3.5 stars
So Angelfire took me a bit to get into. I started it at the end of August and well... It didn’t draw me in for quite a few chapters and even then I wasn’t too fussed about reading it any chance I got. It was probably about a third of the way in (and it's pretty long) that I finally realised what the story was about that I started to gel with it.
The probable romance between Ellie and Will certainly helped things along. I knew there was something between them previously, or at least a friendly companionship. It was just in the way Will behaved around her.
As for the more normal aspect of the story: friends and parties, I have to admit that I wasn’t too interested in that. I also figured that Landon had feelings for Ellie early on, though she was entirely blind to that until it was pointed out to her by many of her friends.
Family wise, I would love to know what's going on with Ellie's dad. Why has he gone all psycho suddenly?
I guess I'm interested enough in the plot to continue the series at some point but not right now.
What I liked:
1.There were a lot of well-described action-pack scenes. I mean a lot!
2.The story kind of has a Buffy the Vampire Slayer vibe which I really liked.
3.The history about Preliator was pretty interesting and I hope to learn more in the next book
4.The romance wasn't too cringed worthy
5.The family issues were legit and realistic. I actually really connected with Ellie because of those issues.
6. I couldn't help but smile at the ending. Some may think it's cliche but I'm a cliche type of person so I don't mind.
What I disliked:
1.I couldn't get into the writing style. I thought it was choppy and boring. It kind of reminded me of my writing.
2.I wasn't the biggest fan of Will. He was just too er...dull for my taste. But I do appreciate how protective he is... i'll give him that.
3.I couldn't connect with side characters that much (Katie, Nathaniel, ect.)I didn't really care for them whereas Ellie cares deeply for them.
4.I couldn't imagine the creatures some reason so it was frustrating reading those scenes sometimes.
Angelfire wasn't a bad book but it didn't blow my mind. But I heard that the second book is waaaayyy better so I will be reading the next book soooooooon!!!
The Angelfire series and I have had a rocky history together. I loved the first book but Wings of the Wicked dragged on and on and on. I wasn’t sure what to expect going into this one. Probably a mix of the first two.
Well whatever I was or wasn’t expecting, Shadows in the Silence blew me away. From page one the plot sucks you in and doesn’t let go. But it was by no means fast paced. But it wasn’t slow either. Shadows used its plot to the best of its ability. It took time to further develop the characters and introduce us to new ones.
And unlike so many sequels, there was down time for the character spread throughout the book so it wasn’t all build up and then ten pages for the climax. This was greatly pleasing because Wings had so much build up reading it was like pulling teeth.
The action sequences were brought to new heights in their detail and pulse-pounding reactions. Whenever Ellie fought a reaper, I got a thrill, knowing I was in for a treat.
Another common complaint I have about novels involving searches for some mysterious relic is the length/build up. They usually take forever and are excruciatingly boring. I honestly don’t know how Courtney managed it, but the search for the Ring of Solomon wasn’t boring in the slightest. Maybe it was all the dead ends and questionable leads that kept me guessing. (The reaper guarding the statue was hilarious).
Another problem with 3rd books is weak endings. They go by too quickly or make no sense. Thankfully, the ending of Shadows made sense (for the most part. I’ll get to that in a second) and was quite epic. I was hit with a tidal wave of feels when Ellie ascended.
The only confusing bit was whether Ellie was Gabriel permanently or what. It said that she was an Archangel with a human soul but does that mean that she was Ellie with angel powers of Gabriel with emotions?