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text 2015-04-10 21:24
Incarceron - Catherine Fisher

claudia decided to try to talk to the voices she heard from the key and to her surprise they talked back the boy who decided to talk back was finn and finn asked who she was and if she was from the out side she said her name was claudia and that she was on the outside of incarceron and then finn asked if there are stars and she said yes im looking at them right now then finn had to go because the others were waking up and he didnt want the others to know he was talking to someone on the outside so he said hurdly before he had to go that she had to help him escape incarcerone in a voice that chilled claudia to the bones because she is told that incarceron is a perfect world when infact it is the oppisite

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text 2015-04-02 21:38
Incarceron - Catherine Fisher

there is this boy chained down in the middle of the path and these people are coming down with there big wagons and he has to wait till the right time to yell becsue he cant breath that well and if he yells to early they wont hear him and he'll run out of breath and if he yells to late they will crush him so he's waiting and hearing the crushing wheels coming closer and closer and then he yells but they dont hear him and there getting closer and closer and he reaches for a flash light in his pocket he just remembered was there and he pulled it out and it slipped out of his hads just out of reach so he cursed and tried yelling again and again as they get close and closer

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review 2015-03-05 00:00
Incarceron - Catherine Fisher No-recomendado por Denisse.


Me propongo leer de principio a fin libros considerados "malos". Mi intención es encontrar al menos UNA cualidad buena en ellos y reseñarlos objetivamente siguiendo 20 puntos a desarrollar brevemente. (Los puntos varían según el género del que se trate.)

Si tienen ganas de No-recomendarme otros libros
pueden comentar acá o ACÁ. ¡Cualquier género es bienvenido! Cuanto más variado, mejor :)
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text 2015-02-11 19:32
In the Mail

I just put an order in for Incarceron by Catherine Fisher, Ingenue by Jillian Larkin, and Diva by Jillian Larkin.

I am very excited for Incarceron, but I'm not sure about Ingenue or Diva. I was disappointed in Vixen, but they're bargain, so I'll try them out. I really did want to like the series, so I'm all up for giving second chances!


Incarceron is pretty good, I got past my 100 page mark, so that's always a bonus in my books. I'm excited for finishing it and possibly getting Sapphique.


Before that, I got Fairest: Levana's Story by Marissa Meyer and Fight for Power by Eric Walters. I am slowly getting my Lunar Chronicles series together. Fairest was only $12, so how could I not snatch it up? I bought Fight for Power because I received a signed copy of Rule of Three by Eric Walters. I've been excited for Rule of Three for a while now, and just recently had the chance to buy it.


I have high hopes for the books of this month.

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review 2015-01-01 22:18
Incarceron - Catherine Fisher

I found the setting, the idea of the book, more interesting than the characters and action. And yes, I do mean that the setting is the idea. Incarceron is an unfathomably huge prison, self-sustaining and completely cut off from outside contact. Built centuries before the unspecified future age in which the story takes place, it was meant to be a utopia where prisoners were rehabilitated and formed their own communities, never returning to the rest of society. But the prison itself is aware and seems not to care about reform the "criminals," who at the point of the story are generations removed from those condemned and hardly believe there is an outside. Their lives are meager and desperate, surviving by theft and violence in an environment of increasingly scarce resources. The world they left behind is hardly in better shape, thanks to decrees that emulate the world of early modern Europe and forbid progress or social advancement. The majority of people are poor and illiterate, fearfully serving a tiny elite who scheme constantly, trapped in an empty and stagnant system.

In the prison we begin with Finn, a boy with no memories who survives by joining a band of thugs and helping them rob and enslave others. He and his oathbrother Keiro take a strange crystal from a woman they capture. It allows Finn to communicate with Claudia, a girl in the outside world who is the daughter of the prison's Warden. Aside from Finn and Claudia I didn't feel the characters were developed adequately, especially the villains. This was especially noticeable to me as I recently read Fisher's Darkhenge, which focuses much more on emotional and domestic concerns; one might say it examines a microcosm whereas Incarceron invents a macrocosm.

I was a little annoyed by the extreme cliffhanger ending, as I didn't really like this so much that I want to read the sequel.

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