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review 2017-01-07 00:00
Redheads - Jonathan Moore Their goal was simple: to kill an animal.

For a debut novel, this was extremely smart and well thought out. Engaging characters with lots of action and blood that didn't get lost in the story or overpower it either. 4+ Stars and Highly Recommended! Looking forward to reading more from this author.
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text 2015-07-25 04:17
Stunning Redhead Portraits By Maja Topčagić Capture The Spirit Of Summer

Red hair is the rarest natural hair color in the world (1-2% of the human population has read hair), so it’s understandable why they can seem so striking to some of us. The genetic mutation that causes red hair also causes a host of other changes as well – redheads have a higher pain tolerance, are more difficult to anaesthetize, and are more susceptible to ultraviolet light.


Here are some incredible pictures by the very talent Maja:


red heads

red heads

red heads




Click on the link below to see more photo's.



Source: www.boredpanda.com/redhead-women-portrait-photography-maja-topcagic
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review 2015-01-02 20:53
Review of the Iron King
The Iron King - Julie Kagawa

This is a novel I liked better as it progressed. I don’t think it’ll ever be a volume I return to time and again, but it was an entertaining read for my daily train ride (even if I did try to hide the cover a bit so my fellow commuters wouldn't judge me).

There were characters I thought were done well, and characters that lacked sparkle. Overall, I found Meghan to be disappointing and her dialogue unimaginative. I also didn’t like how inconsistent she was. Maybe it’s just part of being a teenager, but I didn’t appreciate how she wished for designer jeans, then bashed girls who did dress nicely, to later defy the court by wearing her human clothes only to feel self conscious and insignificant moments later. Make up your mind, girl! If you’re going to be defiant and comfortable in your skin, then do it! Stop recanting each time you see someone better dressed or more attractive than you!

My favorite characters were minor characters. The Packrats stole my heart, and I knew I would be entertained when Grimalkin was in a scene. The author must be a cat-owner, because she totally captured the attitude of a cat- independent and self-important; I loved it.

I really didn’t get into the plot until we learned about the Iron King. Before that, it felt really aimless and drifting. It felt like a series of misadventures without any real focus or direction. It was tiring to read about something dreadful happening, Meghan being rescued, something else dreadful happening. I also really hope we find out why Meghan is so special. The king doesn’t really seem to care one twit about her. And if she’s the undoing of an entire race of people, you’d think the Iron King would just send faeries to mate with humans and there’s a whole army of halflings.

That being said, I was impressed with the author’s handle on faerie mythology. It’s so not what I thought when I was a kid (Tinkerbell). It’s dark and sadistic. While I must admit I liked the dark stuff, it was really strange to me that the topics didn’t feel to fit the voice. This felt like it was written for a 14 or 15 year old. The voice felt very young, very accessible, very innocent, and then there’s casual discussion of gang rape (not once, but TWICE in the course of the novel) and the queen being “denied a consort.” Jeez. Those are some pretty adult things. It really bothered me that her near-gang-rape was brushed off so easily. Yes, she was saved, but that is a VERY traumatic experience. It also concerned me that she’s so wrapped up in Ash that she can recover from such an interaction. It felt unrealistic and disrespectful to me.

But that’s just one girl’s opinion.

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review 2014-12-31 19:09
Review of Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry
Pushing the Limits - Katie McGarry

I'll admit- my enjoyment of this book was closer to a 5, but some issues with specifics won't allow me to give this book that rating. For one, the over-usage of my least favorite term of endearment, "baby." Just not my thing. Secondly, Noah, while having many many admirable qualities (his loyalty, his strength, his confidence, his determination, his devotion, his sexiness... probably shouldn't have listed that last one, but couldn't resist... etc.) he sounded a little controlling at times. Just shades of it. Like he relies on intimidation. Which, in a way, is fine considering his past and that he's just 18. He's got enough good qualities, good sense, to grow out of that macho-man, I-take-care-of-MY-girl-and-yes-she-is-MINE stage and into someone who can be a bit more INTERdependent. Also, he really does need a better vocabulary. And yet again, on the other hand, that's how some teenagers speak! In the end, I'm glad Katie McGarry wasn't afraid to throw around a lot of bad language.


But yes it drew me in, yes I had trouble putting it down, yes I got sucked into their world, and yes I really really enjoyed their chemistry. This book is exactly what I wanted it to be. I didn't care about Beth or Lila, but I liked Isaiah a WHOLE lot and want to read about him in his own book. I liked Noah & Echo's relationship and I reveled in their chemistry. It was a bit of wish-fulfillment-y and what you'd expect from a teen novel, but it also dealt with some real issues (other than I have no personality and my boyfriend is a vampire omg). Lastly, yay for teen books that recognize there's more than kissing then sex. There's a beautiful and expansive area in between to enjoy :^)

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text 2014-01-26 18:24
Gingers! Redheads in Romance
Live - Mary Ann Rivers
Outlander - Diana Gabaldon
The Unidentified Redhead - Alice Clayton
Never a Gentleman - Eileen Dreyer
Angels' Flight (Guild Hunter, #0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 3.5) - Nalini Singh
Devil in Winter - Lisa Kleypas
Timeless Moon - C.T. Adams,Cathy Clamp
Beast - Pepper Pace
The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie - Jennifer Ashley
The Chocolate Touch - Laura Florand

While we only make up only 1 to 2 percent of the world populations, were recently threatened with extinction, and South Park made us a very funny slur, we thrive in the pages of Romanceland. 


Jamie of Outlander by Diana Gabaldon fame being the most famous red headed gentleman and maybe Grace, The Unidentified Redhead  by Alice Clayton being the most notable leading lady. 


Redheads have plenty of stereotypes to contend with like all hair colors but I think what I like about Gingers in Romance (besides the self representation is the way, when done right, being redheaded builds the the character physically. We are easier to blush, tend to have freckles, for better or worse think a great deal about our hair as do other people, come in so many shades, and well then there is the more intimate of ginger touches.  


We will only show you if we really like you. 


I love the scene in Outlander where Claire gazes on Jamie while he is nude in the sun getting to see all those private bits of redheadedness.  This is my plea for please, please more ginger heroes in Romance. :) 


There is also a stunning scene in Eileen Dryer's Never a Gentleman (The Drake's Rakes series)  of discovery between the hero and the heroine. Wowza. 


I recently waxed poetic about Mary Ann River's Live (The Burnside Series): The Burnside Series and all the details of the heroine's gingerness through the hero's loving, lustblown (I stole this word from Charlotte Stein and I am keeping it) eyes. 


If you would like to see a great video on the Redheads, check this one out! 

All The Science Reasons Redheads Do That Redhead Thing They Do


And now for the lists! In particular order of favorites but my top ten none the less, skipping those already mentioned, 


 Ginger Woman: Redheaded Heroine in Romance


1. The Devil in Winter (The Wallflowers, Book 3) by  Lisa Kleypas

2. Timeless Moon (Tales of the Sazi, Book 6) by Adams and Clamp 

3. Frisco's Kid by Suzanne Brockmann

4. Wild Oats and Runabout by Pamela Morsi

5. Heart Choice (Celta) by Robin Owens 

6. The Chocolate Touch (Amour et Chocolat) by Laura Florand

7. Troll-y Yours, a fantasy romance (The Centaurs) by Sheri Fredricks

8. Entwined by Emma Jensen

10. Wolf and the Dove by Kathleen Woodiwiss


Have a favorite? Vote for yours at the  Goodreads list: Ginger Women: Redheaded Heroine in Romance and please rec in reply. 


Now the fellows!


Redheaded Romance Heroes


1. BEAST by Pepper Pace

2. The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie by Jennifer Ashley

3. A Virgin River Christmas by Robyn Carr

4. Angels' Flight (Guild Hunter) by Nalini Singh 

6. The Taming by Jude Deveraux 

7. To Seduce A Sinner  by Elizabeth Hoyt 

8. Lover At Last: A Novel of the Black Dagger Brotherhood by J.R. Ward

9. Melting Iron (Cyborg Seduction, Book Three) by Laurann Dohner 

10. Laugh (The Burnside Series): A Loveswept Contemporary Romance by Mary Ann Rivers 



Have a favorite? Vote for yours at the  Goodreads list: Redheaded Romance Heroes and please rec in reply. 



And some eye candy!



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