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Search tags: Sherlock-Holmes-Pastiches
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review 2015-03-16 04:58
Dreaming Spies (Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes # 13)
Dreaming Spies - Laurie R. King

Russell with her Holmes,

New Case comes with great promise.

Wonder what's in store?


I've detailed elsewhere what Laurie R. King's Sherlock Holmes and Mary Russell series means to me. Every time a new book is announced, some of my worst impatience sets in. Finally, it arrives in my hands and I'm teleported back to a time and characters I've come to care greatly about.


At long last we learn of their time spent in Japan, which took place between The Game and Locked Rooms. As with all of King's books in this series, I found myself transported to 1920s Japan as we walked it's roads, traveled in it's packed trains, and experienced new customs. While much of the elements were known to me, her writing once again brought it to life. But she also did what I'd longed for, showed us some of Oxford.

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review 2015-02-03 08:56
Sherlock Holmes and the Rune Stone Mystery (American Chronicles of John H. Watson # 3)
Sherlock Holmes and the Rune Stone Mystery - Larry Millett

For my reviews of the first two books in this series, please check out SH and the Red Demon and SH and the Ice Palace Murders.


I never seem to be able to remember when I'm reading this book if this or Ice Palace was the book I started this series with. I do know I read this before Red Demon as a major character from that one makes a return here.


Once again, Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson travel to Minnesota, this time to a small town out near the Red River Valley where a stone was found which was carved with runes proclaiming Vikings had been there centuries ago.

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review 2015-01-18 08:59
In the Company of Sherlock Holmes [Audiobook]
In the Company of Sherlock Holmes: Stories Inspired by the Holmes Canon - Laurie R. King,Leslie S. Klinger,Michael Connelly,Jeffery Deaver,Michael Dirda,Harlan Ellison,Denise Hamilton,Nancy Holder,John Lescroart,Sara Paretsky,Michael Sims,and Other Authors,Laurie R. King,Leslie S. Klinger

Title: In the Company of Sherlock Holmes

Editor: Leslie S. Klinger, Laurie R. King

Narrators: Simon Vance, Peter Berkrot, Johnny Heller, John Lee, Bronson Pinchot, Malcolm Hillgartner, Steve West, Ralph Lister, Christopher Lane, Gildart Jackson, Matthew Brenher, Harlan Ellison, Cassandra Campbell, and Jim Meskimen

Length: 8 hrs and 35 mins

Publisher: Blackstone Audio

Year: 11/11/14

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review 2015-01-04 00:32
Moriarty by Anthony Horowitz
Moriarty - Anthony Horowitz

Initial reactions:










I literally have no idea how to review this book. Even after talking LL's ear off about it, I'm still not sure how much I like and how much I hate this book.


First let me say, this was well written.

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review 2014-12-05 10:46
The Giant Rat of Sumatra: A Sherlock Holmes Pastiche - Meh but well done nonetheless
The Giant Rat of Sumatra - Richard Boyer

One of the most famous of the "lost" tales scattered throughout Watson's stories, a fair few have tried to realize this intriguing sounding tale. The ones I've read are of varying readability but this, I think , is the best I've read yet. It makes sense and without bringing Dr. Morou (which I swear I've seen/heard done) in or another bizarre explanation.


Richard L. Boyer does a fine job of channeling Watson in this text and I felt I was actually seeing Holmes and Watson. His Holmes in particular is that odd mixture of sympathy and arrogance, understanding and maddening inability to tell anyone anything.

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