Trigger warning: Rape
This is the third time I've read this book.

I know I read it first when I was a teenager. I read it again when I was in my late 20s. Even though I knew the story was important, I did not care for it either time. I did not like the format, it did not flow with me. I felt bad that I didn't like the book, and I don't really know why. I feel mood and life experiences can really play a part in how you feel about something.
I decided I wanted to give it a second chance, well a third chance. I am glad that I did. I don't know why I couldn't like the book the first two times, but I could really relate to the main character this time around. Her anxiety, how she felt about having to be silent, like nobody would care or understand. I know how that feels, though for different reasons. I feel like I've grown as a person and I am better able to put myself in her shoes.
I also want to point out that the format did not bother me at all this time. In fact, I really liked the writing style and the way it was made to look like a diary. I'm not sure why I didn't like it before, because I've loved diary books for ages.
Original rating was 2 stars:
(Original review)
You know, I just did not like this book. I think it was the format of the book that put me off. However, I think this story is important and needs to be told/read.
(I really wish I wrote proper reviews back in the days. I still have trouble with them, but at least I think I'm trying harder.)