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photo 2017-07-31 01:29
The Devil's Star - Jo Nesbo,Jo Nesbo
Hector and the Search for Happiness - François Lelord
The Leopard: A Harry Hole thriller (Oslo Sequence 6) - Don Bartlett,Jo Nesbo
NOS4R2 by Joe Hill (6-Nov-2014) Paperback - Joe Hill
How to Catch a Star (10th Anniversary edition) - Oliver Jeffers
Die Trying - Lee Child
The Wrong Side of Goodbye - Michael Connelly
By Lemony Snicket The Dark (Bccb Blue Ribbon Picture Book Awards (Awards)) (First Edition) - Lemony Snicket
Trigger Warning: Short Fictions and Disturbances - Neil Gaiman
Nemesis - Jo Nesbo
1st roll : ?8
2nd roll - Main street 14
Paradise Pier 30
Tomorrow land 36
Main Street 10
Cars Land 16
New Orleans 19
Monorail 29
Frontierland 2

Started on 15 April already. So I am a few days late. 

See details here. 




Rolled dice 1st on 17 April and got 8 .  Landed at Question 8 on the board. 

So a mystery novel. Started with Jo Nesbo "The Devil's Stars" 


Collected $20 at Start. 


See how it goes. 


Update: 24 April.  Finished reading The Devil's Star. 522 pages. Collected $5.


New Total = $25


2nd roll dice of 7.



Get me to Main Street 14. Read a book that involves oversea travel or has a suitcase on the cover. 


Hector and the Search for Happiness 192 pages. 


30 April 2017. Read the book. Collected $2. 


New Total = $27. 


3rd roll of dice. A 10. 


Landed me at Water Works. "Read a book with water on the cover, or where someone turns on the waterworks (i.e., cries) because of an emotional event." 




Rain is water. Picked "The Leopard" by Jo Nesbo. 740 pages. 


Finished the book on 4 May. Collected $5. 


4th Roll the dice on 4 May.: 8


Landed in Paradise 30 Suspense book over 555 pages.  


Picked NOS4R2 by Joe Hill. Supernatural suspense story 692 pages. 


New total: $32


Read the book on 9 May. Collected $5.


New total: $37


5th roll on 10 May: 6 


Get me to Tomorrow land 36 


Read a book with space in the cover. 


Picked How to Catch a Star by Oliver Jeffers. 32 pages. 


Read this book. Collected $1. Roll again. 


New Total: $38. 


6th roll 12: Landed Main street 10. 


Select Die Trying by Lee Child happened in small town USA. 557 pages. 



15 May. Finished Die Trying. Collect $5.


New total:$43


7th roll: 6

Land at Cars Land 16 


Picked Wrong Side of Goodbye by Michael Connelly, story happened in LA California. 400 pages. 


2 June: Finished the book. Add $5 


New total: $48


8th roll: 4


Landed in New Orleans 19 


Pick a children book as I don't usually read horror. The Dark by Lemony Snicker. 40 pages. 


New total: $49


3 June 

9th roll :8

Landed Adventureland 27

Picked Trigger Warning by Neil Gaiman 308 pages



13 June 

Read Trigger Warning and collect $3 

10th roll:11

New total$52


Landed Monorail 29

Have difficulty picking a book. Do not want to read Girl on a Train. Interpret that a book with car on the cover also fit. Pick "Nemesis" by Jo Nesbo 706 pages 


New total: $57


22 June 

Read "Nemesis". Collect $5.

11th roll:10

Landed Frontierland 2

Finished "Redbreast" by Jo Nesbo 636 pages


New total: $62


25 June 

12th roll 7

Landed in Fantasyland 9 
Fiinished The Unadultered Cat by Terry Pratchett 160 pages

Picked the Son Jo Nesbo 656 pages. $5


New total:$64


11 July 

13 roll 9 

Landed ?17

Finished  the Son Jo Nesbo 656 pages. $5 

New Total:$69



17 July 2017

Finished Headhunters by Jo Nesbo 384 pages. $3
roll 14:12
Landed Free Parking
Roll again. Got a 3. Odd number sent to WaterWork

Picked Blood on Snow 192 pages as there is enough water in snow.


New total $72


22 July 2017

Finished Blood on Snow by Jo Nesbo. $3
Roll 15: 7
Landed The Monorail

Travel by air. Picked Midnight Sun by Jo Nesbo 224 pages.


New Total $74


23 July 2017

Finished Midnight Sun. Picked up $3. 

Roll 16: 10

Landed in Frontierland 2
Maincharacter is a shooter.

Picked Stand by, Stand by and Zero Option by Chris Ryan 416+374= 790 pages.


New Total $77


30 July 2017
Finished Stand by Stand and Zero Option by. $5
Roll 17: 7
Landed Fantasyland 9
Picked The Land of Stories Worlds Collide 434 pages


New total $82






Started with $20

1st roll 17 April -8
Landed at ?8
Read "The Devil's Stars" by Jo Nesbo 522 pages.
Finished on 24 April and collected $5.
New total $25

2nd roll 24 April - 7
Landed on Main street 14.
Read "Hector and the Search for Happiness" 192 pages.
Finished 30 April. Collected $2.
New total $27

3rd roll 30 April - 10
Landed at Water Work.
Read "The Leopard" by Jo Nesbo 740 pages.
Finshed on 4 May. Collected $5.
New total $32

4th roll 4 May -8
Landed at Paradise 30.
Read "NOS4R2" by Jo Hill 692 pages.
Finished 9 May. Collected $5.
New Total $37

5th roll 10 May -6
Landed at Tomorrow Land 36.
Read "How to Catch a Star" by Oliver Jeffers. 32 pages.
Read it and collected "$1".
New total $38

6th roll 11 May - 12
Landed Main street 10.
Read "Die Trying" by Lee Child 557 pages.
Read on 14 May. Collected $5.
New total $43

7th roll 15 May -6
Landed at Cars Land 16.
Read "Wrong Side of Goodbye" by Michael Connelly 400 pages. $5
New total $48

8th roll 2 June - 4
Landed at New Orleans 19
Read "The Dark" by Lemony Snicker 40 pages. $1
New total $49

9th roll 3 June - 8
Landed Adventureland 27
Read "Trigger Warning" by Neil Gaiman 308 pages, $3
New total:$52

10th roll 13 June: 11
Landed Monorail 29
Read "Nemesis" by Jo Nesbo 706 pages Collect $5.
New total: $57

11th roll 22 June: 10
Landed Frontierland 2
Read "Redbreast" by Jo Nesbo 636 pages Collect $5.
New total: $62


12 roll 25 June:7
Landed Fantasyland 9
Finished Unadultered Cat 160 pages Collect $2

New Total 64


13 Roll 11 July: 9 

Landed ?17 

Finished The Son by Jo Nesbo  656 pages. $5

New Total:$69


14  roll 17 July: 12

Landed Free Parking 

Roll again. Got a 3. Odd number sent to WaterWork

Finished Headhunters by Jo Nesbo 384 pages. $3

New total $72


15 Roll 22 July 2017:7

Landed The Monorail

Finished Blood on Snow by Jo Nesbo. $3 

New Total $74



16 roll 23 July 2017:10

Landed in Frontierland 2 

Finished Midnight Sun. Picked up $3. 

New Total $77


17 roll 30 July 2017 :7

Landed Fantasyland 9

Finished Stand by Stand and Zero Option by. $5

New total $82

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photo 2017-04-02 09:04
办理澳洲ECU原版文凭Q/微963146376改埃迪斯科文大学雅思托福、埃迪斯科文大学高仿毕业证、埃迪斯科文大学学历认证、埃迪斯科文大学在读证明Edith Cowan University
The Apu Trilogy: 50th Anniversary Edition - Satyajit Ray

-------------【详情咨询:留学认证顾问Aaron Q/微963146376】-------------
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QQ:963146376 微信:963146376(添加请注明:留学)办理澳洲ECU原版文凭Q/微963146376改埃迪斯科文大学雅思托福、埃迪斯科文大学高仿毕业证、埃迪斯科文大学学历认证、埃迪斯科文大学在读证明Edith Cowan University
办理澳洲ECU原版文凭Q/微963146376改埃迪斯科文大学雅思托福、埃迪斯科文大学高仿毕业证、埃迪斯科文大学学历认证、埃迪斯科文大学在读证明Edith Cowan University
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photo 2014-02-08 01:22
The Exorcist - William Peter Blatty

Fascinating idea in this dialogue from The Exorcist, between Father Karras and Father Merrin: the idea of needing to love ourselves to accept that we could be loved by God. Self-esteem as a spiritual act. Daring to believe we could be lovable, loved, set apart. That's a dangerous, risky, frightening act of love. It brings the idea of fierceness and bravery to both love and spirituality.

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photo 2013-06-18 20:12
Spunk - Helen O'Reilly
Riddley Walker - Russell Hoban
Animal Farm Publisher: Signet Classics; 50th Anniversary edition - George Orwell
1984 - George Orwell
Herland - Charlotte Perkins Gilman
The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins
The Handmaid's Tale - Margaret Atwood
A Clockwork Orange - Stanley Kubrick
The Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet - Eleanor Cameron
The Hobbit - J.R.R. Tolkien,Alan Lee
Portrait of the Artist Hiding Double Chin

In the news today we see that Emma Watson, the gorgeous, gamine ingenue who first portrayed Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter films, will be cast in a post-apocalyptic female "Game of Thrones" type movie. I guess post-apocalyptic female dystopias are in the air! Good; Perhaps someday Spunk, a Fable, will be made into a movie, and won't that be fun!?


Okay, I'll admit it, I've played the game (in my mind of course); "who would I want to play the lead in the movie of my book?"


For the physical description of the character Pink, I imagined, not the singer who goes by that name, but the actress Lily Cole, who I consider a great beauty.


For Yuki-Kai, I imagined Paz de la Huerta, an altogether different type of beauty, but a beauty nonetheless.


I imagined Helen Mirren as the perfect Senga, but the other older women characters seemed too different to be embodied by any present-day stars. Of course, Buffy could only be played by someone like Kathy Bates, or even Kirstie Alley, a woman of substance. And who could play The Abbess? In a movie, the villain always has to cut the most striking figure-- and yesterday I read that Barbra Streisand, a most striking figure indeed, has been awarded an honorary degree--Yes; Doctor Barbra Streisand would be a most suitable Abbess!

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