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text 2019-07-05 16:19
My June 2019
Verbrechen - Ferdinand von Schirach
American Panda - Gloria Chao
Verbrechen - 4.5 stars
American Panda - 5 stars


Favorite book(s) of the month:



Books started this month but haven't finished yet:

Still, Tote Asche, Percy Jackson - Die Schlacht um das Labyrinth, Gläsernes Schwert, On The Come Up


Random ramblings:

I didn't even wanted to post this but here we go. I was in the worst reading slump last month and reading just felt like the worst chore and I just didn't wanna do it but made myself do it, which ended with me reading and not going anywere. That's why this month I decided to take the first week off, it's nearly over and I find myself being excited about reading again. Thank god.

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review 2019-06-05 15:05
Verbrechen // Crime!!!
Verbrechen - Ferdinand von Schirach

german and english review (spoilerfree)

audiobook on audible


Inhalt: Der renommierte Strafverteidiger Ferdinand von Schirach kennt die Brüche der Welt. Der Umgang mit Schuld und Unschuld bestimmt seinen Alltag. Doch was ist Schuld eigentlich? Wer will richten über Täter, die zugleich auch Opfer sind?

Mit dem scharfen Blick eines begnadeten Analytikers erzählt Ferdinand von Schirach von menschlichen Dramen und vielfachem Scheitern, von seelischen Abgründen, die sich einer einfachen Bewertung entziehen.


Meine Bewertung: Kurz und nicht so schmerzlos!!!


Mir wurde der Autor erst vor kurzem empfohlen, vorher hatte ich noch nie von ihm gehört. Ich bin aber wirklich froh, dass ich ihn entdeckt habe. Grund Gütiger, das waren eine Menge unbeschreiblicher Stories. Die ein oder andere beschriebene Situation wird mich noch eine Weile verfolgen. Ich kann echt kaum abwarten mehr zu lesen, genug Auswahl habe ich ja.


Der Sprecher hat seine Sache auch wirklich gut gemacht.




Summary: From Ferdinand von Schirach, one of Germany's most prominent defense attorneys, comes a jolting debut collection of short stories that daringly brings to light the motivations stirring within the criminal mind. By turns witty and sorrowful, unflinchingly brutal and heartbreaking, the deeply affecting, quietly unnerving cases presented in "Crime" urge a closer examination of guilt and innocence.


My review: Short but not very sweet.


The author was recommended to me a few weeks ago, before that I have never actually heard of him. But I'm so happy that I discovered him. Good god, that was a good amount of incredible stories. Some of those situations he talked about will probably stay with me for a while. I can't wait to get into more books from him, I have lots to choose from.


Also, the man reading the book did a really great job.

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review 2019-02-05 20:30
Short, sharp, brilliant!
The Collini Case - Ferdinand von Schirach

Fabrizio Collini enters a hotel room in downtown Munich and commits a foul act namely the brutal murder of well known and respected industrialist Hans Meyer. Why should an elderly man with no previous record of assault select at random a victim and deal with in the most horrendous way. Young, newly qualified, attorney Caspar Leinen is assigned the case and he must attempt the impossible defend a man who seemingly has no defence as he happily admits to implementing the murder. This is a short read instantly grabbing the reader's attention with crisp, precise prose and a most unexpected yet perfectly executed conclusion. To say much more would spoil the delights that wait the intuitive reader as we try to unravel the legislation pertaining to a seemingly random crime. Highly recommended



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text 2018-05-08 15:00
Statisik | Ferdinand von Schirach: Strafe

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review 2017-04-18 00:00
Terror: Ein Theaterstück und eine Rede
Terror: Ein Theaterstück und eine Rede -... Terror: Ein Theaterstück und eine Rede - Ferdinand von Schirach Ausführliche Rezension:
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