Trigger Warnings: Some are spoilers, so click if you want to know before reading the book.
Rape, Molestation, Abuse, Incest.
(spoiler show)
There are a couple things I would change, but overall, this was a good, fast paced read.
Pretty Girl-13 was fascinating on a morbid level. Dark. Emotional. Gut-wrenching.
The segments with 2nd POV threw me for a loop as I did not understand them at first. They seemed weird and out of place. They also made me think there was something supernatural going on. I had no idea who or what was narrating those parts. Once I figured it out, it was an “ah-ha” moment and I enjoyed them. It gave the book a creepier vibe. Unimaginable some of the stuff those scenes showed us.
Sadly, I guessed almost all the twists. I was hoping so much that what I guessed was wrong, because it was not fun to know everything, ruining the mystery.
You should go into books like this blindly. I’m glad I did. I had no idea what to expect going in, only going by the vague synopsis. Once you know the gist of the plot, it wouldn’t be as engaging. Even knowing the twists, I still enjoyed reading them.
We learn about halfway through that something dark happened in Angie’s childhood, unrelated to the main plot, but explaining why Angie is the way she is. I did not like how this was resolved. Another thing that I did not like was how some of her former friends treated her. It is just not decent human behavior. It seemed highly unnecessary and I feel like if the characters were going to be like that, they shouldn’t be needed. I do get it, though. It was an excuse for Angie to take control and be strong, but I still could have done without it.
Angie’s friendship with Kate was a healthy one. A good one. I really liked it. There needs to be more girl love in books and not girls hating on girls. I also loved Angie’s relationship with Dr. Grant. Grant cared about Angie on more than a professional level.
Another person I liked was Detective Brogan, especially at the end, as they wrap up the case.
So much happened to Angie, it was almost too much. The girl never seemed to get a break, even the ending was bitter sweet. On one hand, I get why Angie did what she did, but on the other hand, I do not know if I could do it.
I think the ending will be one I’m never sure if I liked it or not.
There are also questions left unanswered, that only one person has the answer to and he can’t answer them now.