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review 2019-01-08 11:59
Guarding Reese by R.S. McCoy
Wings of the Wicked: A Limited Edition Urban Fantasy Collection - Dariel Raye,Charlene A. Wilson,Kim Carmichael,Lynda Kaye Frazier,R.S. McCoy,Muffy Wilson,Ravenna Tate,Lexi C. Foss,Rebecca Hamilton,Carolyn Reilly,J.R. Thorn

Guarding Reese is a story by R.S. McCoy, in the Wings of the Wicked anthology. In it we meet Cass, a guardian angel who has had to spend nine years away from his charge. Reese has worked his way through five other guardians, but no one seems to work. Cass is given the chance to work with Reese again, and he follows his heart to the one who has held it since the first moment they met.


This book is a paradox - it is both steamy and sexy, whilst also fading to black. The passion between Reese and Cass is full-on, and full of emotion. I was hoping for that ending, but I wasn't sure I would get it. R.S. McCoy managed to keep me on tenterhooks throughout.


This is an excellent story, being well written, and with no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading. The pacing is smooth, and the characters well rounded. I would love to know if this is part of a series, as I would love for Vin and Alexander to have their stories too!


If you like reading about hot and sexy angels, or ripped musicians who know what they want, then I can definitely recommend this book.


* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *


Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Source: archaeolibrarian.wixsite.com/website/single-post/2019/01/08/Guarding-Reese-by-RS-McCoy
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text 2013-11-20 00:43
Winged Heroes and Heroines of Romance
Ninth Orb - Kaitlyn O'Connor,Nicole Ash
Angels' Blood - Nalini Singh
Wicked Wings - Sahara Kelly
Kinked - Thea Harrison
Hunting Season - Shelly Laurenston
Logan & Jenna (The Wolf's Mate, #6) - R.E. Butler
Winterland Destiny - Jaci Burton
Jovah's Angel - Sharon Shinn
Wicked Magic - Cheyenne McCray
The Darkest Passion - Gena Showalter

Wings are sexy! Bring out your Angels, Fairies, Harpies, Winged Aliens, Cupids, Superheroes, and whatever other wings appear on a mostly human form.


Here as some books I really enjoyed that feature heroes and heroines with wings in their everyday bodies or half shifted forms. 


1. The Ninth Orb by Kaitllyn O'Connor features a hero whose wings mark him as warrior class. 

2. Angels' Blood (Guild Hunter, #1)  by Nalini Singh, this series delights in first our Angel hero's and then our transformed heroines amazing wings. 

3. Wicked Wings by Sahara Kelley, utterly silly erotic little fairies have a great deal of in flight fun. Wingin' It is also great but hard to find. 

4. Kinked by Thea Harrison, oh lovely Harpy. 

5. Hunting Season  by Shelly Laurenston, Viking Godess! I am thrilled to share that she will be writing in this world on the West Coast in the upcoming year.

6. Logan & Jenna by RE Butler pretty pretty fairy.

7. Winterland Destiny  by Jaci Burton, more hot fairies 

8. Jovah's Angel  by Sharon Shinn, Angels abound.

9. Wicked Magic by Cheyenne McCray, Warriors with Wings

10. The Darkest Passion by Gena Showalter, Glory Glory, he's go wings 


 Please let me know you recommendations for romantic leads with wings.


If you would like to vote for the best of best go to this Goodreads list: Winged Heroes and Heroines of Romance




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text 2013-10-15 18:15
My Cup Runneth Over: The Buxom Heroine
At Last - Billy London
Wicked Wings - Sahara Kelly
Dangerous Curves Ahead - Sugar Jamison
Nine Rules to Break When Romancing a Rake - Sarah MacLean
It Had To Be You - Susan Elizabeth Phillips
Sweet Dreams - Kristen Ashley
The Famous Heroine - Mary Balogh
Bet Me - Jennifer Crusie
Falling for the Backup (Assassins, #3.5) - Toni Aleo
The Mane Event - Shelly Laurenston

A month or so ago I was thinking about breast size in Romance Novels. I think I must have read a book with a heroine with notably small breasts like Finding Grace. 


When I think about physical traits of romance characters, I am usually wondering about which are the best books that take that characteristic and make it a real part of the character or even sometimes the plot.  Who we physically are shapes us and really good romance novels build on these outer details to create a rich round character.  


I also think that we all like to see ourselves reflected in the fiction we read. The heroes tend to be more on the scale of fantastical in Romance because men aren't the primary audience while heroines meander between the Goddess and the more down to earth because female readers like both. 


So, I was thinking about boobs...lol 


I already posted my thoughts on the small breasted in romance. Here is that lovely blog: Small Breasted Women Have Bigger Hearts.


This post is on those heroines who are much more generously endowed. 


The books named above have heroines whose large breast size is discussed or part of the plot. 

So, for example in It Had To Be You, the heroine is often misjudged as not so bright partly because of her size being large. Dez in The Mane Event gets a lot of remarks because of her bounty.  She even has trouble fitting her bullet proof vest over the girls.


These details make for that layering in a romance novel that make the characters come alive. 


A wonderful article/rant reposted by Huffington Post: Women about having large breast starts like this


If you've got C-cup or larger-sized breasts, chances are it feels like you permanently have a toddler attached to your body, and like most demanding children, they dominate your whole life. Oh yeah, you can fill out a sweater like it's nobody's business, and you certainly get male eyes on you, but with your giant ta-tas comes a life of watching your boobs pop out of bras, shirts and dresses like they're rampaging bulls on the streets of Pamplona.


                    from "Tits McGee" 



The article goes into sarcastic exploration of the impact of having large breasts on one's life. 


There is also an Amazon Discussion on Seeing Ourselves in Romance: Breast Size


I would love the know your recommendations for great heroines whose cups runneth over.  


If you would like to vote for the best of the best, go to the Goodreads list: My Cup Runneth Over: The Buxom Heroine. 


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review 2013-09-12 19:25
Wings of the Wicked
Wings of the Wicked (Angelfire) - Courtney Allison Moulton

Wings of the Wicked was a great sequel to Angelfire! At first I was a little hesitant as it has been so long since I read Angelfire but to my surprise I fell back into the world easily. The plot was a little slow at times but I was enjoying the characters so much I didn't mind. Wings of the Wicked was on the more depressing side but had enough humor to where it wasn't overwhelming. The ending killed me though and will definitely be reading Shadows in the Silence! I easily recommend this series.

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review 2013-04-28 00:00
Wings of the Wicked (Angelfire Series #2)
Wings of the Wicked - Courtney Allison Moulton Warning: A truly tiresome monologue ahoy!The kind of fuckery is this?They say when you are at the bottom, you can only jump higher. It certainly is true in the case of [a:Courtney Allison Moulton|3220024|Courtney Allison Moulton|http://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1267468265p2/3220024.jpg]. Her story jumped from the it-suck-so-bad-it-needs-be-stuffed-into-a-time-crack-and-erased-from-existence that was the first book to one hell of a crazy ride. If one year ago, somebody had told me I'd be back to this series and actually like it, I'd have beenBut between reading [b:the Girl who Circumnavigated fairyland in a ship of her own making|9591398|The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making (Fairyland, #1)|Catherynne M. Valente|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1317793528s/9591398.jpg|6749837] and [b:If You Find Me|15793231|If You Find Me|Emily Murdoch|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1364401872s/15793231.jpg|18670766], I was a total mess. I needed cool-off time and what better way to rejuvenate yourself than laughing at a couple shitty-excuse-for-an-angel making out. I had another option but I'd rather die of passion(passionate rage is what I thought I'd be feeling) than be bored to death by the [b:Unearthly|7488244|Unearthly (Unearthly, #1)|Cynthia Hand|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1324782984s/7488244.jpg|9621771] series.So it starts with all:slash,slash,cut,boom,slashinsert annoying romantic momentslash,slash,cut,boom,slashinsert annoying romantic momentslash,slash,cut,boom,slashinsert annoying romantic momentinsert annoying normal life momentslash,slash,cut,boom,slashIt's so fucking cool. She chops and so much action, I'm giddy. But... ugh, the romance, the cheese-fest, the forbidden-ocity, KILL ME NOW!And Ellie is so fucking stupid at times that it's not even funny after the first few chapters. She's a true stupidling and a true annoyling. But then she has these moments of absolute smart-assery, and I just want to love her so much even though I never will.Oh man, I hate Ava. She's so cool and she probably loves Will. Oh man, I love Cadan even though he's all evil and stuff. Man, what do I do? Shit, Mother Will knows best.or I'm exaggerating?But at least I could kick all their asses.________________________________Will stared him down the way he had with Brian. “She’s mine.”“I am not yours, you caveman!”___________________________________“I’m so tired of this macho male ridiculousness. If you hithim, I hope he hits you back.”See what I mean? But then she goes all, mememememememmeme, and everyone else goes, youyouyouyouyouyou and Will goes, behappybehappybehappy. It's enough to make you wanna shave off her head and make omelets upon it. It's sickening. And while I'm out there bitching, let's put in that some parts of the book were horrendously boring. But dayuum, I appreciate how Moulton dealt with the whole friend-zone-guy-thingy. The third wheel accepts that she won't love him, but he still wants to her friend and that's enough for him. I liked him, though. He's the only one who doesn't lick her shit like it's the elixir or something. And why does there have to be prom? Always? It should be the one thing wiped from existence, no?Not sure if I mentioned it before I'm sure I did but there's so many action scenes and so fucking cool, so much figurative balls-playing and more vulgar things I thought better of before writing down(it's happening more and more often now). Even the couple of them where she doesn't do anything but stand to the side like a dorkus while everybody's busy being on the wrong side of monsterizng monsters, they are pretty cool. Or I'm delusional. Take your pick.Whatever, this is me and [b:Wings of the Wicked|8501291|Wings of the Wicked (Angelfire, #2)|Courtney Allison Moulton|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1307466067s/8501291.jpg|13367196]:GINTAMA TROLLS FOREVER
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