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text 2020-10-03 19:17






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review 2014-01-26 15:59
De Roze Rapper - Mirjam Oldenhave,Rick De Haas

Dit was bij verre het beste boek in de serie tot nu toe. Je merkt gewoon dat het verbeterd bij elk boek. Boek 1 was ontzettend Mees Kees, boek 2 minder, en nu heb ik eindelijk het gevoel dat ik een nieuw boek lees die niks met Mees Kees heeft te maken.

Dit was weer een leuk boek, ik vond het ook leuk om eens te zien waar iedereen woonde in de stad. En nog meer plaatjes en strips. Ook het lettertype en de layout las erg fijn en ik hoop dat ze deze stijl houden.

Ook het verhaal was erg leuk, we hebben dit keer Goaltje, die niet meer naar school wilt. Wat ik niet snap is dat niemand van de school of de ouders er om gaven. Ik vind Goaltje ansich een beetje een apart karakter, en ik ben nog niet uit of ik hem leuk vind of irritant.

Dan hebben we ook een roze rapper (een van de Rachelles?) en een spook. En hoe Flits dat weer allemaal uitzoekt, gaat slapen in de school (spannend, heb ik vroeger ook wel eens willen doen toen ik klein was) en de ontdekkingen die ze doen.

Ik zal zeker de verdere boeken lezen die ooit uitkomen van deze serie.

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review 2013-09-25 02:35
The Poo Rapper
The Poo Rapper - Pete Potter The Poo Rapper - Pete Potter ★ The Poo Rapper by Pete Potter I won this R2R from LibraryThing Member's Giveaway in exchange for my honest review. This contains eight rap songs about, written, and rapped by Poo. This just isn't any poo, no it's evil, conniving poo, that has it out for you and your clothes. He says, "Farts ain't got nothing on me." Against my better judgement I did laugh a few times. While I found this ridiculous on many levels, I do know some people who would love it. Grant me patience and sanity, if my husband or sister ever got a hold of this, I would never here the end of it. They already feel the need to rattle on nonstop about poo. Thank you to the author for sharing Poo's attitude problem with me. This would have been a lot easier to read if there was a beat referenced, to help it flow.
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review 2013-06-17 00:00
The Poo Rapper - Pete Potter The Poo Rapper - Pete Potter ★ The Poo Rapper by Pete Potter

I won this R2R from LibraryThing Member's Giveaway in exchange for my honest review.

This contains eight rap songs about, written, and rapped by Poo. This just isn't any poo, no it's evil, conniving poo, that has it out for you and your clothes. He says, "Farts ain't got nothing on me."
Against my better judgement I did laugh a few times. While I found this ridiculous on many levels, I do know some people who would love it.
Grant me patience and sanity, if my husband or sister ever got a hold of this, I would never here the end of it. They already feel the need to rattle on nonstop about poo.
Thank you to the author for sharing Poo's attitude problem with me. This would have been a lot easier to read if there was a beat referenced, to help it flow.
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review 2013-06-17 00:00
The Poo Rapper - Pete Potter The Poo Rapper - Pete Potter This review is based on an advance copy given in exchange for a review.

This book follows the lyrics of the Poo Rapper, and hopes to be successful enough to lay down some mad beats for all of us to enjoy.

in concept this is an interesting enough idea, but it sort of falls as little short because it is only lyrics. Imagine perusing liner notes for an album you've never heard and you'll sort of get the idea.

This could have worked a lot better for me if the lyrics had been interspersed with pictures of the Poo Rapper, along with his backstory... I mean what makes the Poo Rapper who he is, and why does he want to share his gift with the world?

I'll give it three stars for the concept... had it been more fleshed out it may have gotten four.
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