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url 2017-03-04 05:31
Anjas Buchstunden

Ich würde mich freuen wenn ihr auf meinem Blog vorbeischaut und diesem auch gerne folgt. Gern folge und lese ich dann auch bei euch. Es gibt bei mir viele Rezensionen, Bilder, News und Gewinnspiele. Ich freu mich auf euch!


Anjas Buchstunden

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review 2016-07-19 16:35
Pandemonium - Lauren Oliver

Zdecydowała, że przeczytam drugą część serii z ciekawości jak mogą potoczyć się losy głównej bohaterki po takim zakończeniu pierwszej części. Na początku podchodziłam do tej książki bardzo sceptycznie, wiele rzeczy mi się nie podobało, np. że autorka zrezygnowała z normalnych rozdziałów na rzecz "teraz" - akcja toczy się pół roku od zdarzeń z pierwszej części i "wtedy" - akacja jest bezpośrednio kontynuowana. Lecz po czasie stwierdziłam, że dzięki temu świetnie utrzymuje zainteresowanie i napięcie, ponieważ obie wersje przedstawiały ciekawą historię.


Również podchodziłam sceptycznie do rzeczy, które działy się w tej części, wydawały mi się trochę nieprawdopodobne i naciągane, tak jakby autorka wymyśliła wiele możliwych historii i postanowiła z żadnej nie rezygnować tylko wszystkie je wcisnąć. Jednakże wszystko zostało wytłumaczone i zostaje pytanie czy czytelnik to "łyknie" bądź mu się "spodoba". Ja postanowiłam zostać neutralna, przyjęłam to do wiadomości i czytałam dalej.


Nowe postaci w tej części również budziły we mnie sprzeczne uczucia. I jak akcja toczyła się dalej jednych polubiłam bardziej, drugich znielubiłam bardziej i w sumie cieszę się z tego. Przestali być tacy jednolici, a autorka (być może, a raczej zapewne nieświadomie) dała mi wybór jakie uczucia będę do nich żywić. Nie starała się już na siłę przedstawić kogoś koniecznie w dobrym bądź złym świetle.


Romans przedstawiony w tej części może nie był już tak płynnie i bez nacisku, ale również sprawnie. Jestem całkiem zadowolona z niego. Świadomie kibicowałam głównym bohaterom. Za to zupełnie jestem niezadowolona z zakończenia. I zobaczymy jak odbije się to na ocenie ostatniej części serii, bo wiem, że na pewno zamierzam przeczytać tę książkę.

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review 2016-01-26 21:18
Pandemonium - Lauren Oliver

I really enjoyed this second book as much if not more than the first. This book is different because it sets up each section in "now" and "then" chapters. I did like that it was set up that way, but I had to get used to it.


Lena just made it into The Wilds and comes across a group that she stays with throughout the book. Lena also in a sense goes undercover to help the group. She is still trying to get over Alex, but then comes across a boy named Julian. Can you say boy drama?

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review 2016-01-21 00:00
Pandemonium - Daryl Gregory A unique world... a compelling main character... and a story that goes meta. I loved it!

Unfortunately there were also several points where I really had no idea what was going on, and then would wait through an "intermission" scene to find out... only to have the story continue like nothing had happened. This happened with surprising regularity, leaving me feeling thrown from the story. After seeing the frequency, I assume the author meant for this to feel like he was letting the reader put the pieces together, but the way it was written didn't feel that way at the time.

I still definitely recommend it to lovers of the science fiction and fantasy genre who are looking for something that really gets our culture and that breathes new life into the genre.

I also shelved this as apocalyptic even though it doesn't fit squarely in that subgenre... it's more like an alternate present.
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review 2015-12-12 00:48
Pandemonium - Lauren Oliver

❝ We are all identical drips and drops of people hovering, waiting to be tipped, waiting for someone to show us the way, to pour us down a path.❞

Lauren's writing is still brilliant on this one. I will be reading definitely more books from her.
Now my thoughts on "Pandemonium":

The second book of the series is narrated again by Lena; her past and present self. Our heroine is more brave in this book than in the first one and she believes more in herself. I liked the second installment a bit more than the first one, perhaps because Raven was in it and not annoying Hana =P


There were lots of highlighted quotes on this one but this a quote that I really loved: (about banned books)

❝ Some of them -the best ones- are doors.❞

They are indeed, dear Lauren.


More on the story --Spoilers ahead--

Lena has managed to cross the fence and end up to the wilds leaving behind Alex. She is of course heartbroken. As she learns to adapt to her new life she meets new people along the way like Raven, a fierce, independent girl only a few years older than Lena. I loved Raven and how tough she was. Lena's present self narration is about her persona as an 'invalid' (like Alex was). In the present storyline, she behaves like a cured and she a part of the resistance.

Now what knocked one star was the new love interest: Julian. Although I didn't hate the introduction of a new romance, I didn't love it either. The story between Lena and Julian is basically the repetition of the story of Alex and Lena but switched: in the first book Alex was first not honest with Lena, he was the one that made her 'sick', he was the strong one. In this book, it's the other way around: now Lena is the one that is being dishonest with Julian (at least at first), she is the one that gives him the deliria and she is the strong one. I get that this parallel was made to see perhaps the growth of our heroine, but still..

That being said, I quite liked Julian. Truth to be told we did get to know more about Julian than we did for Alex. The relationship with Lena had a nice pace too.

Which brings me to my biggest complain with these series: time. What I mean by that is that everything in these books is happening too damn fast: Lena fell for Alex too fast (being in love at eighteen can be instantaneous but still), she adapted to the Wilds way too fast and she got over Alex too fast. 

As a final note the ending wasn't exactly shocking but still I enjoyed that

Alex is alive!

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