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Search tags: intense-sexual-scenes
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review 2018-05-27 13:45
In the Absence of Light
In The Absence Of Light - Adrienne Wilder

Morgan may be autistic, but he is a normal man with a mental condition, not a mental condition who is a man.”


Good heavens. Once again Adrienne Wilder has blown me away with her intense and passionate relationships. This one...just wow. The sex scenes in this are quite possibly the best I’ve read. Unique, intense and just absolutely beautiful. And don’t get me started on the eye contact between Morgan and Grant. I absolutely cannot wait to read this again.


A six star read on the couple and their relationship no doubt. The humor and heart in this is so well crafted that you can’t help but love every minute they are on page together. This one fell short with the FBI and Grant’s business dealings. It was really too much and pulled me away from the parts I really wanted. Bummer on that front...but hey...this couple is soooo worth it.

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review 2018-04-23 14:18
Rocky Mountain Refuge
Rocky Mountain Refuge - Nicky James

Once again Nicky James tackles a very serious mental condition and does so with such thoughtfulness, such care and with love.


Not everything in life is easy, you know. It’s the people who risk facing the hard stuff and the scary stuff every day who come out stronger in the end.


And while this is a quote from the book, this could certainly apply to the author as well.  She does not shy away from difficult stories.  From stories of loss, mental health and death.  She tackles these head on and with such love. And it is these stories which grab hold of your heart and soul and that ultimately become some of the most memorable reads for me.  


This is one of those stories.  The ability to get into the head of our sweet Huxley could not have been easy to write but my heavens...I felt it all.  Every fear, every doubt.  And to not only write about this character's condition but to develop an equally complex character in Aspen whose patience, love and understanding leads this character home could not have been easy.  And where they ultimately found home was just perfection.


This is quite a long book and one that builds quite beautifully.  Trust is not something that comes easily and therefore it takes time.  


Not all people are out to get you, Huxley. Some people just want to be nice. 


How do you build trust with someone who doubts your every move? Who reads things into statements differently and has fears you cannot begin to understand?  


That definitely takes patience and time.


This book is that exploration. It is that journey of trust which is told here.  And while your heart breaks, you understand the journey is not an easy one. Mental health is not easy.  You cannot simply take a pill and make things better.  Mental health affects the person and those around them in such a special way.  And living with this falls on both parties. 


Trust. Love. Understanding. Patience.


I cannot recommend this book and others by Nicky James enough.  Open your heart to some feels you will not soon forget.




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