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text 2015-07-05 20:28
Reading progress update: I've read 24 out of 222 pages.
Ringar på svart vatten - Gull Åkerblom

A Swedish book by one of my favorite YA authors. I usually don't read YA that much, but when I saw that Gull Åkerblom had written a new book and a book that in the blurb said reminded of Maria Gripes books didn't I hesitate. I had to borrow it from the library.


The title in English is "Rings on Black Water" and it's a book about a haunted house and a young boy called Ben that moves to it with his family. It's up to him to find out why the house is haunted. 

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review 2014-12-11 00:00
Agnes Cecilia
Agnes Cecilia - Maria Gripe,Rika Lesser A este libro lo habia empezado a leer hace muchos años. En mi temprana edad como lectora, no lo supe apreciar y lo abandone a pocos capitulos de haberlo empezado.
Hace unos dias decidi que queria darle una segunda oportunidad, algo de lo que no me arrepiento. Me supe enganchar rapidisimo y en 2 dias murio.
La historia puede resultar algo confusa, de una escritura un tanto peculiar y de lo mas intrigante, pero tambien es completamente atrapante y subrealista.
No dudaria en recomendarsela a cualquiera que este buscando una novela sueca sobre eventos extraños, el sentimiento de abandono y misteriosos arboles genealogicos.
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review 2014-07-26 20:00
Tordyveln flyger I Skymningen
Tordyveln flyger i skymningen - Maria Gripe

Tordyveln flyger I Skymningen (roughly translated to “The Dor beetle flying in the twilight”) is a Swedish YA book written by Maria Gripe, one of, in my opinion greatest YA author ever. She has written Agnes Cecilia – En sällsam historia which is my favorite YA book of all time.


This is the first time I listen to the book (well 90% of the book, I read the ending) and it was a great joy to do so since the book actually from the beginning was a summer serial in the radio that later got published as a book.


The story in the book is about three young children, David, Annika and Jonas. They are watering the plants in the Selanderska estate when they by accident (or fate?) find letters written by a young girl living in the 1800 century. By reading the letters they discover a tragic love story and also that a 3000 year old Egyptian statuette may be hidden somewhere in the village Ringaryd where they live.


This is a good story to listen to, it has a fast pace and it’s intriguing to listen to because it is always something going on something you want to know. I wanted to know what was going one even though I have read the story before. Well I hardly remember the story so that may be a big reason why I couldn’t stop listeing/reading the book.

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text 2013-10-15 00:08
30-Day Book Challenge: Day 6
Agnes Cecilia - Maria Gripe,Rika Lesser
Norwegian Wood - Jay Rubin,Haruki Murakami
StolenSTOLEN by Christopher, Lucy (Author) on May-01-2010 Hardcover - Lucy (Author) on May-01-2010 Hardcover Stolen STOLEN by Christopher

Day 6 - A book that makes you sad:

  • Maria Gripe - Agnes Cecilia.
  • Haruki Murakami - Norwegian Wood.
  • Lucy Christopher - Stolen.


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review 2010-06-30 00:00
Los Hijos del Vidriero - Maria Gripe The glassblower and his wife live happily until the prophecy that their children will disappear comes true.
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