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Search tags: better-than-ereaders
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url 2017-07-29 16:33
Why Do the Songs from Your Past Evoke Such Vivid Memories?

Don't forget to deregister and donate old iPods and ereaders to nursing homes, memory care centers and Music and Memory (https://musicandmemory.org ).

Source: www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-athletes-way/201312/why-do-the-songs-your-past-evoke-such-vivid-memories
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url 2017-07-24 16:37
It's the time of year for back to school purchases of new music players and ereaders ... please don't forget to donate the old to nursing homes and Music & Memory

Hey!  Imagine having to condense your library of books into what you could take to a nursing homes (or memory care facility), having to now use large text, depending on others to transport you to and from library (if even able to do that)  ... donate those old eereaders that will borrow/return library books electronically and allow text enlargement (they should come with a menu option to reset to factory defaults or "deregister"; if trouble finding on kindles, you can also do it from manage your account screens).


Music players are wanted as well.  


Have you heard of the "Music and Memory" program?  It's based on science that proves memory of music stays active in synapses and often improves memory when stimulated (https://musicandmemory.org/about/brain-music-connection/ plus Psychology today on why music helps Alzheimer's https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-athletes-way/201312/why-do-the-songs-your-past-evoke-such-vivid-memories  ).  Lots of stories and videos on their site -- Henry's story will get you every time.  Plus nursing homes (memory care) seldom are good about providing access to individualized music tastes.  They do want apple products like iPods, shuffles, nanos, and apple/iTunes gift cards.  You can also email them the egift voucher iTunes codes from coinstar machines if you're hanging on to too much change ...


Source: musicandmemory.org/donate-my-ipod
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text 2015-02-01 18:59
Another eReader?!

I'd been thinking about this for a while. I have a Kobo Glo (which is one of the most popular eReaders in the Netherlands) for almost a year now and it has been a great experience, even though it has not been without problems. They have not been completely solved since every time I add new books on to it, it first removes all books on them (and thus all notes/progress I made) and then places them back on there. So, every time, all books are 'new'. The Helpdesk hasn't really been helpful as they kept saying I should remove illegal ebooks, even though I told them -multiple times- that it were legal ebooks (from Netgalley) that were being deleted. They also tried to guilt-trip me for not buying books in their store. All this aside, I'm very happy with my Kobo and was in no way trying to replace it.


But, there are certain advantages to having a Kindle (and I was just curious about it as well, as so many people here have a Kindle). So, to celebrate the end of my exams I decided to gift myself (a very late Christmas present) the new Kindle Paperwhite.

It's slightly larger than my Kobo (but the screens are both 6 inch) and a bit thinner. I can't really compare them yet, but will do a post in a few months... I've already ordered a sleep cover similar to the one for my Kobo for my Kindle.


Left my new Kindle Paperwhite, right my Kobo Glo in its sleep cover.


You should know that Amazon is trying to become big in the Netherlands but isn't really growing yet (at least not among my Dutch friends). I was a bit surprised to see how they handle the Dutch translation for the already meagre instructions.



That first paragraph on the right isn't Dutch at all. I believe it's Norwegian. Sloppy work, Amazon!

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url 2014-12-27 22:04
E-book Deals | Holiday Edition


Are you looking for a way to spend your holiday money? Then you should check out these amazing e-books deals.




Source: 4evercrazyforya.blogspot.com/2014/12/e-book-deals-holiday-edition.html
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text 2014-12-14 04:04
Why I Love My Kindle...

Currently listening: Princess by Magna Carta :)

A few months ago, if you had asked me about whether I wanted a Kindle or how I felt about ereaders, I would've went on a very long tirade. Like so many others, I was so totally wrong. You see, I was worried that I would be contributing to the "print is dead" idea and making matters worse, because though I adore my Kindladoodle (my nickname for it) nothing will replace physical books in my heart. If I suddenly stopped collecting physical books, I would be wasting my beautiful bookshelves! I'll always swap books and collect them (and bookmarks too!) I love the designs and dustjackets and the smell of paper and ink, especially old book smells. Now with my Kindle, I'll be more selective about what print books I get, saving my shelves for special books. I've only had mine for a few weeks now, and I've already warmed up to the major benefits. 1. Kindle books are so so much cheaper-in fact, I bought a novel yesterday for 99 cents. You don't have to pay for shipping and a lot of older titles are free, because they're out of copyright. Most of the stuff on my wishlists range from 99 cents to the most (upcoming) expensive Kindle books (books on my pre-order I NEED list) at 10.99 and 11.99.

I love that they have so many pretty case options for Kindles too--I got mine on Etsy.
A Kindle can hold a quite a few books, and it's weirdly exhilarating to have so many books I want so cheap and easily accessible and to be able to carry so many books with me wherever I go. I've been reading it everywhere. At breakfast, in the car...on the toilet...OK maybe not!

I think it's probably the best decision I've ever made. I've found *whispers* several sites for uhm....well, a black market for Kindle books...

I also am a member of Scribd (7.99 a month for unlimited reading AND audiobooks), which I love, it's like Netflix for ebooks, and has lots and lots of titles to rent. I did try Kindle Unlimited, but I found their selection weak and full of naked airbrushed people self-published erotica. I like good erotica after a bubblebath as much as the next person *wink* but I decided after looking at all three options selections: Scribd, Oyster and Kindle Unlimited that Scribd was better fitting of my reading tastes, and they're always adding new books, which is assuring, as there's still so many books I wanna rent. I've come to the conclusion that I shouldn't have to buy every book I want to read, especially when quite a few times I've been let down by a novel.

Well, that's my two cents. If you're considering an ereader, I want to steer you away from the latest e-ink reader, Kindle Voyage. I made that mistake before I switched it for my Kindle Fire. Not only is it in colour, but you can also take pictures on it, Skype, and apps for renting systems like openlibrary.org, Scribd and Oyster are only available on Kindle fire and tablets and NOT available at all on regular Kindles. Kindle Fire also has an audiojack to listen to audiobooks with, which is a plus. Kindle Voyage is ok for general reading, but it's so small, and compared to the Kindle Fire...it seems underwhelming after all the build up for it (I'll be using the Voyage for vacations, I think) I generally only use my Fire for random surfing  (looking up a picture of a castle mentioned in a book, or something of that sort), reading and Skype text messaging and taking random pictures, as I have no interest in playing games or watching movies on it, but it's perfect really.

If I could meet up with my past anti-Kindle self, I'd say "What are you thinking?"

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