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review 2019-01-18 00:50
Not perfect
Justice League/Power Rangers - Tom Taylor,Stephen Byrne,Carolin Hidalgo

Almost, but not quite perfect.  I'm not sure why, but as fun as this is, I wouldn't absolutely prioritize a sequel, so I'm giving it four stars.   And this is a lot of fun: almost everything is tied up nicely, except that way that they left open a sequel.   


I didn't realize this would be a Zedd/Braniac team-up, but that just made it all that much better.   So many robots!   So much love!


The characters were spot on, the reason for the crossover was more plausible than many comic book plots I've read, and I ended up simply loving this.   The interplay between the two teams made me laugh, and it balanced them teaming up with the action quite nicely. 


Two of my biggest issue were the stylization of the art which I wasn't crazy about, although I didn't think it was bad by any means.   It wasn't a technical issue; it was about me not getting along with the style.   


And of course, I'd jump on any sequel that included Red Tornado, and I found myself wondering why this crossover didn't use their robot member: the Power Rangers and evil doers had robots, so I thought it was a nice way to slip Tornado in there, and they didn't.   Missed chance.  


I'm not sure that's worth knocking down one star for anyone else, but it was for me.

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text 2018-03-10 00:40
When you want to finish this
Batman & the Justice League, Tome 1 : - Rodolphe Gicquel,Shiori Teshirogi

And can't find it.  I remember where I had it last, and can't find it there.   Grrr.   I'll continue looking a little tonight, then forget it until I have less homework coming up.

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text 2017-12-31 23:46
2018 Book Challenge/ January TBR
The Power - Naomi Alderman
Emma in the Night - Wendy Walker
Little & Lion - Brandy Colbert
American Fire: Love, Arson, and Life in a Vanishing Land - Monica Hesse
Dolores Claiborne - Stephen King
Justice League/Power Rangers (Jla (Justice League of America)) - Barbara Taylor Bradford
Between - Jessica Warman

Where does the time go? Man....


For 2018 I am going to change things up a little. Instead of reading only ebooks or only hardcopies, I have decided I will read one ebook and  one mass market paperback at the beginning of the month then move on to the rest of my books. This will help me knock down the hoards of both types of books I seem to be collecting without ever reading. I have fewer mm paperbacks that Kindle books by far, but still, I tend to buy them and then never read them. Hopefully this will help me get things in order better around here.


What's your 2018 challenge? Mine is 100 books. 


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review 2017-12-18 12:52
Weird as an introduction
Justice League #1 - Justice League Day 2017 Special Edition (Justice League (2016-)) - Jim Lee,Geoff Johns

They don't go over the alternate personalities - Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, whatever Green Lantern they're going with - and they gloss over the fact that Vic Stone will become Cyborg.   It also sets up a Dark Seid story without letting the audience know who he is, so if you're not familiar, you just don't know. 


It was fun for someone who knows what I do, but all the while I was aware it was bizarre as a set up for those who don't know anything about the Justice League. 


Also, what about Wonder Woman?   On the cover, but not in the story?   That sucks. 

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text 2017-11-07 01:28
So, here's the deal
Batman & the Justice League, Tome 1 : - Rodolphe Gicquel,Shiori Teshirogi

No, you can't read this - unless you get your hands on the French version, and can, y'know, read French.  Or alternately know how to read Japanese.   


I just happen to know French.   My parents asked me what I wanted, and I said 'Batman comics in French.'   Because I've been jonesing to read more Batman.   They got me a Dini/Timm Batman Adventures tome that is huge, and I am incredibly excited about, but it was a bit too huge to contemplate while finals :/


They also got me a collection that is unlike most American graphic novels: most are one title, issues 1-4/6/whatever.   Some French BDs - graphic novels - are like this, and some...are not.  I got one with a couple of the King issues that I've already read - but not in French! - and some Detective issues, and some Nightwing issues.   So I'm super excited about that.  


The small manga sized collection, however, fit best into my busy schedule.  I plan on writing a lovely note to my uncle, who loves BDs as much as I do, so he always sends something my way when my parents visit.   He got me this, and I love it: I mean, I side eye huge chunks of how this was drawn, but the ultra feminine male Joker is just doing it for me.   The Gary Stu main character isn't doing it for me, either in a 'I love it' or a 'I hate it' way, but I didn't get super excited until I saw girly-guy Joker.  He's fucked up in pretty much the same way as normal Joker, but I kinda dig how he's drawn.  About a third of the way through this, and I'm going to put it aside for a week or so as I catch up on homework.  I may read it in small chunks if I can, but we'll see.   


For now, I'm going to play some online games for a minute or two, then sleep off the anxiety of my tutorial tomorrow. 

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