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review 2013-09-12 19:25
Wings of the Wicked
Wings of the Wicked (Angelfire) - Courtney Allison Moulton

Wings of the Wicked was a great sequel to Angelfire! At first I was a little hesitant as it has been so long since I read Angelfire but to my surprise I fell back into the world easily. The plot was a little slow at times but I was enjoying the characters so much I didn't mind. Wings of the Wicked was on the more depressing side but had enough humor to where it wasn't overwhelming. The ending killed me though and will definitely be reading Shadows in the Silence! I easily recommend this series.

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text 2013-06-25 14:03
Teaser Tuesday: After Daybreak by J.A. London!
After Daybreak - J.A. London

Click photo to purchase your copy!


After Daybreak
by J.A. London
Paperback, 336 pages
Published June 25th 2013 by HarperTeen

GoodReadsBarnes and Noble 

After Daybreak brings J. A. London's romantic dystopian Darkness Before Dawn series to a thrilling conclusion.

Dawn grew up behind a wall, terrified of the vampires outside who controlled the lives of humans and demanded their blood. But when she became a delegate for her city and met Victor, she realized that not all vampires were the same, that maybe one could be trusted.

Now Day Walker Sin is infecting his followers with a disease that turns them into mindless killers. Dawn and Victor will have to convince humans and vampires to band together to stop him, because alone they will all die.

After Daybreak is perfect for fans of the YA series Morganville Vampires and the Vampire Diaries.


When I step into the bedroom, a guy dressed all in black is standing before me holding two stakes. The room has no windows, but it does have a fireplace. And his face is covered in soot. I sigh deeply.

"What is this? Another test?"

He slowly shakes his head. "I'm here to fulfill the death warrant."




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text 2013-06-13 18:31
Unraveling - Elizabeth Norris
Unbreakable - Elizabeth Norris
Undone - Elizabeth Norris

Source: vine.co/v/blTDVjPDmYW?fb_action_ids=4666141266134&fb_action_types=vine-app%3Apost&fb_source=aggregation&fb_aggregation_id=288381481237582
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