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review 2016-05-19 19:04
BtVS, Season 10, Vol 1
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: New Rules - Nicholas Brendon,Rebekah Isaacs,Christos Gage,Joss Whedon

*Book source ~ Library


From Goodreads:

While slaying the zompires that have overrun a small California town, Buffy and her pals are shocked to discover a new kind of vampire: harder to kill, able to transform and walk in the light of day-like Dracula… If that weren't enough, the rules of magic are literally being rewritten. While the crew attempts to find out exactly what this means and restore the status quo, Xander is the victim of a haunting as his relationship with Dawn crumbles. Collects Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 10 #1-#5.


Totally digging this new season of Buffy. There’s fighting, bad guys, a mystery, Spike, and Dracula. I don’t really care about Dawn and Xander and I’m not sure why Anya is back in ghost form or how exactly Giles is back. I think I need to get caught up in the other comics for things to make sense. I wish I had won the lottery. Then I could buy them all instead of relying on the library who, while very generous in purchasing my many suggestions, has yet to get more of the Buffyverse like Angel & Faith. Loving the artwork except for Andrew. I didn’t know who he was until he was addressed by name. He looks a lot like Riley. I’m liking where this season is heading with the wild magic back and the book.

Source: imavoraciousreader.blogspot.com/2016/05/btvs-season-10-vol-1-new-rules.html
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review 2016-01-22 12:59
The Sandman, Vol. 5
The Sandman, Vol. 5: A Game of You - Neil Gaiman,Bryan Talbot,Shawn McManus,Colleen Doran

*Book source ~ Library


From Goodreads:

Take an apartment house, mix in a drag queen, a lesbian couple, some talking animals, a talking severed head, a confused heroine, and the deadly Cuckoo. Stir vigorously with a hurricane and Morpheus himself, and you get this fifth installment of the Sandman series. This story stars Barbie, who first makes an appearance in The Doll's House, who here finds herself a princess in a vivid dreamworld.


The illustrations are still pretty good, but I wasn’t as pleased with this story arc. Maybe because I don’t give a shit about Barbie. Anyway, besides the fact that dumbass Barbie is the center of this, it’s a bit too out there for me. Meaning, I had a hard time grasping some of the concepts. But at least Morpheus is still a hottie and fascinating. And Thessaly is an interesting (and a bit scary) character. I wouldn’t mind seeing more of her. I really hated the ending though.

Source: imavoraciousreader.blogspot.com/2016/01/the-sandman-volume-five-game-of-you.html
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review 2015-07-25 02:44
Another ok one
Angel: After the Fall, Volume 4 - Franco Urru,Brian Lynch,Joss Whedon

*Book source ~ Library


What the hell did I just read? There’s some hinky shit going on in this volume and I’m left scratching my head in bewilderment. I’m not as pleased with this installment as the others mostly because I was clueless as to what was going on. It’s the whole time slipping crap that gets me. I hate that shit. But there is some really awesome back and forth between Spike and Angel. Stuff like what made Angel Season 5 memorable for me as I was not a fan of the show in general before Spike came on to make Captain Boring’s life more amusing. For me anyway. The artwork is consistent with the previous works and is still gorgeous. My library doesn’t have Volume 5 or 6, so I’m not sure what I’m going to do about finishing this arc up. I guess I’ll suggest the purchase and cross my fingers.

Source: imavoraciousreader.blogspot.com/2015/07/angel-after-fall-vol-4.html
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review 2015-07-23 11:36
So, this one is just ok.
Angel: After the Fall, Volume 3 - Nick Runge,Brian Lynch,Joss Whedon

*Book source ~ Library


This volume picks up where Volume 1 left off with that nutbanger of a cliffhanger. I have to say I spent a good portion of this story in mass confusion. I couldn’t figure out what the hell was going on and it made me cranky. The confusion cloud clears somewhat by the end, but that end? What.The.Actual.Fuck? Did I read that right? Dun-dun-dunnnnn. This cliffhanger is so much worse than the one in Volume 1! Good thing I have Volume 4 to read.


There’s a lot going on in this tale and there are many characters vying for attention. Angel, Connor and Gunn get the majority, but there’s plenty of Spike and Wesley with a sprinkling of Lorne and the others. I would love to see more Groo, a character that I think was completely wasted in the show. He would have been a wonderful permanent addition to the team. I can see Spike messing with him big time. It would have been hilarious! One character I was not happy to see was Cordelia. Sorry, Cordy fans, but I hated her and was glad when she died. Period. So there’s that. The artwork is darker than the last volumes, but still gorgeous. Excellent work! Also, I give 5 bites to Betta George’s Diary toward the end (so very amusing!) and two thumbs up for the Q&A. Time to grab Volume 4 and get some damn answers!

Source: imavoraciousreader.blogspot.com/2015/07/angel-after-fall-vol-3.html
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review 2015-07-20 15:44
Spike! Nom!
Spike: After the Fall - Franco Urru,Brian Lynch

*Book source ~ Library


Follows Spike and Illyria after the series finale of Angel where they battled Wolfram & Harts demon army in the alley behind the Hyperion and then W&H sent Los Angeles into a Hell dimension. Not sure of the timeline, but it’s not immediately after. It seems a bit of time has passed.


I love Spike. Seriously. He’s my favorite character next to Buffy. I also was quite liking Illyria, but she didn’t get a whole lot of screen time before the show ended, so I like seeing how she’s handling being in a Hell dimension. Not very well, it seems. She keeps switching between Fred and Illyria and that can get dicey considering she’s vulnerable when she’s Fred. I’m wondering why she’s just now having such problems, but it’s great that Spike’s there to help her. I’m not liking Gunn at all, but then I was never really a fan of him in the show either. I am liking Connor better than I did. The villain of this piece is interesting and very hateworthy. I enjoy the artwork very much.

Source: imavoraciousreader.blogspot.com/2015/07/spike-after-fall.html
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