Almost, but not quite perfect. I'm not sure why, but as fun as this is, I wouldn't absolutely prioritize a sequel, so I'm giving it four stars. And this is a lot of fun: almost everything is tied up nicely, except that way that they left open a sequel.
I didn't realize this would be a Zedd/Braniac team-up, but that just made it all that much better. So many robots! So much love!
The characters were spot on, the reason for the crossover was more plausible than many comic book plots I've read, and I ended up simply loving this. The interplay between the two teams made me laugh, and it balanced them teaming up with the action quite nicely.
Two of my biggest issue were the stylization of the art which I wasn't crazy about, although I didn't think it was bad by any means. It wasn't a technical issue; it was about me not getting along with the style.
And of course, I'd jump on any sequel that included Red Tornado, and I found myself wondering why this crossover didn't use their robot member: the Power Rangers and evil doers had robots, so I thought it was a nice way to slip Tornado in there, and they didn't. Missed chance.
I'm not sure that's worth knocking down one star for anyone else, but it was for me.