Isaac Morris has been a leader of protests against the LGBTQ+ community with his family and church. At one protest a man comes up to him and challenges him to choose to be gay then go back to straight. He declines but, upon thinking about it and with his twin sister's nudging, he decides to make a documentary about choosing to become gay then choosing to go back to the straight lifestyle. His brother John thinks he should do to help John's son who John is afraid is going to choose the gay lifestyle. Isaac and Ruth, his twin, move to Seattle to set up the filming and the experiment. Isaac gets into trouble at a gay bar. He meets Colton there and asks Colton to help him navigate the gay lifestyle. While Colton helps him, both are attracted to each other but don't act on it. Colton has secrets in his past. Isaac has secrets in his present. Colton also invites Isaac to his gay-friendly church. Isaac goes and meets Pastor Mike, Colton's mentor and friend. Isaac hears a different interpretation of the scriptures he has used in the past to condemn the LGBTQ+ lifestyle. He stops and thinks about it. What will Isaac discover? Will the documentary come out? Will Isaac's ideas on the gay community change?
This was an intense read but so good! I liked how the scriptures are used and the different interpretations given within the book. Some good points are made. Both sides of the debate are represented.
I liked Isaac and Colton. They are good together. They move slowly into a relationship. When the documentary blows up everything, I could feel the pain of both men. I liked that Isaac decided to go ahead with the documentary. I also liked he had the support of Ruth. I liked that they also reached out to siblings who left their church and family. I liked Abby, his older sister. She had wise words for him. I was glad he listened.
I highly recommend this book. It is worth your while to read it.