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text 2021-02-18 08:10
New Releases - Driven World



The latest set of books in the Driven World are live!

Inspired by K. Bromberg’s Driven series, each author wrote their own story to fit in the world. We hope you’ll fall in love with their new stories and characters while revisiting Colton, Rylee, and the gang from mine.


2-18 Release Banner


All the books releasing today are FREE in Kindle Unlimited:

Refuel by Chiquita Dennie https://geni.us/Refuel

Velocity by Leesa Bow https://geni.us/Velocity

Danger by Logan Chance https://geni.us/Danger

Chaser by Terri L Osborn https://geni.us/Chaser


Driven World

Check out the books that inspired the authors! K. Bromberg’s Driven series are

FREE in Kindle Unlimited right now:

Driven: https://geni.us/DrvnAmz

Fueled: https://geni.us/FueldAmz

Crashed: https://geni.us/CrshAmz

Raced: https://geni.us/ZS6eoV

Aced: https://geni.us/8kBV



More KB Worlds books are coming your way every month. Stay up to date on all the releases here:

✶ Amazon: https://amzn.to/2Vy4v9d

✶ Website: http://www.kbworlds.com

✶ Newsletter: https://smarturl.it/KBWNewsletter


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text SPOILER ALERT! 2020-08-06 19:01
Book review : The assassins blade Sarah j . Mass
The Assassin's Blade: The Throne of Glass Novellas - Sarah J. Maas

June 11-August 4

Contains all five novellas.

Celaena Sardothien is Adarlan's most feared assassin. As part of the Assassin's Guild, her allegiance is to her master, Arobynn Hamel, yet Celaena listens to no one and trusts only her fellow killer-for-hire, Sam. In these action-packed novellas - together in one edition for the first time - Celaena embarks on five daring missions. They take her from remote islands to hostile deserts, where she fights to liberate slaves and seeks to avenge the tyrannous. But she is acting against Arobynn's orders and could suffer an unimaginable punishment for such treachery. Will Celaena ever be truly free? Explore the dark underworld of this kick-ass heroine to find out.

Review :
Loved these prequels I cried I laughed
I have read these before but before I read throne of glass and its interesting to read after that I've read the first 3 books


The assassin and the pirate lord
Celaena and Sam are sent to deal with this pirate lord for their master but it turns out to be in slave trade so they free them . I love Celaena and sam 5/5

The assassin and the healer
Celaena meets a healer and helps her learn to fight and gives her money so she can get to a healer school I enjoyed it . 5/5

The assassin and the desert
Celaena is sent to the red desert to get the approval of the mute desert I really liked this story more the second time reading it Celaena becomes friends with Ansel who has been through a lot and with her hate poison the mute master and Celaena warns her to leave or else .
She gets the approval from the mute master 4/5

The assassin and the underworld
I loved this story Celaena ends up getting her own apartment and she's going to move out . Celaena sees sam and her and sam get closer in this one . Sam confess his love her Celaena. Arobynn sets her up to kill this guy who is dealing in slaves but it turns out it was a set up from Arobynn she tells him she's moving out and she pays him back and pays Sam's bill to . 5/5

The assassin and the empire
This story always makes me cry Celaena and sam are together and so cute and sweet they tell Arobynn they are moving away. They get a assassin job to kill these twisted and sick people. But sam gets killed by one of them . It was a trap and Celaena gets sent to the salt mine. Arobynn set it all up cause he was jealous of sam what a prick I hate him . 5/5

This had better be important."
"Perhaps if you hadn't been reading all night, you wouldn't be so exhausted," snapped the young man seated across from her.”

Sam,” she murmured into his chest.


She peeled away from him, stepping out of his arms. “If you ever tell anyone about me embracing you... I'll gut you.

“Life isn’t easy, no matter where you are. You’ll make choices you think are right, and then suffer for them.”

I love you,” he repeated, shaking her again. “I have for years. But if I asked you to pick, you’d choose Arobynn, and I. Can’t. Take. It.”
“You’re a damned idiot,” she breathed grabbing the front of his tunic. “You’re a moron and an ass and a damned idiot." He looked like she had hit him. But she went on, and grasped both sides of his face. “Because I’d pick you.”

Why did you do it?"
He removed her hand from his cheek to kiss the tips of her fingers. “I get scared, too,” he murmured onto her skin. “You want to hear something ridiculous? Whenever I’m scared out of my wits, I tell myself: My name is Sam Cortland … and I will not be afraid. I’ve been doing it for years.”
It was her turn to raise her brows. “And that actually works?”
He laughed onto her fingers. “Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn’t. But it usually makes me feel better to some degree. Or it just makes me laugh at myself a bit.”

Why did you do it?"

Arobynn's attention drifted back to the wagon, already a small dot in the rolling foothills above Rifthold. "Because I don't like sharing my belongings.”


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text 2020-08-06 07:09
Reading progress update: I've read 464 out of 464 pages.
The Assassin's Blade: The Throne of Glass Novellas - Sarah J. Maas

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review SPOILER ALERT! 2020-07-25 05:52
Book Review : city of heavenly fire Cassandra clare
City of Heavenly Fire - Cassandra Clare

June 29-July 19

Shadowhunters and demons square off for the final showdown in the spellbinding, seductive conclusion to the #1 New York Times bestselling Mortal Instruments series.

Darkness has descended on the Shadowhunter world. Chaos and destruction overwhelm the Nephilim as Clary, Jace, Simon, and their friends band together to fight the greatest evil they have ever faced: Clary’s own brother. Sebastian Morgenstern is on the move, systematically turning Shadowhunter against Shadowhunter. Bearing the Infernal Cup, he transforms Shadowhunters into creatures of nightmare, tearing apart families and lovers as the ranks of his Endarkened army swell. Nothing in this world can defeat Sebastian—but if they journey to the realm of demons, they just might have a chance…

Lives will be lost, love sacrificed, and the whole world will change. Who will survive the explosive sixth and final installment of the Mortal Instruments series?

Review: All the feels the end of this series we get more from some new characters Emma and Julian and the whole blackthorn family who are going to be in Lady midnight. Sebastion attacks the institute he changes Julian father into a dark Shadowhunter. They all get into the portal . Jace is learning how to deal with the hevenly fire in his body. Every has to go to Idris and Simon has to stay behind . Jordan is watching over simon as his bodyguard but then simon gets taken . A bunch of werewolves get killed sebastian kills Jordan . Maia was planning on breaking up with Jordan which I kinda guessed was going to happen . Maureen takes simon but Raphael helps him escape and gets him to idris . Where he drinks some spoiled blood and drunkly tells izzy he loves her . Maia becomes head of the werewolves. Brother Zachariah becomes human again .
Simon , alec ,clary ,Izzy and Jace all go to the demon relm

Where you know is definitely time to have sexy times clary and Jace

They finally get to sebastian and they trick him long enough for clary to stab him. For them to leave the demon relm they call on magnus father who wants magnus immortality which means he will die but simon volunteers instead but the demon wants his memories . Simon agrees and clary cries when she goes back. Jace says he officially wants to be a herondale. Magnus helps simon remember a little . Tessa and Clary meet
Loved the ending I cried .

Quotes :

Simon , you're blushing, observed Jace. And you're a vampire and almost never blush, so this better be really juicy . And weird

Herondales." Zachariah's voice was a breath, half laughter, half pain. "I had almost forgotten. No other family does so much for love, or feels so much guilt for it. Don't carry the weight of the world on you, Jace. It's too heavy for even a Herondale to bear.”

WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING?" There was a sound of shattering glass, and they both sat up to see Alec glaring at them. He had dropped the empty bottle of wine he had been carrying, and there were bits of sparkly glass all over the cave floor. "WHY CAN'T YOU GO SOMEWHERE ELSE TO DO THESE HORRIBLE THINGS? MY EYES."

"It's a demon realm, Alec," Isabelle said. "There's nowhere for us to go."

"And you said I should look after her-" Simon began, then realized that would not be a productive line of conversation, and shut up.”

Herondales." Zachariah's voice was a breath, half laughter, half pain. "I had almost forgotten. No other family does so much for love, or feels so much guilt for it. Don't carry the weight of the world on you, Jace. It's too heavy for even a Herondale to bear.”

Jem: Come in.
Jace: Where's Brother Zachariah?
Jem: I'm right here. Jace Herondale. And once more a Herondale is the object of my deliverance. I should have anticipated.”

Okayyyyy,” Isabelle said in a low voice, “When did Brother Zachariah get hot?”

I did not make a pie,” Alec repeated, gesturing expressively with one hand, “for three reasons. One, because I do not have any pie ingredients. Two, because I don’t actually
know how to make a pie.”
He paused, clearly waiting.
Removing his sword and leaning it against the cave wall, Jace said warily, “And three?”
“Because I am not your bitch,” Alec said, clearly pleased with himself.”

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text 2020-07-19 07:33
Reading progress update: I've read 725 out of 725 pages.
City of Heavenly Fire - Cassandra Clare

Loved it 


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