think long & hard for a comeback, but unfortunately I have never been fast at those things. I can always come up with something a few days later, something real clever & witty, but never in the moment. I often wonder if people will think it weird if I call them a few weeks later & give them the line.”


I purchased this on sale & was glad to start with Book 1. I look forward to reading the next two books of the series, You Can Run & You Can’t Hide.


Link to purchase: http://www.amazon.com/What-Hurts-Most-Street-Crew-ebook/dp/B018A097LO

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review 2014-01-01 06:40
[REVIEW] Kraken by M. Caspian

KrakenKraken by M. Caspian
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Recommended by: Lisa Henry & Vivian Archer
Recommended for: Tentacles sex fans who also enjoys horror thriller and mystery.

Read from December 25 to 29, 2013 — I own a copy


Cannot be less than 5 Stars!
It was a beguiling yet horrifying piece of erotica with strong plot and characters.
Starts with bang, ends with a Super Bang!

Kraken ticks off just about all of my tent-sex requirements. It's almost like the author heard my lamentations on the lacking I found in most of of my tent-sex books. It scored so near to what I want, it is a tad uncanny in a way. Like the power above decided to answer all my wishes at once. I want slick and slimy action, there it is! Even gooey and sticky was there. How about some erotic sounding by organic matter? Oh yes whatever you said master! I could only wish for that particular scene to be longer though. I am greedy. Yes.

The story was so thick with mystery, layers upon layers of it. Characters acting suspicious and ominous. It was totally unsettling yet you can't wait to find out why. Needless to say it was a gripping story, so compelling and satisfying. Would definitely please many horror addicts not to mention mystery and psychological fans too. That is, of course, provided they are into M/M noncon tentacles sexing up!

About the tentacles sex aspect, all was kinky and erotic it gives me goosebumps kinda way until.... I reached about 70%, then BOOM! Hell breaks loose! And I am starting to question the author's motive on writing this book. Was it a secret plot to convert us tentacles fans to staunch supporter of normal suction-cups-free sex? I am saying this because what comes after that point onwards was far... far...... from erotic. If I have nuts, it would have retreated posthaste with no hope of returning. Horrifying can't even come close to describe what the poor protagonist has gone through. I shudder while recalling some gruesome, sickening events that shocked my core. If you are the sensitive and squeamish kind, you might want to reconsider your plan on reading this. Then again, you may possibly survive just like weakling ol' me did and end up with one hell of an experience to share. I am very much wearing it like a shiny badge of honor.

I have to agree with Lisa's review that the writing was superbly evocative and the visual was utterly enthralling. I felt like I am walking along side the characters in that eerie woods, swimming in the dangerous dark blue sea and then bursting my heart running away from that berserk sea monster in pursuit of the good guys. Whew! I had to stop reading for awhile to calm my poor heart before I get a heart attack.

The visual sensation is just too strong to avoid being affected by it. I promise you would feel breathlessness throughout your reading. I suffocate along with the MC each time his breath was forcefully taken away. Drowning with him in his agony.

Not only was the world-building amazing, the characters are also well-built. They are certainly round characters, shows prominent growth and each of their voices are distinct. Who has my heart? It will be Will, our long-suffering protagonist. The author has ran him through the mill over and over again. My heart was pulverized along the way. THIS is what a good book should do to you. Oh and there's a sociopath in this book. He is fascinating to me since I like psychological element. Yes, the cray-cray captivates this moth.

If you want a tent-sex book with strong plot coupled with intense mixture of gripping horror and mystery elements, this IS your book.

And such a daring book it was. Would positively look great on the big screen. Both horrifying and satisfying. Not a chance in the world I would ever forget this amazing story. It is now forever etched upon my mind.



Dear Author, a big thank you for this crazy adventure. I had the wildest ride ever! May I request a tentacle non-con with mpreg next? Please? Pretty please, please?



Title: Kraken
Author: M. Caspian
Publication Date: December 22nd, 2013
Type: Novel, 63,000 words
Genre: M/M, Gay, Romance, Erotica, Contemporary, Fiction, Horror Thriller, Gothic Erotic Horror
Tags/Keywords: abuse, violent partner, adultery, unfaithfulness, age-gap, alpha dominant male, amazing worldbuilding, amorous persistent suitor, anal sex, oral sex, angst-storm, ass play, b-mod, bareback, bondage/restraints, brave protagonist, captive, captivity, confinement, contemporary, sea creature, darkfic, death, depraved, dismemberment, mutilation, disturbing, dominance-submission, drugging, dubcon-noncon, emotional, distressful, engrossing, erotica, fantasy, forced seduction, gay, M/M, genitalia torture, good characterisation, good plot, gore fest, handjob, hea_happily-ever-after, horror, immortality, injury_bodily-harm, intense_deep-feelings_tension, interspecies, intriguing, kept-man, magic, maledom, master-pet, matings-bondings, mcd-major-character-death, mind-control, mindfuck_mind-games, monster, murder-killings, mystery, psychological, not-for-faint-heart, physical-torture, pleasure-slaves_sexual-slave-pet, possessive-partner, profound-physical-size-difference, psychological-disorders, rape, realistic, reluctant-forced, rescue-damsel-in-distress, resentful-indignant-irate, restricted freedom, revenge-punishment, romance, rough-sex, sadism-masochism, scare-da-shit-outta-me, scorching-hot, sense-of-hopelessness-despair, sensual, erotic, sexual torture, shifters, sounding_stuffing_fisting, special-abilities-power_magic, supernatural-paranormal, tentacles_appendages_smexin, thriller_suspenseful, traumatic-traumatized, tyrant-dominant-male, unforgettable_stuck-in-my-head, unique-story, unstable-mind, unwilling-slave-pet-partner, violence, virgin-bottom, virgin, weak-defenseless-protagonist, edge-play, breathplay, aquaphobia

Kraken: A gothic erotic horror with tentacle non-con.

When boyfriend Parker gives him an ultimatum Will never dreams his heart is about to be ripped out: move to a remote off-shore island with him, or call it quits. But Will picks wrong, and now he’s heading into the unknown to fix his mistake. But why do the locals think they recognise him? And why can’t he seem to leave?

Reader advisory: This work of fiction contains explicit sexual activities between men that may offend some people. It also contains scenes of rape, extreme violence, tentacles, and reference to sexual abuse of children.

63,000 words

Available at Amazon for Kindle, and Smashwords in all formats


* Reviewed on December 30th, 2013


Comment on December 25th, 2013:

Lisa says it has slimy tentacles. I hope it's drippy and slick *shudders of pleasure*

Yeap! I am HYPE!

If you haven't got it yet, do grab hold of it at SMASHWORDS (click the link). It's freaking FREEEEEE!

(spoiler show)

View all my reviews

Source: www.goodreads.com/review/show/798281305
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review 2013-12-26 11:47
[REVIEW] Sock it to Me, Santa! by Madison Parker

Sock it to Me, Santa!Sock it to Me, Santa! by Madison Parker
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Recommended for: Just pick it up. It would do you whole lot of good.

Read from December 24 to 25, 2013 — I own a copy

This brought love and Christmas to me. Warms my heart and tickle my funny bone. Plastered a goofy grin on me.

Ryan's first word describing Jamie to his mom was, soft. That goofy grin of mine started right at that point onwards. Lol. Ryan wasn't exactly a perfect person, he is filled with insecurities and was a little too self absorbed to see things around him clearly. He should really thank Mrs. Keats his homeroom teacher for setting up that Secret Santa gift exchange challenge.

That event did a hell lot of good drawing Ryan out of his protective shell, helping him to look deeper than the skin and also to let his true self shine. I'll say, Jamie brought out the best in Ryan and of course Ryan's loving understanding mom must be credited as well for the undying support she gave.

The author did great with Ryan's characterization, he is very much a believable teenager trying to find his own footing in life, was troubled by his sexuality and being too overly sensitive to public judgment. Although I didn't get to know Jamie as much due to the fact that the story was entirely in Ryan's POV, but he still managed to endear himself to me. Jamie might look effeminate and soft as everyone including how Ryan first perceived him yet he is stronger than anyone even the bullies and Ryan. This is because he stand tall and proud of who he is. He acknowledges his true self and wouldn't hide like Ryan did just to fit in. At least he isn't living a lie and I admire his courage and sense of self-value to stand firm against unjust negativity directed at him daily. He is beautiful inside out. He shines, and this is what attracted Ryan to him.

Ryan's sudden discovery of his fetish was priceless. There are many adorable moments in this book such as the aforementioned embarrassing fetish discovery, giggly chapstick exchange and the Great Shoe Operation was utterly romantic!

Here's my assortment of feelz for this book...

Fell in love with the Hoobajoob socks monkey

I want him please? Found him on the internet and fell in love with him. He makes me wish I could sew well.

Haz too much happy magic mushrooms

Touching, heart-warming moments worth a thousand words

Moments of intense annoyance over some idiots!

Lastly, bone-meltingly sweet and romantic moments which I took my time to savor each morsel


Then, I pen this short note....


Dear Author,


Thank you for bringing Christmas and love to me.


With tears of joy,



That ending was perfect and most meaningful. It highlights a message that bigoted fools are unworthy of your time. So don't waste your life over these shallow minds. Go live life and love without regrets as it should be.

Pick up this book, read it and love it!


Title: Sock it to Me, Santa!
Author: Madison Parker
Publication Date: November 12th, 2012
Type: Short Story, 13,290 words
Genre: M/M, Gay, LGBTQ, Coming Out, Romance, Contemporary, Young Adult Fiction
Tags/Keywords: student, school, closeted, coming out, first love, having a crush, falling in love, romance, holidays, christmas, secret santa, gift exchange, contemporary, adorable character, adorable story, humor-comedy-fun, feel-good-story, effeminate male, engrossing, insecurities, low confidence, inspiring, no sex, realistic, twink, young adult, young man, angst

Ryan is assigned to Jamie Peterson for his class's secret gift exchange. If word gets out that he has to make a handcrafted gift for flamboyant and openly gay Jamie, Ryan will be the laughing stock of the school. It's a good thing no self-respecting boy would be caught dead in a craft store, because otherwise he'd be at risk of being spotted when his mom drags him to her weekly craft workshops. He hopes Jamie will appreciate all the trouble he's going to for this assignment. Finding the perfect gift is gonna be tricky. Jamie deserves something good, though, after all the crap he has to put up with at school. At least, Ryan tells himself that's the reason he's putting so much thought into the gift. It couldn't be that he has feelings for Jamie, could it?


* Reviewed on December 26th, 2013


Comment on December 25th, 2013:
Loved this


View all my reviews

Source: www.goodreads.com/review/show/767092834?type=review#rating_20413824
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review 2013-01-29 00:00
Uncle John's Endlessly Engrossing Bathroom Reader - Bathroom Readers' Institute Engrossing Snippets:•World’s largest butterfly: the Queen Alexandra’s birdwing from New Guinea, with a wingspan of 11 inches.---•Due to a birth defect, a Swedish police officer’s right leg was slightly longer than his left leg. So in 2008, he found a surgeon who agreed to shorten the right one so that his legs would be equal. But the surgery was botched: The knee joint was put back in the wrong position, and one of the screws they used to hold the joint together came loose. During a second surgery, the doctor discovered another problem with the first surgery, which required a third one. That one was slightly botched, too, requiring a fourth. Each time, the surgeon had to take a little more off of the patient’s right leg—which had been two and a half centimeters longer than the left. Now it’s five centimeters shorter than the left.---•Caller: I’m having a problem with my mouse. It’s squeaking.Tech: I’m sorry, did you say squeaking?Caller: That’s right. The fasterI move it across the screen, the louder it squeaks.Tech: Are you pressing your mouse up against the screen?Caller: Well, sure! The message says, “Click here to continue."
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