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review 2020-11-30 22:55

Salkantay Trek is a passionate team of travel specialists who boast a reputation for delivering premium travel experiences to places like Salkantay Mountain, the Inca Trail, Choquequirao, Huchuy Qosqo, the Lares Trek, and Rainbow Mountain.

We know every individual is unique, which is why our travel specialists take the time to understand what kind of adventure you are looking to experience to ensure we deliver you the trip of a lifetime.

We keep our tours small and environmentally conscious to ensure a high quality of service and experience.

Our motto is: "Small Groups & Big Adventures."


Salkantay Trek


Source: www.salkantaytrekking.com
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text 2019-11-30 22:52
24 Festive Tasks: Door 7 - International Day for Tolerance: Task 4

I've been lucky enough to have been able to visit a fair number of World Heritage Sites already -- I don't explicitly go out to "collect" visits to them, but whenever I'm traveling and one of these sites is in the vicinity, I'll at least try to include it in my plans.


Of the places I have not visited yet, two are at the very top of my list: Lillelara's pick, Agkor (Wat), and ... Machu Picchu.  And however much I might be interested in pretty much any other place in the world, if it comes down to "one -- and one only", as you might have guessed from my post about that long-ago trip to Mexico and Guatemala, anything "Precolumbian civilizations" will virtually always win the day.  Especially if it's the capital of one of the most legendary and powerful Precolumbian empires (that of the Incas), is acutely in danger of vanishing forever if its protection is not jacked up something sharpish, and has got this sort of breathtaking a location ... I mean, just look at it!


From the UNESCO website:

"Machu Picchu stands 2,430 m above sea-level, in the middle of a tropical mountain forest, in an extraordinarily beautiful setting. It was probably the most amazing urban creation of the Inca Empire at its height; its giant walls, terraces and ramps seem as if they have been cut naturally in the continuous rock escarpments. The natural setting, on the eastern slopes of the Andes, encompasses the upper Amazon basin with its rich diversity of flora and fauna.


Embedded within a dramatic landscape at the meeting point between the Peruvian Andes and the Amazon Basin, the Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu is among the greatest artistic, architectural and land use achievements anywhere and the most significant tangible legacy of the Inca civilization. Recognized for outstanding cultural and natural values, the mixed World Heritage property covers 32,592 hectares of mountain slopes, peaks and valleys surrounding its heart, the spectacular archaeological monument of “La Ciudadela” (the Citadel) at more than 2,400 meters above sea level. Built in the fifteenth century Machu Picchu was abandoned when the Inca Empire was conquered by the Spaniards in the sixteenth century. It was not until 1911 that the archaeological complex was made known to the outside world.


The approximately 200 structures making up this outstanding religious, ceremonial, astronomical and agricultural centre are set on a steep ridge, crisscrossed by stone terraces. Following a rigorous plan the city is divided into a lower and upper part, separating the farming from residential areas, with a large square between the two. To this day, many of Machu Picchu’s mysteries remain unresolved, including the exact role it may have played in the Incas’ sophisticated understanding of astronomy and domestication of wild plant species.


The massive yet refined architecture of Machu Picchu blends exceptionally well with the stunning natural environment, with which it is intricately linked. Numerous subsidiary centres, an extensive road and trail system, irrigation canals and agricultural terraces bear witness to longstanding, often on-going human use. The rugged topography making some areas difficult to access has resulted in a mosaic of used areas and diverse natural habitats. The Eastern slopes of the tropical Andes with its enormous gradient from high altitude “Puna” grasslands and Polylepis thickets to montane cloud forests all the way down towards the tropical lowland forests are known to harbour a rich biodiversity and high endemism of global significance. Despite its small size the property contributes to conserving a very rich habitat and species diversity with remarkable endemic and relict flora and fauna.





Tourism itself represents a double-edged sword by providing economic benefits but also by resulting in major cultural and ecological impacts. The strongly increasing number of visitors to the Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu must be matched by an adequate management regulating access, diversifying the offer and efforts to fully understand and minimize impacts. A larger appropriate and increasing share of the significant tourism revenues could be re-invested in planning and management. The planning and organization of transportation and infrastructure construction, as well as the sanitary and safety conditions for both tourists and new residents attracted by tourism requires the creation of high quality and new long-term solutions, and is a significant ongoing concern.


Since the time of inscription consistent concerns have been expressed about ecosystem degradation through logging, firewood and commercial plant collection, poor waste management, poaching, agricultural encroachment in the absence of clear land tenure arrangements, introduced species and water pollution from both urban waste and agro-chemicals in the Urubamba River, in addition from pressures derived from broader development in the region. It is important to remember that the overall risks are aggravated by the location in a high altitude with extreme topography and weather conditions and thus susceptibility to natural disasters. Continuous efforts are needed to comply with protected areas and other legislation and plans and prevent further degradation. There is also great potential for restoring degraded areas."


All images in this post from the UNESCO website:
(c) Silvan Rehfeld, Geoff Steven, and Ko Hon Chiu Vincent


(Task: If you were offered an all-expenses-paid trip to one (one only!) of UNESCO’s World Heritage Sites, which one would you pick (and why)?)



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text 2019-07-05 11:04
Find The Best Travel Company To Make Bookings For Your Vacations

You may all know the fact that travelling is not as easy as you think. There are many problems that you can face while traveling or making a plan for it. First of all, people should always find the best travel agent in order to get started. It is important to choose the best tour package which is one of the daunting tasks. If you want to spend your vacations at your favorite destination then you need to make your bookings carefully. Always pay proper attention while finding the best travel company because there are many options available to choose from.


Some people are looking for the Inca Trail Trekking Company so they should do research accordingly. They can also ask their friends or relatives to get recommendations. With the help of this, they can narrow down the search options easily. It also helps them to find the best travel company without wasting their valuable time.


Do research online

If you are still confused that how to find the best travel company then you don’t need to face various issues. All you need to do is to take help from internet and look for the best travel company carefully. You should read all about Peru by Locals and other travel companies to make a final choice. It is good to check the experience of the different travel companies in the same field. You should always choose the company that has a good experience because it will help you to avail best services and facilities. There are many other details that you should read about the company before making your bookings for the vacations.


Consider your budget

Well, there are many travel companies that are offering the different types of tour packages. In order to choose a tour package, you need to consider your budget. It is good to make a plan for the vacations after considering the budget. It will help you to get numerous advantages such as time and money saving. You don’t need to expand your budget or face other issues while choosing the right tour package for vacations. You can check the deals or discounts that have been offered by various travel agencies as like Peru by Locals. In this way, you can find a cheaper deal that will help you to enjoy your vacations at your favorite destination without spending more.


Other tips to consider

In order to find the best travel agent or company, you should take every step after paying equal attention to some crucial factors. You shouldn’t make your final decision only on the basis of the price of the tour packages because there are many other things that should be considered. You should check out the customer service, feedbacks of the past customers etc. You can enjoy the Alternative Routes To Machu Picchu if it is included in your tour package. It is good to check the different facilities and services related to the package before selecting it.


Original Source: https://perubylocalstravelposts.tumblr.com/post/186068015431/find-the-best-travel-company-to-make-bookings-for

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review 2017-08-31 19:34
Rezension | Die goldene Stadt von Sabrina Janesch
Die goldene Stadt - Sabrina Janesch Die goldene Stadt - Sabrina Janesch



Augusto R. Berns hat schon seit seiner Kindheit einen Traum vor Augen den er mit viel Zielstrebigkeit und Mut verfolgt. Er möchte Entdecker werden und das Geheimnis um die verschwundene Inka Stadt El Dorado lüften. Sein Weg führt ihn mit seinen zwanzig Jahren aus Deutschland mitten nach Peru. Durch Zufall wird er zu einem Helden des Spanisch-Südamerikanischen Krieges, nach einer dramatischen Schlacht wird Berns geehrt und findet schließlich eine Anstellung als Ingenieur bei der Eisenbahn.


Der Gedanke an die goldene Inka Stadt lässt Augusto Berns jedoch nicht los. Als er schließlich mit dem Amerikaner Harry Singer zusammen trifft, hat Berns endlich einen Kameraden gefunden mit dem das Abenteuer im Dschungel bestanden werden kann.


Meine Meinung


Sabrina Janesch hat mit ihrem historischen Roman „Die goldene Stadt“ einen verheißungsvollen Abenteuerroman der Extraklasse vorgelegt.


Mit hervorragend recherchierten historischen Hintergrund, legt die Schriftstellerin eine mitreisende Geschichte über die Entdeckung der von den Inkas im 15. Jahrhundert erbauten Ruinenstadt Machu Picchu dar. Im Mittelpunkt steht Augusto R. Berns, der nach neusten Erkenntnissen noch vor Hiram Bingham die geheimnisumwobene Inkastadt wiederentdeckt haben soll.


Durch Sabrina Janeschs bildhaften Erzählstil ensteht nach kürzester Zeit ein lebendiges Bild von Augusto R. Berns und seinem abenteuerlichen Leben vor dem Auge des Lesers. Der zielstrebige und träumerische Hauptprotagonist imponiert mit seinem starken Willen und reist einen durch seine tiefgehende Leidenschaft zu Peru und den Inkas mit.


"Ein Held ist einer, der Glück hat. Der sich mit den richtigen Menschen zu umgeben weiß. Auch wenn Sie das vielleicht nicht glauben – aber ein Held steht niemals allein."  (Seite 13)


Gemeinsam mit Augusto R. Berns lernt man das Kaleidoskop des Dschungels, seine Gefahren, Herausforderungen und verborgene Schätze kennen und fühlt sich dabei selbst als Entdecker. Jede Seite birgt eine ordentliche Portion Spannung und Exotik in sich. Voller Fantasie und dennoch natürlich sowie lebensnah hat Sabrina Janesch eine mögliche Biographie über Augusto Berns ersonnen, die mitreisender kaum sein könnte. Fiktion fügt sich hierbei nahtlos in die historisch belegten Details (welche am Ende des Romans aufgezeigt werden).


"Mit der Zeit begriff Rudolph, dass das Richtige zugleich das Falsche sein konnte, es kam nur auf die Perspektive an." (Seite 124)


Ich möchte noch einmal auf den Erzählstil der Autorin zurückkommen, denn dieser ist durch seine Vogelperspektive im ersten Augenblick etwas ungewohnt, doch je mehr man liest, desto besser hat mir diese Erzählweise gefallen – sie scheint einfach zu Berns zu passen und macht für mich auch einen guten Teil des starken Charakters des Hauptprotagonisten aus. Augusto R. Berns ist ein mitreisender und historisch belegter Hauptprotagonist der einen nicht mehr los lässt, so sehr brennt seine Leidenschaft für Peru und El Dorado.


"[…] Do-ra-do, ein Wort, oder drei? Do-Ra-Do, Do-Ra-Do, ein Wort das wieder anfing, kaum dass eszu Ende gegangen war, ein Zauber der aus sich selber hervorging, sich auslöschte und zugleich neu erschuf." (Seite 136)


„Die goldene Stadt“ von Sabrina Janesch hat mich nicht nur gut unterhalten, sondern mir auch die einzigartige Kultur Perus näher gebracht. Dieser historische Abenteuerroman gehört schon jetzt zu meinen absoluten Jahres-Highlights! Also unbedingt lesen ;)




Ein imposanter und bildgewaltiger Abenteuerroman der zum träumen und mitfiebern einlädt.

Source: www.bellaswonderworld.de/rezensionen/rezension-die-goldene-stadt-von-sabrina-janesch
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text 2014-07-23 17:16
Bookaday - Background
Turn Right at Machu Picchu: Rediscovering the Lost City One Step at a Time - Mark Adams
The Twelfth Transforming - Pauline Gedge
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