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review 2019-05-10 17:58
Rezension | Die Chroniken des Magnus Bane
Die Chroniken des Magnus Bane - Sarah Rees Brennan,Cassandra Clare,Maureen Johnson
Meine Meinung

Magnus Bane ist schon seit der Saga um die »Chroniken der Unterwelt« eine meiner absoluten Lieblingscharaktere aus Cassandra Clares Fantasy-Welt. Also habe ich mir vor Jahren gleich diese wunderschöne blaue Hardcover Ausgabe über “Die Chroniken des Magnus Bane” zugelegt und nun endlich gemeinsam mit Anett gelesen.


Zu Beginn möchte ich gleich erwähnen, dass es sich bei diesem Buch nicht um einen durchgehenden Roman handelt, sondern um eine Sammlung der zuerst nur im ebook-Format erschienenen Kurzgeschichten über den Hexenmeister Magnus Bane.

Da Anett nicht die Hardcoverausgabe gelesen hat ist uns aufgefallen, dass in der Taschenbuchausgabe zusätzlich noch eine elfte Story, “Der Anrufbeantworter des Magnus Bane”, enthalten ist. Dank Ihr konnte ich auch noch diese knackig-kurze Geschichte mit ein paar humorvollen Anekdoten lesen die ein Lächeln auf mein Gesicht zauberten.


Die gesammelten Kurzgeschichten über Magnus Bane stammen gleich aus den Füllfederhaltern mehrerer Autorinnen, neben Cassandra Clare haben sich auch noch Sarah Rees Brennan und Maureen Johnson mit der bewegenden Geschichte des sympathischen Hexenemeisters befasst.


Die einzelnen Episoden aus dem Leben des charismatischen und hilfsbereiten Magnus Bane bieten einen tollen Einblick in die bereits vergangene Lebenserfahrungen des Hexenmeisters und man lernt dadurch so manche Wesenszüge durch diverse Hintergründe besser verstehen. Auch wenn mir die Ausflüge nach Paris und Peru gut gefallen haben, fand ich die Geschichten in denen sich die Beziehung zwischen Magnus und dem Nephilim Alec entspinnt und entwickelt am mitreißendsten erzählt. Es war einfach wundervoll etwas mehr über die Geschichte der beiden zu erfahren!

Es gibt allerdings noch ein paar Kritikpunkte die ich erwähnen möchte. Zum Einen wurde mir mit dem Thema Alkohol zu freizügig umgegangen, Magnus lässt nämlich ganz schön was in sich reinlaufen und man hätte meiner Meinung nach die Seiten des Alkoholmissbrauch deutlich aufzeigen müssen (immerhin handelt es sich hier um Geschichten die vor allem von jungen Erwachsenen gelesen werden). Da Magnus ein sehr beliebter Charakter mit Vorbildfunktion ist hat der starke Alkoholkonsum einfach einen faden Beigeschmak ausgelöst. Zum anderen wird die Liebesgeschichte zwischen Magnus und der Vampirin Camille durchaus angeschnitten, was zwischen den beiden genau vorgefallen ist erfährt man jedoch nicht.




Diese Kurzgeschichten-Sammlung ist vor allem für die Fans der Chroniken der Unterwelt interessant, denn hier erschließen sich wunderbar die Hintergründe und man bekommt tolle Aspekte zu den beliebten Charakteren aus der Reihe geliefert. Jemand der noch keinen Roman über die Schattenjäger gelesen hat, sollte unbedingt zuerst die Chroniken der Unterwelt lesen oder die Finger von dem Buch lassen.

Source: www.bellaswonderworld.de/rezensionen/urban-fantasy/rezension-die-chroniken-des-magnus-bane-von-cassandra-clare-sarah-rees-brennan-maureen-johnson
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review 2018-09-19 16:30
Well this one needed to come with a warning...
What Binds Us - Larry Benjamin,Richard Magnus

maybe something along the lines of...

'Warning...before reading this book the reader should ensure that they have tissues, a warm and snuggly teddy bear (because teddy bears fix things...all the things) and copious amounts of alcohol may also be beneficial.' 


I've had this one on my radar for quite a while now. But to be honest between the blurb and what I've seen and read in other reviews...well, I was nervous...I've read 'A Little Life', 'Let's Hear It for the Boy' and a few others that basically left me feeling more than a little brokenhearted...so I had to ask myself am I read to do this again, to let read a book that's not all goodness and light or filled with action and adventure. When I saw the book on audible.com...I thought...'Audio, I can do this on audio' and I clicked the button and added the book to my library...and there it sat for weeks...and more weeks...because every time I looked at it...I said 'nope, not yet. can't do it.' and this went on and on until I finally pulled on my big girl panties and clicked the play button and then I sat and I listened...I laughed and I cried...oh did I cry...tissues were sacrificed in an effort not short out my laptop with the tears...my poor little furbaby was frantic with worry and paced the floor because his people don't cry and if they do there's something wrong. 


'What Binds Us' is by no means a simple romance novel...It's the story of Thomas-Edward, Donovan (Dondi) Whyte and his brother Matthew. It starts with Thomas and Dondi when they first meet in college as roommates. Things progress between them to friendship and then something more and this is where things also start to get complicated.


Dondi's a bit of a bigger than life person, who also happens to be a bit self absorbed. But ultimately he's one of those people who others are just drawn too and he's a creature of excesses.


As Dondi and Thomas-Edward's relationship progresses and grows it also changes and they move back into the realm of being friends...enter Dondi's brother, Matthew.


Like his brother, Matthew and Thomas-Edward start out as friends as well. As things progress the lives of these three men become inextricably tangled. 


As Dondi and Thomas-Edward go from friends to lovers and back to friends while Thomas-Edward and Matthew explore their own friendship that ultimately sees them become lovers and partners and Dondi remains a permanent fixture in their lives as Thomas-Edward's best friend and Matthew's brother. 


What follows is a story of not just Matthew and Thomas-Edward but a story of love, friendship and partings...of having someone in your life and loosing them, of heartbreak and courage, of being a friend even when the other person pushes you away...a story of love and not just being in love, it's about growing up gay when having Aids was a death sentence and friends and lovers came into lives and left to soon.


There's not a lot of steam and sexy times in this one but this is about the relationships... the connections, how people grow and change, fit into each others lives sometimes forever and sometimes just for a while.


'What Binds Us' is about love and what it brings into our lives and how that shapes us and our relationships. It's love between friends, family and lovers. It's sweet and gently and beautiful and sometimes it's ugly and cruel but always it's a driving force in our lives.


Richard Magnus narrated this story and I loved his narration from start to finish especially for Dondi...his interpretation of how Dondi would sound was so perfectly in sync with what I imagined. This was actually my first time listening to a book narrated by this narrator and I'm looking forward to hearing more as well as re-listening to this story...as soon as I restock my supply of tissues. 


The ending of this one was good, really good it was happiness tinged with heartache...it was real. it was about the people we love and how they come and go from our lives but remain forever in our hearts.

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text 2018-06-01 05:40
May wrap up 2018
Bottoms up - Holly Renee
A Court of Wings and Ruin - Sarah J. Maas
Adventure Time Vol. 1 - Branden Lamb,Shelli Paroline,Ryan North
Dear Aaron - Mariana Zapata
Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku 1 - Maki Fujita
The Course of True Love (and First Dates) - Cassandra Clare
The Voicemail of Magnus Bane - Cassandra Clare

4 audiobook 

2 ebooks

3 fantasy 

1 manga

1 comic

35 read total

6 5 stars

1 3star


I cant pick a favorite this month other than adventure time I love all of them

Hope you all had a great reading month and did you have a favorite .

My birthday is in june I turn 24 wow so more book buying time any recommendations. 

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review SPOILER ALERT! 2018-06-01 02:54
Book review : the voicemail of magnus bane Cassandra clare
The Voicemail of Magnus Bane - Cassandra Clare

May 25-25

The voice mail of Magnus Bane, High Warlock of Brooklyn, in the days following a certain incident in City of Lost Souls.

Review : I highly recommend you listen to this with audiobook . So this after magnus and alec break up and people are trying to get into contact with him it was funny.

“I am contacting you because our queen wished to send a summons to ‘the shiny man who is Simon’s friend.’ That is a quote. She adds that she supports you and she is a fan of much ‘yaoi manga.’ I have no idea what that means, and I never wish to know.

“Alec is brave, and he’s good, and he’s loyal, and like all Lightwoods he has cheekbones you could use to slice salami.


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review 2018-05-28 16:32
really struggled with this one!
Bound (A Magnus Blackwell Novel #2) - Alexandrea Weis,Lucas Astor
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book. This is book two in the Magnus Blackwell series, and you really SHOULD read book one, Damned, first. It's not totally necessary to read Blackwell (0.5) but I would recommend you do, it just gives you a better understanding of Blackwell and the sort of person he used to be. I loved Bound, gave it 5 stars, but here?? Really struggled. I had to keep putting this down, and reading a bit of something else in between, and then coming back to it. And I have no idea why! Something is holding New Orleans in its grip, something evil. It has also taken Lexi's power and it has shifted to Blackwell. The key to finding out who and what is doing these things lies deep in Blackwell's past and Lexi has a difficult decision to make. I have no idea, not a single flipping clue WHY I struggled with this one, I really don't. It's told from both Lexi and Blackwell's point of view, so we get them both, dealing with whomever is doing this evil to New Orleans. I just ...ARGH!!!...cannot find the words! So, I'm just gonna leave this as is, it didn't work for me, but someone else will love. Oh! We find out who that bloody cat is, although the name given to the cat is used for the being that appears out of the cane, and I got a little bit fuddled on that one! Will I read the next one?? I dunno, possibly. 3 stars **same worded review will appear elsewhere**


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